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Trevor DeVore edited this page Feb 22, 2019 · 26 revisions



The app.yml file is a YAML text file where you specify the configuration settings for your application. This file sits alongside the standalone.livecode and app.livecodescript stack files in your app folder.

The levure.livecodescript (stack name LevureFramework) framework uses the settings in app.yml when loading your application into the LiveCode IDE as well as when packaging your application for distribution.

In the app.yml file you can specify UI stacks, libraries, helpers, backscripts, and frontscripts to be loaded from any location on your computer, even the LiveCode User Extensions folder.

When your application is packaged into distribution builds, app.yml specifies the necessary resources that need to be brought together to build the final application.


  1. Make sure you use 2 spaces for each indentation level in the YAML file. Do not use tabs.

  2. You enter the value for a setting by typing one space after the colon and then the setting value. Normally you will not use quotes around your settings values.

    name: My Application
    version: 1.0.0
  3. You can add comments using the hash mark (#) either at the front or end of a line. You can add also add blank lines. Make sure there are no spaces at the front of the blank lines.

    # app.yml
    # This is a comment.
    name: My Application # This is another comment
    version: 1.0.0
  4. In some cases there is a category and a list of settings. List members are denoted by a leading hyphen.

      - folder: ./helpers
      - filename: "[[FRAMEWORK]]/helpers/preferences"
  5. Although you will normally not use quotes around your settings values, the exception is when you use the [[FRAMEWORK]] or [[USER EXTENSIONS]] variables. You see this in the helpers example above.

    The [[FRAMEWORK]] variable references the folder where the levureFramework.livecodescript file is located.

    The [[USER EXTENSIONS]] variable references the LiveCode User Extensions folder returned by the LiveCode function revEnvironmentCustomizationPath().

Levure settings

Here is the list of settings that Levure looks for in the app.yml file. You will use a text editor to enter your settings values.

You can also add your own custom settings to the app.yml file. Any settings you add will be available via the levureAppGet() function.





You set name to the name of your application.

name: My Application

The name setting is optional. You might use it to define a name you will use in your application's About section (retrieving it with levureAppGet). You might also think of it as a title or heading for the app.yml.

The name setting is not used in packaging your application builds. It does not override or replace any of the LiveCode IDE Standalone Application Settings.


You set version to the version number of your application. The version format is x[.x[.x]]

version: 1.0.0


You set build to the build number of your application.

Learn more about version and build information.

build: 5

encrypt stacks

You set encrypt stacks to random, password, or leave it empty.

encrypt stacks: random

The random setting will use uuid() to change password every time you package your application. If you set encrypt stacks to password, then you will need to create an .env file alongside the app.yml file with PASSWORD=YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE in it. If you are using version control, don't commit the .env file to your repository.

multiple instances / relaunch in background (Windows only)

Set multiple instances to true if you want your application to support multiple instances when it is relaunched. If multiple instances is false and you don't want the defaultStack to come forward when the user relaunches the application then set relaunch in background to true.

When the relaunch message is sent to the standalone and processed by the framework, a RelaunchApplication message will be dispatched to the app stack. If your application requires any special logic for bringing windows forward then it should be handled here. If any command line parameters are passed to relaunch then the ProcessCommandLineParameters message will be dispatched to the app stack as well.

creator code

If you have a creator code for your application registered with Apple, set it here. Otherwise leave it blank.

creator code:

application data folder

In the application data folder section you set your user and shared application data storage locations.

preferences filename

In the preferences filename section you set your user and shared preferences file names.

build folder

You set build folder to the path to your distribution builds folder relative to your app folder. The default is ../builds, which puts the folder next to your app and levure folders in your application project folder.

build folder: ../builds

Custom settings

The settings defined in the app.yml file can be expanded beyond those listed above. For example, Helpers that you include with your application may use the app.yml file to store configuration information. You can also add properties specific to your application to the app.yml file. You can access the properties by using the levureAppGet(pProp) function.

The settings key and its subkeys are specifically reserved for your app settings. Levure and Levure helpers will not use this key or any of its subkeys.

Note that if you try to access a property using levureAppGet() and that property is not defined in the app.yml file then an error will be thrown. Use levureAppHasProperty() to verify that a property is defined.

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