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Moment tensor analysis

Raúl Mera A edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 4 revisions

The following example takes the name of an XYZ file and tries to obtain the masses for all atoms, and sets all masses to 1 if it fails (printing also a warning). It uses the coordinates and the masses to calculate the moment of inertia tensor. The program performs then principal component analysis on the tensor, and prints the widest eigenvector.

package main

import (

	chem ""
	v3 ""

//A very basic analysis of the moment of inertia tensor.
func main() {
	mol, err := chem.XYZFileRead("../FILES/")
	if err != nil {
	mass, err := mol.Masses()
	if err != nil {
		mass = nil //MomentTensor will simply assign 1 to all masses
	coords := mol.Coords[0]
	moment, err := chem.MomentTensor(coords, mass)
	if err != nil {
	eigvectors, eigvalues, err := v3.EigenWrap(moment, -1)
	if err != nil {
	main := eigvectors.VecView(2) //The last is the widest.
	fmt.Printf("Widest eigenvector: %v  Corresponding eigenvalue: %4.1f\n", main, eigvalues[2])
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