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User Stories: Build Level

eugene yokota edited this page Jan 1, 2016 · 4 revisions

This document outlines the desired use cases of BuildLevel feature.

User Story: Changing the build level of test.sbt

User splits up her *.sbt into compile.sbt, test.sbt, and publish.sbt. Here's test.sbt:

buildLevel in ThisScript := test

libraryDependency +=  "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "2.3.10" % "test"

When she launches sbt, test.sbt is read normally.

When she launches sbt with sbt.buildLevel=-test, any settings written in tesst.sbt are ignored.

User Story: Setting the build level of plugins

User splits up her project/plugins.sbt into compile.sbt, test.sbt and publish.sbt. Here's project/publish.sbt:

buildLevel in ThisScript := publish

addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.20.0")

Suppose sbt-assembly 0.20.0 is an auto plugin that loads settings into all Scala projects automatically.

When she launches sbt, sbt-assembly is loaded normally.

When she launches sbt with sbt.buildLevel=-publish, the plugin is no longer loaded.

User Story: Optional global settings

User splits up her ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt into idea.sbt etc. Here's ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/idea.sbt:

buildLevel in ThisScript := BuildLevel(name = "idea", optional = true)

addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.6.0")

When she launches sbt, sbt-idea is not loaded automatically.

When she launches sbt with sbt.buildLevel=+idea, the plugin is loaded.

User Story: Scaling the build down to minimal

User splits up her *.sbt into compile.sbt, test.sbt, and publish.sbt, project/plugins.sbt into compile.sbt, test.sbt and publish.sbt each set to an appropriate buildLevel.

When she launches sbt with sbt.buildLevel=compile (notice no + sign in front of compile), only the setting sets scoped in compile are loaded. compile includes all built-in settings.

When she launches sbt with sbt.buildLevel=compile,publish, only the setting sets scoped in compile and publish are loaded.