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Raúl Mera A edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 4 revisions

The Following program reads an XYZ file which name is passed as an argument. It also reads a file containing one line with atomic indexes separated by whitespaces.

The program rotates/translates the molecule in the XYZ file so the best plane passing through the atoms given in the second file is aligned with the XY plane.

package main

import (

	chem ""
	v3 ""

//This program will align the best plane passing through a set of atoms in a molecule with the XY-plane.
func main() {
	mol, err := chem.XYZFileRead("../FILES/")
	if err != nil {
	var indexes []int
	indexes, err = scu.IndexFileParse("../FILES/indexes") //we take the indexes from a file
	if err != nil {
	//	}
	some := v3.Zeros(len(indexes)) //will contain the atoms selected to define the plane.
	some.SomeVecs(mol.Coords[0], indexes)
	//for most rotation things it is good to have the molecule centered on its mean.
	mol.Coords[0], _, _ = chem.MassCenter(mol.Coords[0], some, nil)
	//As we changed the atomic positions, must extract the plane-defining atoms again.
	some.SomeVecs(mol.Coords[0], indexes)
	//The strategy is: Take the normal to the plane of the molecule (os molecular subset), and rotate it until it matches the Z-axis
	//This will mean that the plane of the molecule will now match the XY-plane.
	best, err := chem.BestPlane(some, nil)
	if err != nil {
	z, _ := v3.NewMatrix([]float64{0, 0, 1})
	zero, _ := v3.NewMatrix([]float64{0, 0, 0})
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Best  Plane", best, z, indexes)
	axis := v3.Zeros(1)
	axis.Cross(best, z)
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "axis", axis)
	//The main part of the program, where the rotation actually happens. Note that we rotate the whole
	//molecule, not just the planar subset, this is only used to calculate the rotation angle.
	mol.Coords[0], err = chem.RotateAbout(mol.Coords[0], zero, axis, chem.Angle(best, z))
	if err != nil {
	//Now we write the rotated result.
	final, err := chem.XYZStringWrite(mol.Coords[0], mol)
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

In the first lines we read the input (using the scu library for the atomic indexes file). The molecule is centred in the mean of the atoms that will be used to calculate the plane. As the method SomeVecs produces a copy of the original vectors, when the originals have changed it is necesary to use it again to obtain the updated versions.

The function BestPlane() returns a vector normal to the best plane passing through the atoms given. The angle between this vector and the Z axis is obtained and the whole molecule is rotates by this angle, causing the Z axis to be aligned with the normal to the plane, thus aligning the plane with the XY one.

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