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Server Client level API

Josh Suereth edited this page Jan 21, 2014 · 4 revisions

This document outlines the high-level Server API exposed by sbt 1.0. Beneath this API is one of simple Request/Response/Event messages. While that API will expounded upon, this API represents the "core" of what the other API should expose, and the "best mechanism" of how to consume it.

Connecting to sbt

package sbt.client
 * This represents something that will connect to the sbt server *and* reconnect on failure.
 * You can close the connection and stop reconnecting by calling `close()`.
trait SbtConnector extends Closeable {
   * Register a callback to be notified on initial connection and subsequent reconnects to
   * an sbt server.  If the server is already connected, the handler will be called immediately.
   * @param handler   A callback that will be called upon every connection/reconnect.
   * @param ex        The context (thread) where the handler should be executed.
  def onConnect(handler: SbtClient => Unit)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Subscription

Interacting with the Server

package sbt.client
/** This represents a connection to the Sbt server, and all the actions that can be performed against an active sbt build. */
trait SbtClient extends Closeable {

   * This is our mechanism of watching the build structure to see when it changes,
   * and update our information about the build.
   * @param listener -  A listener that is notified on build structure changes.
   * @param ex - The context in which we should execute the listener.
   * @return
   *      A subscription which can be used to unsubscribe to notifications.
   * Note: This will load the entire build structure and pass it too us.
  def watchBuild(listener: BuildStructureListener)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Subscription

  // TODO - A mechanism to dynamically load key-dependencies, which are too expensive to compute up front.
  // Possibly via watching a project and pulling configuration off of it.

   * Gives us the autocompletions possible for a given command string.
   * @param partialCommand  An incomplete command or task string
   * @return A set of "completion" strings that could be used as sbt commands.  These
   *         completions are triples of: 
   *         - the string to append
   *         - the the full token being completed (for display to users)
   *         - a flag denoting if this completion is for an empty string.
  def possibleAutocompletions(partialCommand: String, detailLevel: Int): Future[Set[Completion]]

   * This tries to find whether there is a build key associated with the
   * current string.
   * TODO - default/current project?
   * TODO - How to handle delegate keys?
   * TODO - Does this make sense to expose?
  def lookupScopedKey(name: String): Future[Option[ScopedKey]]

   * Runs the command/task associated with the given input string.
   * @param commandOrTask The full command/task string to run.
   *         that should be evaluated.
   * @return  A future that will return Unit if the command request was successfully sent.
  def requestExecution(commandOrTask: String): Future[Unit]

   * Adds a listener to general events which are fired from this sbt server.  These can be things like
   *  "TaskStarted, TaskCanceled, or even custom events from plugins (via GenericEvent).
   *  @param listener  A function that is called when events are fired from sbt.
   *  @param ex        The execution context on which to call the listener.
  def handleEvents(listener: EventListener)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Subscription
   * Adds a listener to a particular setting.  If this setting changes, the event listener
   *  will be notified with the new value (and sent the initial value).
   *  @param key  The setting to listen to changes on.
   *  @param listener  A function that is called when the setting value changes.
   *  @param ex        The execution context on which to call the listener.
  def watch[T](key: SettingKey[T])(listener: ValueListener[T])(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Subscription
   * Adds a listener for the value of a particular task.  If the evaluated task result changes, the event
   *  listener will be notified of the new value.
   *  Since tasks read their state from the filesystem, it is not guaranteed that an event will be fired upon change *unless* some
   *  task in the dependency of the specified one is run, requiring the value of the current task to be re-evaluated.
   *  @param key       The task to listen to changes for.
   *  @param listener  A function that is called when the setting value changes.
   *  @param ex        The execution context on which to call the listener.
  def watch[T](key: TaskKey[T])(l: ValueListener[T])(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Subscription

Various Data Classes

package sbt.api
case class ProjectReference(build: URI, name: String)
case class MinimalBuildStructure(builds: Seq[URI], projects: Seq[ProjectReference])

Various helper classes


package sbt.client
trait Subscription {
  def cancel(): Unit

various aliases:

package sbt
package object client {
  type BuildStructureListener = MinimalBuildStructure => Unit
  type ValueListener[T] = (ScopedKey, TaskResult[T]) => Unit
  type EventListener = Event => Unit