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User Story: Voting Likes for Poem

ItalianJedi edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 6 revisions

Story: As a logged-in user, I want to be able to like poems as a way of showing my appreciation.

Estimated Size: md (DS), md (DB), md (CC), md (TG)

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Each poem page contains a "Like" button that allows users to show their appreciation for the poem they are currently viewing
  • Each poem page contains a "Total Likes" counter displaying the total number of "Like" button clicks, of said poem, by logged-in users
  • The "Like" button and "Total Likes" counter are visible on the page to logged-in users as well as users not logged-in
  • The "Total Likes" counter only recognizes and updates its total when a registered, logged-in user clicks the "Like" button
  • Users not logged-in when clicking the "Like" button will be prompted to log in or to create a new account
  • A user's "Like" button click history is associated with their account
  • A user can only increase a poem's "Total Likes" counter by one (1). Any additional clicks of a poem's "Like" button, by a logged-in user, will not be added to the "Total Likes" counter
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