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AIoT opensource hardware platform


  1. MaixPy-v1 MaixPy-v1 Public

    MicroPython for K210 RISC-V, let's play with edge AI easier

    Python 1.7k 433

  2. MaixPy-v1_scripts MaixPy-v1_scripts Public

    micropython scripts for MaixPy

    Python 615 434

  3. MaixPy3 MaixPy3 Public archive

    Python sdk for Sipeed Maix-II-Dock(v831). Other board please use

    Python 173 41

  4. maix_train maix_train Public

    k210(MaixPy)/V831 model example train code, include mobilenet classifier and YOLO V2 detector

    Python 77 38

  5. TinyMaix TinyMaix Public

    TinyMaix is a tiny inference library for microcontrollers (TinyML).

    C 827 133

  6. Maix-Speech Maix-Speech Public

    Maix Speech AI lib, a fast and small speech lib running on embedded devices, including ASR, chat, TTS etc.

    Python 301 54


Showing 10 of 90 repositories