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Racket in the Cloud

J. Ryan Stinnett edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 17 revisions

You can also develop/run Racket in a variety of online environments:

In addition to PasteRack the Racket Pastebin, there are many other ways to run Racket in the cloud.

IRacket Jupyter notebook on free AWS instances

a draft notebook that installs Racket, the IRacket Jupyter kernel, and some dependencies in a mostly sandboxed Conda environment.

For more details see the Racket Discourse thread.

R16 aka !rkt on the Racket Discord chat server #bots channel.

R16 is a bot for interactive, community-driven code evaluation. It saves snippets of code, which can then be recalled and executed on user-provided input.

More details at and in the R16 documentation.

Like PasteRack it can do images. Try !!fishsay Welcome! or !!color-wheel (/ (* (sub1 z) (add1 z)) (* (+ z +i) (+ z -i))).

And a web ui (in testing)

To get started: !rkt help in the Racket Discord #bots channel.

RacketScript is an experimental lightweight Racket to JavaScript (ECMAScript 6) compiler. RacketScript aims to leverage both JavaScript and Racket's ecosystem, and make interoperability between them clean and smooth.

RacketScript takes in Racket source files, uses Racket's macro expander to produce Fully Expanded Programs, and then compile these fully expanded programs to JavaScript. RacketScript currently supports only a subset of Racket.

Compiler Explorer is a multi-language playground aimed at advanced users and language toolchain developers who want to inspect how bits of source code along with various optimisation flags affect the assembly produced by the toolchain. It can also be useful to learn more about how language implementations work by seeing what they do with different inputs.

Racket example

PasteRack is an evaluating pastebin for Racket. e.g.

Supports rendering images in the output.

Uncheck the "Submit as text only" box to see the output.

DrRacket on RollApp application virtualization service. (free to try)

note: free mode does not provide a method to save files.


JDoodle is text-only. The designation of "interactive mode" means the text you type is provided to your program on the standard input.

Glitch online IDE

Glitch is an online IDE. While Racket isn't an officially supported language it can run Racket on the backend.


You include an installation of Racket into your setup step and then your program runs the web connection to be visible. -> RantStack source code image so you can see what is involved in setting up your own server in Racket. see example (includes a console)


WeScheme allows you to save files by linking to a Google (Drive) account. It includes the HtDP image manipulation functions and can even open a separate animation window (big-bang). Left side is "definitions pane" and the right side is the "interactions pane". No indication is given when tests (check-expect) pass, only when they fail.

WeScheme good for an introductory class; there are almost no visible differences from DrRacket when using a How to Design Programs curriculum.

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Racket example

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