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orabot edited this page Nov 17, 2019 · 9 revisions

This documentation is aimed at modders. It displays a template for weapon definitions as well as its contained types (warheads and projectiles) with default values and developer commentary. Please do not edit it directly, but add new [Desc("String")] tags to the source code. This file has been automatically generated for version release-20191117 of OpenRA.



Property Default Value Type Description
Image litning String
BrightSequence bright String
DimSequence dim String
Palette effect String
BrightZaps 1 Integer
DimZaps 2 Integer
Duration 2 Integer
DamageDuration 1 Integer
TrackTarget True Boolean



Property Default Value Type Description
Speed 0c128 Collection of 1D World Distance Projectile speed in WDist / tick, two values indicate a randomly picked velocity per beam.
Duration 10 Integer The maximum duration (in ticks) of each beam burst.
DamageInterval 3 Integer The number of ticks between the beam causing warhead impacts in its area of effect.
Width 0c512 1D World Distance The width of the beam.
Shape Cylindrical BeamRenderableShape The shape of the beam. Accepts values Cylindrical or Flat.
BeyondTargetRange 0c0 1D World Distance How far beyond the target the projectile keeps on travelling.
Falloff 100, 100 Collection of Integer Damage modifier applied at each range step.
Range 0c0, 2097151c1023 Collection of 1D World Distance Ranges at which each Falloff step is defined.
Inaccuracy 0c0 1D World Distance Maximum offset at the maximum range.
Blockable False Boolean Can this projectile be blocked when hitting actors with an IBlocksProjectiles trait.
TrackTarget False Boolean Does the beam follow the target.
RenderBeam True Boolean Should the beam be visually rendered? False = Beam is invisible.
ZOffset 0 Integer Equivalent to sequence ZOffset. Controls Z sorting.
Color FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) Color of the beam.
UsePlayerColor False Boolean Beam color is the player's color.


Property Default Value Type Description
Speed 0c17 Collection of 1D World Distance Projectile speed in WDist / tick, two values indicate variable velocity.
Inaccuracy 0c0 1D World Distance Maximum offset at the maximum range.
Image String Image to display.
Sequences idle Collection of String Loop a randomly chosen sequence of Image from this list while this projectile is moving.
Palette effect String The palette used to draw this projectile.
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Palette is a player palette BaseName
Shadow False Boolean Does this projectile have a shadow?
ShadowPalette shadow String Palette to use for this projectile's shadow if Shadow is true.
TrailImage String Trail animation.
TrailSequences idle Collection of String Loop a randomly chosen sequence of TrailImage from this list while this projectile is moving.
TrailInterval 2 Integer Interval in ticks between each spawned Trail animation.
TrailDelay 1 Integer Delay in ticks until trail animation is spawned.
TrailPalette effect String Palette used to render the trail sequence.
TrailUsePlayerPalette False Boolean Use the Player Palette to render the trail sequence.
Blockable True Boolean Is this blocked by actors with BlocksProjectiles trait.
Width 0c1 1D World Distance Width of projectile (used for finding blocking actors).
LaunchAngle 0 Collection of 1D World Angle Arc in WAngles, two values indicate variable arc.
BounceCount 0 Integer Up to how many times does this bullet bounce when touching ground without hitting a target. 0 implies exploding on contact with the originally targeted position.
BounceRangeModifier 60 Integer Modify distance of each bounce by this percentage of previous distance.
ValidBounceBlockerStances Enemy, Neutral Stance If projectile touches an actor with one of these stances during or after the first bounce, trigger explosion.
AirburstAltitude 0c0 1D World Distance Altitude above terrain below which to explode. Zero effectively deactivates airburst.
ContrailLength 0 Integer
ContrailZOffset 2047 Integer
ContrailColor FFFFFF Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation)
ContrailUsePlayerColor False Boolean
ContrailDelay 1 Integer
ContrailWidth 0c64 1D World Distance


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String
Sequences idle Collection of String Loop a randomly chosen sequence of Image from this list while falling.
OpenSequence String Sequence to play when launched. Skipped if null or empty.
Palette effect String The palette used to draw this projectile.
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Palette is a player palette BaseName
Shadow False Boolean
ShadowPalette shadow String
Velocity 0,0,0 3D World Vector Projectile movement vector per tick (forward, right, up), use negative values for opposite directions.
Acceleration 0,0,-15 3D World Vector Value added to Velocity every tick.


Simple, invisible, usually direct-on-target projectile.

Property Default Value Type Description
Inaccuracy 0c0 1D World Distance Maximum offset at the maximum range.
Blockable False Boolean Projectile can be blocked.
Width 0c1 1D World Distance The width of the projectile.
BlockerScanRadius -0c1 1D World Distance Scan radius for actors with projectile-blocking trait. If set to a negative value (default), it will automatically scale to the blocker with the largest health shape. Only set custom values if you know what you're doing.


Not a sprite, but an engine effect.

Property Default Value Type Description
Width 0c86 1D World Distance The width of the zap.
Shape Cylindrical BeamRenderableShape The shape of the beam. Accepts values Cylindrical or Flat.
ZOffset 0 Integer Equivalent to sequence ZOffset. Controls Z sorting.
Duration 10 Integer The maximum duration (in ticks) of the beam's existence.
DamageDuration 1 Integer Total time-frame in ticks that the beam deals damage every DamageInterval.
DamageInterval 1 Integer The number of ticks between the beam causing warhead impacts in its area of effect.
UsePlayerColor False Boolean
Color FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) Color of the beam.
TrackTarget True Boolean Beam follows the target.
Inaccuracy 0c0 1D World Distance Maximum offset at the maximum range.
Blockable False Boolean Beam can be blocked.
SecondaryBeam False Boolean Draw a second beam (for 'glow' effect).
SecondaryBeamWidth 0c86 1D World Distance The width of the zap.
SecondaryBeamShape Cylindrical BeamRenderableShape The shape of the beam. Accepts values Cylindrical or Flat.
SecondaryBeamZOffset 0 Integer Equivalent to sequence ZOffset. Controls Z sorting.
SecondaryBeamUsePlayerColor False Boolean
SecondaryBeamColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) Color of the secondary beam.
HitAnim String Impact animation.
HitAnimSequence idle String Sequence of impact animation to use.
HitAnimPalette effect String
LaunchEffectImage String Image containing launch effect sequence.
LaunchEffectSequence String Launch effect sequence to play.
LaunchEffectPalette effect String Palette to use for launch effect.


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String Name of the image containing the projectile sequence.
Sequences idle Collection of String Loop a randomly chosen sequence of Image from this list while this projectile is moving.
Palette effect String Palette used to render the projectile sequence.
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Palette is a player palette BaseName
Shadow False Boolean Should the projectile's shadow be rendered?
MinimumLaunchAngle 960 1D World Angle Minimum vertical launch angle (pitch).
MaximumLaunchAngle 128 1D World Angle Maximum vertical launch angle (pitch).
MinimumLaunchSpeed -0c1 1D World Distance Minimum launch speed in WDist / tick. Defaults to Speed if -1.
MaximumLaunchSpeed -0c1 1D World Distance Maximum launch speed in WDist / tick. Defaults to Speed if -1.
Speed 0c384 1D World Distance Maximum projectile speed in WDist / tick
Acceleration 0c5 1D World Distance Projectile acceleration when propulsion activated.
Arm 0 Integer How many ticks before this missile is armed and can explode.
Blockable True Boolean Is the missile blocked by actors with BlocksProjectiles: trait.
TerrainHeightAware False Boolean Is the missile aware of terrain height levels. Only needed for mods with real, non-visual height levels.
Width 0c1 1D World Distance Width of projectile (used for finding blocking actors).
Inaccuracy 0c0 1D World Distance Maximum inaccuracy offset at the maximum range
LockOnInaccuracy -0c1 1D World Distance Inaccuracy override when sucessfully locked onto target. Defaults to Inaccuracy if negative.
LockOnProbability 100 Integer Probability of locking onto and following target.
HorizontalRateOfTurn 5 Integer Horizontal rate of turn.
VerticalRateOfTurn 6 Integer Vertical rate of turn.
Gravity 10 Integer Gravity applied while in free fall.
RangeLimit 0c0 1D World Distance Run out of fuel after covering this distance. Zero for defaulting to weapon range. Negative for unlimited fuel.
ExplodeWhenEmpty True Boolean Explode when running out of fuel.
AirburstAltitude 0c0 1D World Distance Altitude above terrain below which to explode. Zero effectively deactivates airburst.
CruiseAltitude 0c512 1D World Distance Cruise altitude. Zero means no cruise altitude used.
HomingActivationDelay 0 Integer Activate homing mechanism after this many ticks.
TrailImage String Image that contains the trail animation.
TrailSequences idle Collection of String Loop a randomly chosen sequence of TrailImage from this list while this projectile is moving.
TrailPalette effect String Palette used to render the trail sequence.
TrailUsePlayerPalette False Boolean Use the Player Palette to render the trail sequence.
TrailInterval 2 Integer Interval in ticks between spawning trail animation.
TrailWhenDeactivated False Boolean Should trail animation be spawned when the propulsion is not activated.
ContrailLength 0 Integer
ContrailZOffset 2047 Integer
ContrailWidth 0c64 1D World Distance
ContrailColor FFFFFF Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation)
ContrailUsePlayerColor False Boolean
ContrailDelay 1 Integer
Jammable True Boolean Should missile targeting be thrown off by nearby actors with JamsMissiles.
JammedDiversionRange 20 Integer Range of facings by which jammed missiles can stray from current path.
BoundToTerrainType String Explodes when leaving the following terrain type, e.g., Water for torpedoes.
AllowSnapping False Boolean Allow the missile to snap to the target, meaning jumping to the target immediately when the missile enters the radius of the current speed around the target.
CloseEnough 0c298 1D World Distance Explodes when inside this proximity radius to target. Note: If this value is lower than the missile speed, this check might not trigger fast enough, causing the missile to fly past the target.


Laser effect with helix coiling around.

Property Default Value Type Description
DamageActorsInLine False Boolean Damage all units hit by the beam instead of just the target?
Inaccuracy 0c0 1D World Distance Maximum offset at the maximum range.
Blockable False Boolean Can this projectile be blocked when hitting actors with an IBlocksProjectiles trait.
Duration 15 Integer Duration of the beam and helix
ZOffset 0 Integer Equivalent to sequence ZOffset. Controls Z sorting.
BeamWidth 0c86 1D World Distance The width of the main trajectory. ("beam").
BeamShape Cylindrical BeamRenderableShape The shape of the beam. Accepts values Cylindrical or Flat.
BeamColor FFFFFF80 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) Beam color in (A),R,G,B.
BeamPlayerColor False Boolean When true, this will override BeamColor parameter and draw the laser with player color. (Still uses BeamColor's alpha information)
BeamAlphaDeltaPerTick -8 Integer Beam alpha gets + this value per tick during drawing; hence negative value makes it fade over time.
HelixThickness 0c32 1D World Distance Thickness of the helix
HelixRadius 0c64 1D World Distance The radius of the spiral effect. (WDist)
HelixPitch 0c512 1D World Distance Height of one complete helix turn, measured parallel to the axis of the helix (WDist)
HelixRadiusDeltaPerTick 8 Integer Helix radius gets + this value per tick during drawing
HelixAlphaDeltaPerTick -8 Integer Helix alpha gets + this value per tick during drawing; hence negative value makes it fade over time.
HelixAngleDeltaPerTick 16 1D World Angle Helix spins by this much over time each tick.
QuantizationCount 16 Integer Draw each cycle of helix with this many quantization steps
HelixColor FFFFFF80 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) Helix color in (A),R,G,B.
HelixPlayerColor False Boolean Draw helix in PlayerColor? Overrides RGB part of the HelixColor. (Still uses HelixColor's alpha information)
HitAnim String Impact animation.
HitAnimSequence idle String Sequence of impact animation to use.
HitAnimPalette effect String



Interacts with the TemporaryOwnerManager trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
Duration 0 Integer Duration of the owner change (in ticks). Set to 0 to make it permanent.
Range 1c0 1D World Distance
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Explosions Collection of String List of explosion sequences that can be used.
Image explosion String Image containing explosion effect sequence.
ExplosionPalette effect String Palette to use for explosion effect.
UsePlayerPalette False Boolean Remap explosion effect to player color, if art supports it.
ForceDisplayAtGroundLevel False Boolean Display explosion effect at ground level, regardless of explosion altitude.
ImpactSounds Collection of String List of sounds that can be played on impact.
ImpactSoundChance 100 Integer Chance of impact sound to play.
AirThreshold 0c128 1D World Distance Consider explosion above this altitude an air explosion. If that's the case, this warhead will consider the explosion position to have the 'Air' TargetType (in addition to any nearby actor's TargetTypes).
ImpactActors True Boolean Whether to consider actors in determining whether the explosion should happen. If false, only terrain will be considered.
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Size 0, 0 Collection of Integer Size of the area. The resources are seeded within this area. Provide 2 values for a ring effect (outer/inner).
AddsResourceType String Will this splatter resources and which?
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Size 0, 0 Collection of Integer Size of the area. The resources are seeded within this area. Provide 2 values for a ring effect (outer/inner).
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Weapon String Has to be defined in weapons.yaml as well.
RandomClusterCount -1 Integer Number of weapons fired at random 'x' cells. Negative values will result in a number equal to 'x' footprint cells fired.
Dimensions 0,0 2D Cell Vector Size of the cluster footprint
Footprint String Cluster footprint. Cells marked as X will be attacked. Cells marked as x will be attacked randomly until RandomClusterCount is reached.
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Condition String The condition to apply. Must be included in the target actor's ExternalConditions list.
Duration 0 Integer Duration of the condition (in ticks). Set to 0 for a permanent condition.
Range 1c0 1D World Distance
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Spread 0c0 1D World Distance Damage will be applied to actors in this area. A value of zero means only targeted actor will be damaged.
Damage 0 Integer How much (raw) damage to deal.
DamageTypes Collection of DamageType Types of damage that this warhead causes. Leave empty for no damage types.
Versus Mapping of String to Integer Damage percentage versus each armortype.
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Size 0, 0 Collection of Integer Size of the area. A smudge will be created in each tile. Provide 2 values for a ring effect (outer/inner).
SmudgeType Set of String Type of smudge to apply to terrain.
AirThreshold 0c128 1D World Distance How close to ground must the impact happen to spawn smudges.
Chance 100 Integer Percentual chance the smudge is created.
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Spread 0c43 1D World Distance Range between falloff steps.
Falloff 100, 37, 14, 5, 0 Collection of Integer Damage percentage at each range step
Range Collection of 1D World Distance Ranges at which each Falloff step is defined. Overrides Spread.
Damage 0 Integer How much (raw) damage to deal.
DamageTypes Collection of DamageType Types of damage that this warhead causes. Leave empty for no damage types.
Versus Mapping of String to Integer Damage percentage versus each armortype.
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Spread 0c0 1D World Distance Damage will be applied to actors in this area. A value of zero means only targeted actor will be damaged.
Damage 0 Integer How much (raw) damage to deal.
DamageTypes Collection of DamageType Types of damage that this warhead causes. Leave empty for no damage types.
Versus Mapping of String to Integer Damage percentage versus each armortype.
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.



Interacts with the BuildableTerrainLayer trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
Damage 0 Integer How much damage to deal.
ValidTargets Ground, Water Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are affected.
InvalidTargets Collection of TargetableType What types of targets are unaffected. Overrules ValidTargets.
ValidStances Enemy, Neutral, Ally Stance What diplomatic stances are affected.
AffectsParent False Boolean Can this warhead affect the actor that fired it.
Delay 0 Integer Delay in ticks before applying the warhead effect. 0 = instant (old model).
DebugOverlayColor FF0000 Color (RRGGBB[AA] notation) The color used for this warhead's visualization in the world's `WarheadDebugOverlay` trait.

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