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Branches and Releases

Ygor Amorim edited this page Sep 14, 2022 · 1 revision

The official repository is It has two or three branches:

  • bleed: This is the main development branch from which the next release (and playtest preceeding it) will be based. Patches should be written against this branch.
  • prep-YYMM: This is the stabilization branch used for preparing new releases. Playtests and releases will be tagged on this branch. If there is currently no stabilization happening, this branch might not exist.
  • master (obsolete): Points to the most recent public release. Tags from the releases page should be preferred.

See the Development Process documentation for instructions.

Our current release cycle is as follows:

  • Several times per year, we make a new public release.

  • In preparation for each release, /bleed will be branched off into a prep-YYMM branch, onto which a feature freeze is imposed to stabilize the release.

  • At several points during this stabilization phase, starting when first creating the prep branch, playtests will be tagged for testing from a wider audience. When a playtest or release get tagged on the prep branch, next or master will be updated respectively.

For quality assurance follow the Playtest or Release Checklist.

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