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GSoC 2017 Application Björn Dahlgren: Improved code generation facilities

Björn Dahlgren edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

Improved code-generation facilities

About me

Name Björn Dahlgren
University KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Program PhD-student, project: Modelling interfacial radiation chemistry
Github profile
Time-zone UTC+01:00
Phone Will be provided


I am a PhD student in my final year. I have a MSc in Chemical Science and Engineering which included courses in numerical methods and scientific programming. I am proficient with Python/C/C++/Fortran and have a general interest in scientific computing. My preferred development environment includes git and Emacs under Ubuntu (GNU/Linux).

Earlier contributions

I have been an active contributor to SymPy since about 3 years with 35 pull-requestes (of which 25 have been merged) for SymPy (e.g. a C++ code printer), a handful for sympy_benchmarks, one for SymEngine and a few for the Python wrappers of SymEngine. I'm also the author of two open-source python libraries with a general audience which use SymPy as their primary backend for solving initial value problems (IVPs) for systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE systems) and systems of nonlinear equations respectively:

  • pyodesys: Solving IVPs for systems of ODEs
  • pyneqsys: Solving (possibly overdetermined) noninear systems by optimization.

I have been using SymPy to do code-generation in various domain specific projects:

Time commitment

If accepted, I will have no other commitments, meaning that I will be avaiable 40 h/week during the program. Any shorter vaccation will, in addition to being coordinated with the mentor, be compensated in advance e.g. by working 50 h/week during 4 weeks leading up to 1 week of vaccation. I will hopefully spend one week at the SciPy 2017 conference, in which case I will help out teaching a tutorial on using SymPy's code-generation facilities, and participate in the code-sprints. Time spent at the conference will therefore go directly into the project.


The code-generation facilities in SymPy are already in active use in the research community. There are, however, still many exciting opportunities for further improvements. As a CAS, SymPy has access to far more information than a compiler processing typical source code in languages such C/C++/Fortran. SymPy uses arbitrary precision arithmetics which means that the size and precision of numbers represented are only limited by the amount of memory the computer has accesess too. However, operations with arbitrary precision are inherently slow, which is why high performance code relies on floating-point arithmetic (which has dedicated hardwarde in modern CPUs). Therefore, any code generation for a programming language which maps mathematical expressions to finite precision floating point instructions, would benefit greatly if that code-generation was made in such a way to minimize loss of significance, risk of under-/overflow etc.

The source code for this docuemnt, all the examples and some additional jupyter notebooks can be found at Note that there are also some unit tests for the classes and functions proposed here.

Improving sympy.codegen with more high-level abstractions

SymPy has facilities for generating code in other programming languages (with a focus on statically typed and compiled languages which offer considerable performance advantages compared to pure Python).

Current status

The current code-generation facilities are spread out over:

  • CodePrinter and its subclasses in the sympy.printing subpackage.
  • CodeGen and its related classes in sympy.utilities.codegen.
  • Types for abstract syntax tree (AST) generation in sympy.codegen.ast and related langauge specific types in sympy.codegen.cfunctions and sympy.codegen.ffunctions (for C-and Fortran-functions respectively).

Ideally the CodePrinter subclasses should only deal with expressing the AST types as valid code in their respective languages. Any manipulation of the AST—such as re-ordering or transformations from one node type to another—should preferably be performed by other classes prior to reaching the printers.

Currently the code printers in the language specific modules under sympy.printing are geared toward generating inline expressions, e.g.:

this works because C has a ternary operator, however, for Fortran earlier than Fortran 95 there is no ternary operator. The code printer base-class has a work-around implemented for this: when we give the keyword argument assign_to, then the code printer can generate an assignment statement instead of an expression, e.g.:

this in itself not a problem, but the way it is currently implemented, is by handling Piecewise as a special case in the printing of Assignment. This approach fails when we want to print nested statements (e.g. a loop with a conditional break).

Proposed improvements

In sympy.codegen.ast there are building blocks for representing an abstract syntax tree. This module should be extended by adding more node types.

There is an need to represent types of variables in the AST. There is also a need to express variable declarations (which would contain type information as well as the variable name). C in particular (and even Fortran when interfaced with C) also need to make the distinction between variables passed by value or reference (where the latter require a Pointer node class). SymPy could also introduce an abstract choice, e.g. real, which will get its precision determined at printing by a printer setting (cf. float, double & long double).

When the proposed types are in place (see e.g. from the supplementary material repo), we could introduce a new module: sympy.codegen.algorithms, containing common algorithms which are often rewritten today in every new project. Let us consider the Newton-Rhapson method as a case study (see

this and related algorithms could be of great value for users writing applied code. It is important to realize that users do not always control the signature of their implemented functions when those are implemented as callbacks for use with external libraries. Some arguments might be passed by reference, again we see the need for AST node types with rich type information (Pointer in this case):

In the final implementation we may want to declare a const k_ = *k at function entry for better brevity.

Currently the printers do not track what methods have been called. It would be useful if at least C-code printers kept a per instance set of headers and libraries used, e.g.:

this would allow users to subclass the printers with methods using functions from external libraries.

Better support for different types

The module sympy.utilities.codegen currently offers the most complete functionality to generate complete functions. Its design however does not lend itself to easy extension through subclassing, e.g. the CodeGen.routine method does not use the visitor pattern, instead it handles different types through if-statements which makes it hard to use with expressions containing user-defined classes. Also the CCodeGen class hard-codes (though in a method which may be overloaded) what headers to include. The notion of types in sympy.utilities.codegen is also somewhat confusing: e.g. there is no easy way to use the binary32 IEEE 754 floating point data type. The shortcoming in CodeGen stems from the fact that the printer have not provided the neccessary information (e.g. what headers have been used, what precision is targeted, etc.).

A popular feature of SymPy is common subexpresison elimination (CSE), currently the code printers are not catered to deal with these in an optimal way. Consider e.g.:

The codeprinters do not hanlde booleans properly, this should be improved so that codeblocks can be generated where cse variables have their type deteremined automatically:

when using C++11 as target language we may choose to declare CSE variables auto which leaves type-deduction to the compiler. Note that the assign_cse prototype addresses a large part of gh-11038. It may well be that we will let some AST nodes perform CSE automatically by default.

Finite precision arithmetics

Currently there is only rudimentary facilities to deal with precision in the codeprinters (the current implementation essentially only deals with the number of decimals printed for number constants). But even for number literals consistency is lacking (see e.g. gh-11803 where long double literals are used by default).

The new sympy.codegen.algorithms modeule should leave the decision of required precision to the user, revisiting the newton_raphson_algorithm example:

Note how our lowered precision affected what functions that got used (fabsf, powf, cosf & sinf), something the current printers cannot do. It should be noted that C++ already allows the user to write type-generic code, but still today not all platforms support C++, and for those platforms the convenience of generating code based on precision can greatly reduce the manual labor of rewriting the expressions.

When we generate different code depending on a printer-setting it is beneficial if that information is available to the nodes in the AST during printing. For example, the magnitude for the choice of atol inherently depends on the machine epsilon for the underlying data type. By introducing a special node type which reads settings, we can solve this in a quite elegant manner:

if you are worried about the pow(10, 1 - 15) call, don't be, let us look at the assembly generated by gcc 5.4.0:

running the above script:

which means that the generated assembly was identical (even with no optimizations turned on).

Arbitrary precision

Today boost offer classes to work with multiprecision numbers in C++. A new C++ code printer class for working with these classes should be provided (boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_50 etc.). Currently the code printers in SymPy assumes that the user is mainly interested in floating point arithmetics. Consider e.g.:

if m == 1 the above expression will be rounded to zero, a boost printer could have a setting enabling printing of Rational as cpp_rational:


Prior to reaching the CodePrinters the user may want to apply transformations to their expressions. Optimization here is context dependent, and may refer to higher precision, or better performance (often at the cost of significance loss).

Sometimes performance and precision optimizations are not mutually exclusive, e.g.:

here our prototype C-code printer used the exp2 and log2 functions from the C99 standard, these functions offer slightly better performance since the floating point numbers use base 2.

Some functions are specifically designed to avoid catastrophic cancellation, e.g.:

the prototype printer rewrote the expression using expm1 which conserves significance when x is close to zero.

Consider the following code:

If we have a priori knowledge about the magnitudes of the variables we could generate code that is more efficient and gives the same results:

above a smart code printer could use the fact that IEEE 754 binary64 and binary32 have machine epsilon values of 2 − 53 and 2 − 24 and provide those as reltol.

Another area of possible improvements is rewriting of expresisons to avoid underflow and overflow, consider e.g.:

there are a few hundred of zeros before the second term makes its presence known. The C code generated for the above expression looks like this:

compiling that expression as a C program with values 800 and -800 for x and y respectively:

and running that program:

illustrates the dangers of finite precision arithmetics. The same problem arises when using lambdify:

In this particular case, the expression could be rewritten as:

actually that last expression should be written using log1p:

here we did the rewriting manually. What we need however are rules for transforming subexpressions:

but that is beside the point: what is important to realize here is that a good implementation contains a step where we identify the biggest number. Using Min and Max is not practical when the number of arguments is much larger than 2. We need an algorithm:

Sorting and partitioning of arrays is included in some programming langauge standard libraries (e.g. C++) but in others (e.g. C) there is non. For these SymPy can provide a support library with templates.

In many algortihms (especially iteraitve ones) a computationally cheaper approximation of an expression often works just as well but offers an opportunity for faster convergence saving both time and energy.

A very common situtation in numerical codes is that the majority of CPU cycles are spent solving linear systems of equations. For large systems direct methods (e.g. LU decomposition) becomes prohibitively expensive due to cubic algorithm complexity. The remedy is to rely on iterative methods (e.g. GMRES), but these require good preconditioners (unless the problem is very diagonally dominant). A good preconditioner can be constructed from an approxiamtion of the inverse of the matrix describing the linear system.

A potentially very interesting idea would be to generate a symbolic approximation of e.g. the LU decomposition of a matrix, and when that approximate LU decomposition is sparse (in general sparse matrices have dense LU decompositions due to fill-in), the approximation would then provide a tailored preconditioner (based on assumptions about variable magnitudes).

Writing a preconditioner factory and evaluating it would be a too big undertaking during the program. However, providing necessary code-generation utilities (a symbolic version of incomplete LU-decomposition) could provide a good design target for the functions which are to be made finite-precision-aware.

In case of the above projects turning out to be under-scoped, related work is to extend the capabilities of lambdify, particularly when SymEngine is used as a backend. In particular I'd like to finish:

  • #112: Lambdify in SymEngine should work for heterogeneous input and without performance loss (still work to be done).


Below is a proposed schedule for the program.

Before GSoC 2017

Since I have the privelige of being a prior contributor to the project I am already familiar with the code-base and the parties interested in code-generation in SymPy. I will therefore use the time during the spring to general design (big picture structuring, API design) and reading up on the details of finite precision arithmetics:

Phase I, 2017-05-30 – 2017-06-30

This phase will mainly consist of incremental additions and improvements to existing infrastructure in SymPy.

  • Week 1:
    • Add new types to sympy.codegen.ast related to precision, e.g. Type ('float64', 'float32', etc.), Variable (type, name & constness), Declaration (wrapping Variable).
    • New print methods in C99CodePrinter and FCodePrinter for printing Type & Declaration (mapping 'float64' to 'double'/'type(0d0)' in C/Fortran respectively).
  • Week 2:
    • Implement precision controlled printing in C99CodePrinter, e.g.: sinf/sin/sinl for all math functions in math.h.
    • Use literals consistent with choice of precision (0.7F, 0.7, 0.7L) (resolves gh-11803)
    • Implement per printer instance header and library tracking.
  • Week 3:
    • Add a setting to the CCodePrinters wether to use math macros (they are not required by the standard), and when in use, use them more extensively.
    • Add a C11CodePrinter with complex number construction macros.
    • Add C99 & C11 complex math functions to the C-code printers.
    • Implement precision controlled printing in FCodePrinter, e.g.: cmplx(re, im, kind).
  • Week 4:
    • Add support for boost::multiprecision in a new CXX11CodePrinter subclass.
    • Add new types to sympy.codegen.ast related to program flow, e.g. While, FunctionDefinition, FunctionPrototype (for C), ReturnStatement, PrinterSetting, etc.
    • Introduce a new module sympy.codegen.algorithms containing e.g. Newton's method, fixed point iteration, etc.
  • Week 5:
    • Handle special function definition attributes in C/C++/Fortran e.g. static/constexpr/bind(c)
    • Since Phase I will largely be about adding new AST node types they could be merged as a PR by the end of Phase I (or incrementally during the Phase I). Perhaps marked as provisional to allow changes without deprecatation cycle if needed later during the program.
    • Hand-in evaluation of Phase I.

Phase II, 2017-07-01 – 2017-07-28

The second phase will focus on providing new functionality to deal with rewriting of expressions to optimal forms when evaluated using finite precision arithmetics. Note that is not only something that SymPy's codeprinters could benefit from, but also the LLVMDoubleVisistor in SymEngine.

  • Week 6-8:
    • Write a Python code printer class using the new. (addresses gh-12213)
    • A new CodeGen-like class using the new AST types & updated printers.
    • Attend the SciPy 2017 conference and get user feedback on code-generation.
  • Week 9:
    • Phase II, will mostly focus on providing facilities for a replacement of the CodeGen class, during this work, it is likely that the printers and codegen.ast modules have been updated.
    • Hand-in evaluation of Phase II.

Phase III, 2017-07-29 – 2017-08-29

The third phase will focus on providing expression rewriting facilities for significance preservation and optimizations. The optimization framework will use the pattern matching capabilities (most likely along the lines of & in the supplementary material repository). Different domains need different functions of this kind, the focus should therefore be to provide tooling for users to create their own functions. An often used technique is tabulation, polynomial interpolation and newton refinement. Based on the work in Phase I & II, SymPy will be very well equipped to aid in this process (table generation for different precisions, code for iterative refinement).

  • Week 10 - 12:
    • Implemented the equivalent functionality of the smart_ccode example above.
    • Utilities for tabulation.
  • Week 13
    • Final evaluation, fixes to documentation, addressing reviews.

After GSoC

I will resume my post-graduate studies and hopefully leverage the new code-generation facilities in future applied research projects.

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