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Gankro edited this page Aug 15, 2012 · 2 revisions

Deploying a Jterniabound instance is a fairly simple process. There are two ways to deploy:

Developer friendly: Just download this file: and unzip it to the directory you want. Navigating to the directory in the browser will give you a page with an instance running in developer mode. In this mode all the javascript files are in their raw format, available to be modified freely to suit needs. Ideally, though, this won't be necessary. If your deployment is simple enough, everything should be able to be developed in SBURBML. Sample files can be found in the levels directory of the deployment.

Publisher friendly: perform the steps in the developer friendly mode, and when you're ready, run to get a new zip file ( to be unzipped to your deployment directory. All the javascript files have been minified and concatenated in this new version, and the default instance is not running in developer mode any more.

Note that running an instance locally may lead to sandboxing issues. In Chrome, you will need to launch with the -allow-file-access-from-files flag. In Firefox it will launch normally.