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620 lines (451 loc) · 25.4 KB

File metadata and controls

620 lines (451 loc) · 25.4 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
ArchiveFile POST /v1/files/{fileId}:archive Archive a file
BulkFileUpdate PATCH /v1/files Updates list of files with metadata
CompleteFileUpload POST /v1/files/{fileId}:completeUpload Complete a file Upload
CopyFiles POST /v1/files/copy Copy list of files
CreateFile POST /v1/files Create a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload
DeleteFile DELETE /v1/files/{fileId} Permanently delete a file
GetFile GET /v1/files/{fileId} Get details about a file, including a pre-signed URL for download
ListFiles GET /v1/files Get a list of files
ListVolumeFiles POST /v1/files/list Get a list of volume files
UnarchiveFile POST /v1/files/{fileId}:unarchive Unarchive a file
UpdateFile PATCH /v1/files/{fileId} Update a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload


FileResponse ArchiveFile(file_id, body)

Archive a file

Archives a file to a lower storage cost tier.



# Archive a file
# prepare function argument(s)
var_file_id <- "file_id_example" # character | Unique identifier for the file to be archived.
var_body <- FileArchiveRequest$new("storageTier_example") # FileArchiveRequest | 

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
file_id character Unique identifier for the file to be archived.
body FileArchiveRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
401 Unauthorized. -
404 File not found. -
403 Forbidden. -
409 Conflict. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


BulkFileUpdateResponse BulkFileUpdate(body = var.body)

Updates list of files with metadata

Updates list of files with metadata



# Updates list of files with metadata
# prepare function argument(s)
var_body <- BulkFileUpdateRequest$new(c(BulkFileUpdateItem$new("id_example", 123, "format_example", "formatEdam_example", FileLifeCycleSettings$new("timeGracePeriodEnds_example", "timeToBeArchived_example", "timeToBeDeleted_example", "archiveStorageTier_example"))), 123) # BulkFileUpdateRequest |  (Optional)

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
body BulkFileUpdateRequest [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
202 Accepted -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


FileResponse CompleteFileUpload(file_id, body)

Complete a file Upload

Complete a file upload operation. If the file was uploaded using multipart uploads, combine all the multiple parts uploaded into one complete file.



# Complete a file Upload
# prepare function argument(s)
var_file_id <- "file_id_example" # character | Unique identifier for the file upload to be completed.
var_body <- FileUploadCompleteRequest$new("multipartUploadId_example", c(PartEtag$new(123, "etag_example"))) # FileUploadCompleteRequest | 

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
file_id character Unique identifier for the file upload to be completed.
body FileUploadCompleteRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
401 Unauthorized. -
404 File not found. -
403 Forbidden. -
409 Conflict. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


JobResponse CopyFiles(body)

Copy list of files

Copies a list of files enumerated by file Ids to a destination folder



# Copy list of files
# prepare function argument(s)
var_body <- FileListCopyRequest$new("sourceVolumeId_example", "destinationFolderId_example", c("ids_example"), c("metadataToCopy_example"), "duplicateFileAction_example") # FileListCopyRequest | 

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
body FileListCopyRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
409 Conflict -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


FileWriteableResponse CreateFile(body, include = var.include, upload_part_count = var.upload_part_count)

Create a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload

Create a file entry in GDS. Returns temporary credentials and presigned url(s) for file upload directly to S3 when the include=objectStoreAccess parameter is used. Volume ID or volume name is required for file creation. If a folder path is provided and does not exist, GDS creates the folder path in the appropriate account automatically.



# Create a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload
# prepare function argument(s)
var_body <- CreateFileRequest$new("name_example", "volumeId_example", "folderPath_example", "type_example", "volumeName_example", "format_example", "formatEdam_example", 123) # CreateFileRequest | 
var_include <- "include_example" # character | Optionally include additional fields in the response.              Possible values: ObjectStoreAccess (Optional)
var_upload_part_count <- 56 # integer | Optional number of parts for the presigned url for uploads (1 - 10000) (Optional)

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
body CreateFileRequest
include character Optionally include additional fields in the response. Possible values: ObjectStoreAccess [optional]
upload_part_count integer Optional number of parts for the presigned url for uploads (1 - 10000) [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 Created new File. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
409 A conflict was found. Make sure the new File doesn't already exist. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -



Permanently delete a file

Permanently delete a file entry and its underlying content



# Permanently delete a file
# prepare function argument(s)
var_file_id <- "file_id_example" # character | Unique identifier for the file to delete.

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
file_id character Unique identifier for the file to delete.

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No Content. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
404 File not found. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


FileResponse GetFile(file_id, tenant_id = var.tenant_id, presigned_url_mode = var.presigned_url_mode, include_volume_metadata = var.include_volume_metadata, metadata_include = var.metadata_include, metadata_exclude = var.metadata_exclude, include = var.include)

Get details about a file, including a pre-signed URL for download

Get information and details for the specified file ID, including metadata and a pre-signed URL for file download. The URL can be used as a curl command or directly with S3.



# Get details about a file, including a pre-signed URL for download
# prepare function argument(s)
var_file_id <- "file_id_example" # character | Unique identifier for the file to retrieve.
var_tenant_id <- "tenant_id_example" # character | Optional parameter to see shared data in another tenant (Optional)
var_presigned_url_mode <- "presigned_url_mode_example" # character | Optional parameter to specify presigned url's content-disposition. If not specified, the browser will determine the default behavior.              Possible values: Attachment, Inline, Browser (Optional)
var_include_volume_metadata <- "include_volume_metadata_example" # character | Optional parameter to return volume's metadata (Optional)
var_metadata_include <- "metadata_include_example" # character | Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to include metadata by their field names. (Optional)
var_metadata_exclude <- "metadata_exclude_example" # character | Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to exclude metadata by their field names. (Optional)
var_include <- "include_example" # character | Optionally include additional fields in the response.              Possible values: ObjectStoreAccess (Optional)

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
file_id character Unique identifier for the file to retrieve.
tenant_id character Optional parameter to see shared data in another tenant [optional]
presigned_url_mode character Optional parameter to specify presigned url's content-disposition. If not specified, the browser will determine the default behavior. Possible values: Attachment, Inline, Browser [optional]
include_volume_metadata character Optional parameter to return volume's metadata [optional]
metadata_include character Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to include metadata by their field names. [optional]
metadata_exclude character Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to exclude metadata by their field names. [optional]
include character Optionally include additional fields in the response. Possible values: ObjectStoreAccess [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
404 File not found. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


FileListResponse ListFiles(volume_id = var.volume_id, volume_name = var.volume_name, path = var.path, is_uploaded = var.is_uploaded, archive_status = var.archive_status, recursive = var.recursive, presigned_url_mode = var.presigned_url_mode, include = var.include, page_size = var.page_size, page_token = var.page_token, tenant_id = var.tenant_id, metadata_include = var.metadata_include, metadata_exclude = var.metadata_exclude)

Get a list of files

Given a volumeId or volume name, get a list of files accessible by the JWT. The default sort returned is alphabetical, ascending. The default page size is 10 items



# Get a list of files
# prepare function argument(s)
var_volume_id <- "volume_id_example" # character | Optional field that specifies comma-separated volume IDs to include in the list (Optional)
var_volume_name <- "volume_name_example" # character | Optional field that specifies comma-separated volume names to include in the list (Optional)
var_path <- "path_example" # character | Optional field that specifies comma-separated paths to include in the list. Value can use wildcards (e.g. /a/b/c/*) or exact matches (e.g. /a/b/c/d/). (Optional)
var_is_uploaded <- "is_uploaded_example" # character | Optional field to filter by Uploaded files (Optional)
var_archive_status <- "archive_status_example" # character | Optional field that specifies comma-separated Archive Statuses to include in the list (Optional)
var_recursive <- "recursive_example" # character | Optional field to specify if files should be returned recursively in and under the specified paths, or only directly in the specified paths (Optional)
var_presigned_url_mode <- "presigned_url_mode_example" # character | Optional parameter to specify presigned url's content-disposition. If not specified, the browser will determine the default behavior.  Possible values: Attachment, Inline, Browser (Optional)
var_include <- "include_example" # character | Optionally include additional fields in the response. Multiple fields can be included by comma-separation.  Possible values: TotalItemCount, PresignedUrl, InheritedAcl (Optional)
var_page_size <- 56 # integer | START_DESC END_DESC (Optional)
var_page_token <- "page_token_example" # character | START_DESC END_DESC (Optional)
var_tenant_id <- "tenant_id_example" # character | Optional parameter to see shared data in another tenant (Optional)
var_metadata_include <- "metadata_include_example" # character | Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to include metadata by their field names. (Optional)
var_metadata_exclude <- "metadata_exclude_example" # character | Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to exclude metadata by their field names. (Optional)

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
volume_id character Optional field that specifies comma-separated volume IDs to include in the list [optional]
volume_name character Optional field that specifies comma-separated volume names to include in the list [optional]
path character Optional field that specifies comma-separated paths to include in the list. Value can use wildcards (e.g. /a/b/c/*) or exact matches (e.g. /a/b/c/d/). [optional]
is_uploaded character Optional field to filter by Uploaded files [optional]
archive_status character Optional field that specifies comma-separated Archive Statuses to include in the list [optional]
recursive character Optional field to specify if files should be returned recursively in and under the specified paths, or only directly in the specified paths [optional]
presigned_url_mode character Optional parameter to specify presigned url's content-disposition. If not specified, the browser will determine the default behavior. Possible values: Attachment, Inline, Browser [optional]
include character Optionally include additional fields in the response. Multiple fields can be included by comma-separation. Possible values: TotalItemCount, PresignedUrl, InheritedAcl [optional]
page_size integer START_DESC END_DESC [optional]
page_token character START_DESC END_DESC [optional]
tenant_id character Optional parameter to see shared data in another tenant [optional]
metadata_include character Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to include metadata by their field names. [optional]
metadata_exclude character Optional parameter to specify comma separated patterns to exclude metadata by their field names. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


VolumeFileListResponse ListVolumeFiles(body)

Get a list of volume files

Gets file list by volume ID and an array of file IDs. The default sort returned is alphabetical, ascending



# Get a list of volume files
# prepare function argument(s)
var_body <- VolumeFileListRequest$new("volumeId_example", c("fileIds_example"), "includePresignedUrl_example", "presignedUrlMode_example") # VolumeFileListRequest | 

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
body VolumeFileListRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


FileResponse UnarchiveFile(file_id, body)

Unarchive a file

Unarchive a file from a lower storage cost tier.



# Unarchive a file
# prepare function argument(s)
var_file_id <- "file_id_example" # character | Unique identifier for the file to be unarchived.
var_body <- FileUnarchiveRequest$new("restoreSpeed_example") # FileUnarchiveRequest | 

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
file_id character Unique identifier for the file to be unarchived.
body FileUnarchiveRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
202 Accepted. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
404 File not found. -
409 Conflict. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -


FileWriteableResponse UpdateFile(file_id, include = var.include, upload_part_count = var.upload_part_count, body = var.body)

Update a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload

Update a file entry in GDS. Returns temporary credentials and presigned url(s) for file upload directly to S3 when the include=objectStoreAccess parameter is used. Note that the currently supported changes to the file resource are updating the file type and the underlying content.



# Update a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload
# prepare function argument(s)
var_file_id <- "file_id_example" # character | Unique identifier for the file to be updated.
var_include <- "include_example" # character | Optionally include additional fields in the response.              Possible values: ObjectStoreAccess (Optional)
var_upload_part_count <- 56 # integer | Optional number of parts for the presigned url for uploads (1 - 10000) (Optional)
var_body <- UpdateFileRequest$new("type_example", "format_example", "formatEdam_example", FileLifeCycleSettings$new("timeGracePeriodEnds_example", "timeToBeArchived_example", "timeToBeDeleted_example", "archiveStorageTier_example"), 123) # UpdateFileRequest |  (Optional)

api_instance <- FilesApi$new()
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
api_instance$api_client$api_keys["Authorization"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")


Name Type Description Notes
file_id character Unique identifier for the file to be updated.
include character Optionally include additional fields in the response. Possible values: ObjectStoreAccess [optional]
upload_part_count integer Optional number of parts for the presigned url for uploads (1 - 10000) [optional]
body UpdateFileRequest [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success. -
400 Bad request. -
401 Unauthorized. -
403 Forbidden. -
404 File not found. -
0 Unexpected issue. Please try your request again. If problem persists, please contact the system administrator. -