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Creating an Application

Trevor DeVore edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 13 revisions

You create a new application by using the Levure project creator, with or without Git.

  1. Create a new folder for your application project.

  2. In the LiveCode development environment, enter this command in the Message Box:

    go stack url ""

    The application project creator stack will download and open in LiveCode.

  3. In the project creator stack, if you are managing your application project with Git then check the Use Git box. If you are not using Git then leave Use Git unchecked.

  4. Click the Create Levure Application button and select the folder you created in step 1.

Three folders will be created in your application project folder: app, builds, and levure. Your project folder now looks like this:

  • 📂 your_application_project_folder
    • 📁 app
    • 📁 builds
    • 📁 levure


Watch a screencast showing how to create an application.

Your app folder

Your app folder is where you develop your application. The project creator provides you with an application skeleton to use as a starting point.

The builds folder

The builds folder is where Levure puts your application distribution builds.

The levure folder

The levure folder holds the Levure framework and framework helpers.

If you checked the Use Git checkbox

If you checked the Use Git checkbox then the project creator automatically performed some additional actions:

  1. A new Git repository was created in your application project folder.

  2. The levure folder was added as a Git submodule for easy updating.

  3. A .gitignore file was added to the application project folder.

NEXT: Loading an Application in the LiveCode IDE

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