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Releases: sunzhida/MetaMap

Publication Release

18 Jun 15:24
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To download & Run

  1. Download the source code, the database and the images from release. (Cloning the project is not advised, as historical git snapshots contain the entire image database and is huge.) (No kidding, ~2.5G.)
  2. Put database.db at project root. Extract the img folder to <project>/app/static/.
    The final structure looks like
│  ├─static
│  │  ├─img
│  │  │  └─*.{jpg|png}
│  │  └─...
│  └─...
  1. Install the dependencies. Eveyr dependency is explicitly imported at the top of app/ You can install them manually.
    As a conda alternate, you can run conda env create -f environment.yml in the project root directory to create an environment named metamap
    with required dependencies.
  2. cd to the project root and run python The webapp will be hosted on 5000 by default.