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Frédéric de Villamil edited this page Jul 16, 2012 · 12 revisions

There are many ways to install Typo. If you’re not sure, just ask your web hosting provider, he’ll certainly have an answer to this. If you’re hosting Typo on a VPS or a dedicated server, you’ll want to check our hosting Typo documentation.

Table of Contents

Things to know before you begin

Before you begin the install, there are few things you need to have and do.

What you need for the installation

You need access to your site and its directory and software to proceed with the installation. These are:

  • An access to your web server (either via shell or FTP)
  • A text editor
  • Your favourite web browser

What you need to do for the installation

Begin your installation by checking your web host provides Ruby on Rails hosting. Then:

  • Unzip and upload Typo sources to a folder of your hard drive.
  • Edit the database.yml configuration file.
  • Run bundle install
  • Run the migrations
  • Restart your Typo application

Getting Typo

Just download Typo as a tarball or zip file

Extract the Typo archive, and open your FTP client and upload Typo on your web host using the account information you were given at subscription time. Then, log in to your shell and cd to the directory where you uploaded Typo.

Configuring Typo

In the install/config directory, there are starter datbase.yml. files for popular servers. Copy the appropriate one to database.yml and open it with your favourite text editor. Use your database information you were given by your web host. Make sure the database you specify is available (it needs to be created separately).

Then, upload your database.yml file on your Typo installation config directory.

Run Bundle:

bundle install

Next run rake db:migrate, and restart your Typo web application.

rake db:migrate

With MySQL

You will more than likely use MySQL. If so, set the adapter line as “mysql”, and your databse name on the “production” line. If your web hosting company has granted you with development and test databses, just fill in the appropriate lines.

Your configuration file should look like this :

login: &login
  adapter: mysql2
  host: localhost
  username: john_doe
  password: sikritpassword
  database: typo_dev
  <<: *login

  database: typo_tests
  <<: *login

  database: typo
  <<: *login

With PgSQL

If you’re using PgSQL, set the adapter line as “postgresql”, and your database name on the “production” line. If your web hosting company has granted you with development and test databses, just fill in the appropriate lines.

login: &login
  adapter: postgresql
  host: localhost
  username: john_doe
  password: sikritpassword
  database: typo_dev
  <<: *login

  database: typo_tests
  <<: *login

  database: typo
  <<: *login

Using SQLite

If your hosting company has not given you any database, change quickly! But don’t panic, you can still use Typo. Get your favourite towel and just fill in your database.yml file this way:

login: &login
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/database.sqlite

  <<: *login

  <<: *login

  database: ":memory"
  <<: *login

Setup your first Typo blog

Congratulation, at that point, all you need is to take your favorite browser and go to You will be redirected to Typo 1 easy step setup. Fill in your blog name, your email address and you’re done!

Typo setup


Since Typo 6.0.4, you may encounter this kind of error:

  rake aborted! uninitialized constant Rake::DSL

The problem is due to a too old rake version. Bundler should take care of that, but if you have a rake installed by another way than gem, it can overtake the gem version. Please uninstall that rake, or prefix your rake call with the path to your gem rake binary.