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Organizations using Racket

Stephen De Gabrielle edited this page Oct 29, 2022 · 12 revisions

Organizations using Racket (or a language built on Racket)


Racket is the official language at Biomantica Inc



Node mode is for programmers. It allows them to build reusable, reproducible and composable software agents, or nodes. These are “black box” processes that do one and only one thing. They have unique names, enforced by the nix language.

Racket is the glue language. It provides the programmer with plenty of languages to use within agents[...]

(Emphasis added)


book-publishing system in Racket

Practical Typography

  • Practical Typography & Typography for Lawyers are built with the Pollen publishing system


  • YouPatch is a pixelating service that turns a picture into a quilt pattern

Hacker News

  • Hacker News runs on Arc, which is developed in Racket

Naughty Dog

Digital Ricœur

  • Digital Ricœur - digital archive and tools built with Racket Web Server.


Analyze data from swim, bike and run activities

ActivityLog2 is a program that can analyze data recorded by fitness devices such as swim, bike and run sessions. It can be used as a training log and to gain insights about your training using reports and trend charts.

Introducing ActivityLog2

  • ActivityLog2 - app to analyze data from swim, bike and run activities

Institute of Applied Astronomy

Linki Tools

Linki Tools uses Racket for development of devtools utilities related to Compiler Engineering.


Extramaze LLC uses Racket to implement the Extramaze Deals search engine crawler and web site, which lets you create search alerts for when specific music and audio gear goes on sale.

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