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Playtest or Release Checklist

Matthias Mailรคnder edited this page Oct 21, 2013 · 42 revisions
  • Have the patches been reviewed?

    • The default should be "no merge"; justify why your patches are worth including, which is more than just "no nits".
    • Each patch should have been tested by its author, on at least the platform they run. If the patch is fixing something platform-specific on some other platform, it must have been tested there, otherwise you're just making stuff up.
    • Check for interactions between features. Many of these have been wrong, at least historically -- build/sell sell/capture etc.
    • Check for copypasta with simian and/or eyeballs.
  • Does it build?

    • Check on both Windows and Mac/Linux.
    • There should be no warnings.
    • RALint should be clean, or at least no worse than at the previous tag.
  • Does it work?

    • Everything should work, in all mods that will be included -- at least no worse than the previous tag.
    • Yes, this step sucks to verify.
  • Has the CHANGELOG been updated?

  • If there are master server changes [or any other infrastructure changes], have those been deployed first?

    • All infrastructure changes MUST be backwards-compatible; there are various old client versions still in use, which you must not break.
  • If that's all good:

    • Assuming you aliased the upstream repository with openra git fetch openra then git checkout bleed && git reset --hard openra/bleed (warning this overwrites your own bleed branch). Check for compilation errors and do some test games.
    • Tag the commit you intend to release. git checkout openra/bleed && git tag playtest/release-yyyymmdd
    • Push the tag to OpenRA/OpenRA, and advance either the next or master branch as appropriate for the release type. git push openra playtest-yyyymmdd bleed:next or git push openra release-yyyymmdd next:master
    • Login to the build server, and deploy it with ssh-add && ssh -A to forward your authentication to the web-server later on, too. Then cd openra-package/ and ./ playtest/release-yyyymmdd. Wait, you are mostly done now.

Download the package and head over to Publish on Desura. Create a new MCF file from a clean OpenRA installation, upload it and submit it for approval. See the Notes For Publishing On Desura if problems arise.

If it's a playtest

  • Post a changelog somewhere ModDB/Forums (optional, but nice so that testers know what to check for and to signalize to the internet community that the project is still alive)

If it's a release:

Players ๐ŸŽฒ

Modders โœ๏ธ

Developers ๐Ÿ”ง

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