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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

R API client for icar1




Setup Auth

token <- Sys.getenv("ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN")
headers <- c(
  "Accept" = "application/vnd.illumina.v3+json",
  "Authorization" = paste0("Bearer ", token)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
FilesApi ArchiveFile POST /v1/files/{fileId}:archive Archive a file
FilesApi BulkFileUpdate PATCH /v1/files Updates list of files with metadata
FilesApi CompleteFileUpload POST /v1/files/{fileId}:completeUpload Complete a file Upload
FilesApi CopyFiles POST /v1/files/copy Copy list of files
FilesApi CreateFile POST /v1/files Create a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload
FilesApi DeleteFile DELETE /v1/files/{fileId} Permanently delete a file
FilesApi GetFile GET /v1/files/{fileId} Get details about a file, including a pre-signed URL for download
FilesApi ListFiles GET /v1/files Get a list of files
FilesApi ListVolumeFiles POST /v1/files/list Get a list of volume files
FilesApi UnarchiveFile POST /v1/files/{fileId}:unarchive Unarchive a file
FilesApi UpdateFile PATCH /v1/files/{fileId} Update a file entry in GDS and get temporary credentials for upload
FoldersApi ArchiveFolder POST /v1/folders/{folderId}:archive Archive a folder
FoldersApi BulkFolderUpdate PATCH /v1/folders Updates list of folders with metadata
FoldersApi BulkMetadataFolderUpdate PATCH /v1/folders/bulkMetadataFolderUpdate Updates list of folders with metadata
FoldersApi CompleteFolderSession POST /v1/folders/{folderId}/sessions/{sessionId}:complete Complete a folder upload in GDS
FoldersApi CopyFolder POST /v1/folders/{folderId}:copy Copy a folder
FoldersApi CreateFolder POST /v1/folders Create a folder in GDS and receive credentials for upload
FoldersApi CreateFolderSession POST /v1/folders/{folderId}/sessions Create a session
FoldersApi DeleteFolder DELETE /v1/folders/{folderId} Deletes a folder by id
FoldersApi GetFolder GET /v1/folders/{folderId} Get information about a folder in GDS.
FoldersApi GetFolderJob GET /v1/folders/{folderId}/jobs/{jobId} Get status of a folder job in GDS
FoldersApi GetFolderSession GET /v1/folders/{folderId}/sessions/{sessionId} Get status of a folder upload in GDS
FoldersApi ListFolders GET /v1/folders Get a list of folders
FoldersApi UnarchiveFolder POST /v1/folders/{folderId}:unarchive Unarchive a folder
FoldersApi UpdateFolder PATCH /v1/folders/{folderId} Update a folder content or acl
JobsApi AbortJob POST /v1/jobs/{jobId}:abort Abort a job in GDS.
JobsApi GetJob GET /v1/jobs/{jobId} Get information about a job in GDS.
JobsApi ListJobs GET /v1/jobs Get a list of jobs for a given folder
SubscriptionsApi CreateSubscription POST /v1/subscriptions Creates a subscription to an event type and defines how those events get delivered.
SubscriptionsApi DisableSubscription DELETE /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Given a subscription id, disables the specified subscription.
SubscriptionsApi GetSubscription GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Given a subscription id, returns information about that subscription.
SubscriptionsApi ListSubscriptions GET /v1/subscriptions Get a list of subscriptions.
TaskRunsApi AbortTaskRun PUT /v1/tasks/runs/{runId}:abort Abort a task run
TaskRunsApi CreateTaskRun POST /v1/tasks/runs Create and launch a task run
TaskRunsApi GetTaskRun GET /v1/tasks/runs/{runId} Get the status of a task run
TaskRunsApi HeartbeatTaskRun POST /v1/tasks/runs/{runId}:heartbeat Heartbeat for a task run
TaskRunsApi ListTaskRuns GET /v1/tasks/runs Get a list of task runs
TaskVersionsApi CreateTaskVersion POST /v1/tasks/{taskId}/versions Create a task version
TaskVersionsApi GetTaskVersion GET /v1/tasks/{taskId}/versions/{versionId} Get the details of a task version
TaskVersionsApi LaunchTaskRun POST /v1/tasks/{taskId}/versions/{versionId}:launch Launch a task version
TaskVersionsApi ListTaskVersions GET /v1/tasks/{taskId}/versions Get a list of versions
TaskVersionsApi UpdateTaskVersion PATCH /v1/tasks/{taskId}/versions/{versionId} Update task version properties
TasksApi CreateTask POST /v1/tasks Create a Task
TasksApi GetTask GET /v1/tasks/{taskId} Get the details of a Task
TasksApi ListTasks GET /v1/tasks Get a list of tasks
TasksApi UpdateTask PATCH /v1/tasks/{taskId} Update an existing task.
VolumeConfigurationsApi CreateVolumeConfiguration POST /v1/volumeconfigurations Create a volume configuration in GDS.
VolumeConfigurationsApi DeleteVolumeConfiguration DELETE /v1/volumeconfigurations/{volumeConfigurationName} Deletes a volume configuration by Id or name
VolumeConfigurationsApi GetVolumeConfiguration GET /v1/volumeconfigurations/{volumeConfigurationName} Get information for the specified volume configuration name or Id
VolumeConfigurationsApi ListVolumeConfigurations GET /v1/volumeconfigurations Get a list of volumes
VolumeConfigurationsApi ValidateVolumeConfiguration POST /v1/volumeconfigurations/{volumeConfigurationName}:validate Validate a volume configuration
VolumesApi CreateVolume POST /v1/volumes Create a volume in GDS and receive temporary credentials for upload
VolumesApi DeleteVolume DELETE /v1/volumes/{volumeId} Deletes a volume by Id
VolumesApi GetVolume GET /v1/volumes/{volumeId} Get information for the specified volume ID or volume name
VolumesApi ListVolumes GET /v1/volumes Get a list of volumes
VolumesApi UpdateVolume PATCH /v1/volumes/{volumeId} Update a volume content
WorkflowRunsApi AbortWorkflowRun PUT /v1/workflows/runs/{runId}:abort Abort a workflow run
WorkflowRunsApi GetWorkflowRun GET /v1/workflows/runs/{runId} Get the details of a workflow run
WorkflowRunsApi ListWorkflowRunHistory GET /v1/workflows/runs/{runId}/history Get a list of workflow run history events
WorkflowRunsApi ListWorkflowRuns GET /v1/workflows/runs Get a list of workflow runs
WorkflowSignalsApi FailSignal PATCH /v1/workflows/signals/{signalId}:fail Fail a workflow signal
WorkflowSignalsApi GetSignal GET /v1/workflows/signals/{signalId} Get the details of a workflow signal
WorkflowSignalsApi ListSignals GET /v1/workflows/signals Get a list of workflow signals
WorkflowSignalsApi SucceedSignal PATCH /v1/workflows/signals/{signalId}:succeed Succeed a workflow signal
WorkflowVersionsApi CreateWorkflowVersion POST /v1/workflows/{workflowId}/versions Create a new workflow version
WorkflowVersionsApi GetWorkflowVersion GET /v1/workflows/{workflowId}/versions/{versionName} Get the details of a workflow version
WorkflowVersionsApi LaunchWorkflowVersion POST /v1/workflows/{workflowId}/versions/{versionName}:launch Launch a workflow version
WorkflowVersionsApi ListAllWorkflowVersions GET /v1/workflows/versions Get a list of all workflow versions
WorkflowVersionsApi ListWorkflowVersions GET /v1/workflows/{workflowId}/versions Get a list of workflow versions
WorkflowVersionsApi UpdateWorkflowVersion PATCH /v1/workflows/{workflowId}/versions/{versionName} Update an existing workflow version
WorkflowsApi CreateWorkflow POST /v1/workflows Create a workflow
WorkflowsApi GetWorkflow GET /v1/workflows/{workflowId} Get the details of a workflow
WorkflowsApi ListWorkflows GET /v1/workflows Get a list of workflows
WorkflowsApi UpdateWorkflow PATCH /v1/workflows/{workflowId} Update an existing workflow

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


🚕 R Package client for ICAv1



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