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tanakahisateru edited this page Oct 7, 2011 · 3 revisions

When we want to share design assets commonly on creating a website, we would get the problem "URL reference to other pages or CSS link are different each other between pages in different hierarchy". Learn how to adjust your URL dynamically using Pinoco.

Pinoco has a feature which fixes URL in situation.

Create you project as 04.resolveurl and put 3 documents:

  • index.html
  • sub/index.html
  • sub/sibling.html

Make link each with all another:


<h1>Site Root /</h1>
<p><a href="sub/index.html">Link to sub/</a></p>
<p><a href="sub/sibling.html">Link to sub/sibling.html</a></p>


<h1>Sub /sub/index.html</h1>
<p><a href="../index.html">Link to site root</a></p>
<p><a href="sibling.html">Link to sibling.html</a></p>


<h1>Sibling of sub /sub/sibling.html</h1>
<p><a href="../index.html">Link to site root</a></p>
<p><a href="index.html">Link to sub/index.html</a></p>

As you know, they are not the same description to point the same contents in different hierarchy. If they are included as shared library, you should do something much. If so, you might specify base URLs every time.

Should we let URL be absolute?

No, though an absolute URL let the same description be the same semantic, but you can't preview them under local file system while authoring. And more, your website can't be portable to replace to another hierarchy or other host. (e.g. From sub-path of internal test server to root of production server.)

Resolve all of these problems with Pinoco.

Rewrite sub/index.html as:

<h1>Sub /sub/index.html</h1>
<p><a href="../index.html" tal:attributes="href url:/">Link to site root</a></p>
<p><a href="sibling.html">Link to sibling.html</a></p>

I added a new attribute tal:attributes="href url:/" to the first tag. Then, this href attribute will be replaced with the path which points your private website's root path. String trailing with url: is "the path from root of your contents".

Look into by your web browser. If you place your website under http://localhost/04.resolveurl/, it would be:

<p><a href="/04.resolveurl/">Link to site root</a></p>

In the other hand, under http://localhost/foo/bar/ it would be:

<p><a href="/foo/bar/">Link to site root</a></p>

Now, you can split a part of sub/index.html to _taglib.html (directly placed under htdocs).


<p metal:define-macro="to_site_root">
<a href="index.html" tal:attributes="href url:/">Link to site root</a>


<h1>Sub /sub/index.html</h1>
<p metal:use-macro="_taglib.html/to_site_root">Link to site root</p>
<p><a href="sibling.html">Link to sibling.html</a></p>

Successfully we can let a hyperlink be macro.

Because the htdocs of Pinoco is in a search path PHPTAL, every page can refer it by only writing _taglib.html. Of course you can point this macro with relative path from current file like ../_taglib.html.

Change others to use it.


<h1>Sibling of sub /sub/sibling.html</h1>
<p metal:use-macro="_taglib.html/to_site_root">Link to site root</p>
<p><a href="index.html">Link to sub/index.html</a></p>


<h1>Site Root /</h1>
<p metal:use-macro="_taglib.html/to_site_root">Link to site root</p>
<p><a href="sub/index.html">Link to sub/</a></p>
<p><a href="sub/sibling.html">Link to sub/sibling.html</a></p>

Result of index.html that is placed at different hierarchy from sub/index.html is:

<h1>Site Root /</h1>
<p><a href="/04.resolveurl/">Link to site root</a></p>

The same description can be correct path even if they are different base path.

Link to sub/index.html is to be url:/sub/, and to sub/sibling.html is url:/sub/sibling.html. You can just rewrite all of hyperlinks in this 3 pages and test on web server how they are.

In Advance

URL modifier url: supports not only absolute path from website root but also relative path from current base path. And more, it retains URL parameters. And you can use this modifier also outside tal:attibutes.

<h1>Site Root /</h1>
<p><a href="sub/index.html" tal:attributes="href url:/sub/">Link to sub/</a></p>
<p><a href="sub/index.html" tal:attributes="href url:sub/">Link to sub/</a></p>
<p><a href="sub/index.html" tal:attributes="href url:/sub/index.html?foo=1&bar=2">Link to sub/index.html with parameres</a></p>
<p>URL for sub contents is ${url:/sub/}.</p>

If the target path is in variable, you can use PHPTAL's variable expression (know as tales). Whole of text below url: is treated as sting: part in PHPTAL.

$this->path_to_sub = "/sub/";
<p><a href="sub/index.html" tal:attributes="href url:${this/relpath_to_sub}">Link to sub/</a></p>

URL resolution can be completed in hook script. Pinoco has url() method to do the same effect as url: modifier. It's needless to decorate so much.

$this->url_for_sub = $this->url("/sub/");
<p><a href="sub/index.html" tal:attributes="href this/url_for_sub">Link to sub/</a></p>