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XML: xmllint

LCD 47 edited this page Jun 12, 2016 · 6 revisions

This file is no longer maintained

This file exists only as a historic reference. Documentation for syntastic checkers is now included in the manual, please see :help syntastic-checkers in Vim.

Maintainer: Sebastian Kusnier

xmllint is a checker and transformer tool for XML files, distributed with the libxml package. See the tool's manual for more information.


You can use a local installation of DTDs to significantly speed up validation and allow you to validate XML data without network access, see the xmlcatalog manual and the catalog documentation for more information.

For an example of a DTD catalog see f.i. XMLCatalog. In order to use it with syntastic you have to clone it to a local directory, and point the environment variable XML_CATALOG_FILES to the file catalog.xml in the said directory:


Otherwise XML catalogs located in /etc/xml/catalog are used by default.

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