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tanakahisateru edited this page Jan 25, 2012 · 3 revisions

Pinoco has a bit nifty feature which called "Auto local variable".

I regular case when you want to share some context between each scripts, you should use this of Pinoco instance as web request context. In this way, to reference variable, typing $this or this/ every time is annoying work. You will assign often used variables to another variable in script local scope.

$db_connection = $this->db_connection;

Auto-local variable reduce the time to assign a property of this to another local variable. It's easy to use: only substitute a value to property of $this->autolocal collection. Do once so, continuing script and page starts with already existing these variables.


$this->autolocal->context = "World";


// Autolocal variables are automatically expanded to local scope.
// Equival code:  $context = $this->autolocal->context;

$this->autolocal->message = $context;
// Auto local variable is passed to view.


<p>Hello ${message}.</p>

context(defined in _app/hooks/_enter.php) is used in _app/hooks/index.html.php like as local variable. And message(defined in _app/hooks/index.html.php) is used in

Note: in the same script where you assign to $this->autolocal only, the local variable is still not available. If you want to use it immediately, you should give some name explicitly. Automatically expansion only works at the begging of each scripts.