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lilliealbert edited this page Mar 16, 2013 · 1 revision

Bridge Troll - Organizer Persona


  • Age : 28 years old
  • Location : SF
  • Day Job: PHP developer

Sarah is a 28 year old software / PHP developer who lives in San Francisco. She moved to the Bay Area after college for a job, having interned the previous summer. She loved the food, weather, and vibe of the West Coast, and her internship gave her an instant social circle. After 5 years and two jobs, Sarah is ready to move on from PHP to Rails and work on more modern web applications.

Why RailsBridge?

Sarah's certainly intelligent enough to teach herself or take a class at a local college. RailsBridge offers a level of community and socializing she wouldn't get elsewhere. She loves meeting more of her peers and being involved in a place where she can teach other people. Besides learning Rails, she hopes her work will help other women get jobs in the tech industry.

Bridge Troll - Student Persona


  • Age: 26
  • Occupation: marketing assistant at a non-profit
  • Education: college degree
  • Tech-savviness: likes the internet and wants to know more about how it works.
  • Interests: ultimate frisbee, trashy reality television, tumblr

Nina recently graduated from Pomona College and moved to San Francisco as a marketing assistant at an non-profit. She loves figuring things out and learning new skills, and living in San Francisco has made her more than a bit curious about programming.

She heard about these free workshops from a friend who had been to them, and doesn't really know what the scene is. But her friend had a good time and built a little web app, so Nina thinks it's probably worth the effort.

Since Nina hasn't programmed before, she's not sure she's ready, but so far her friend told her beginners are welcome, so she wants to give it a shot. Her friend emailed her a link to the place where they list all the workshops, something called Bridge Troll.