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3. Project Assignment

Abbey Jackson edited this page Jun 10, 2017 · 5 revisions

General Guidelines

We will do everything we can to make sure a project is staffed appropriately. Our goal is to balance the expected mentorship needs. While we do have to work with what we have, in general we will try to have only one lower level Hatchling per Mentor/Developer/Upper Level Hatchling

Additionally we will do our best to staff projects with different sets of Mentors, Developers, and Hatchlings so that everyone is exposed to different people and different ways of thinking -- this is the best way to learn! However exceptions to this rule will be made if a Hatchling is struggling and seems to connect well with one specific Mentor.

Project Announcements

New Projects will be announced in the #general channel or in the platform channels. At this time Mentors, Developers, and Hatchlings may express their interest and we will try our best to staff the project with those that explicitly expressed interest.

You have the right to say no to a project. These are requests, not assignments. Additionally if you start a project and are not happy please contact staff and work with us to find a replacement for you.

Volunteer-Suggested Project

If a volunteer suggests a project which we later develop they will have the choice to be staffed on it. If the volunteer is at Lead Mentor level they will be the Lead Mentor on the project if they so desire except in extenuating circumstances. This would be on a case by case basis and would be discussed in advance with the volunteer that suggested the project. We will never steal your idea and exclude you. If you make a suggestion for a project and we end up using it you will always have the choice to be involved, we just can not guarantee you will be the Lead Mentor. We would discuss this with you and come to a decision before the project started and so if you were not happy with not being Lead Mentor you could take the project back and we would not go forward with it.