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wsargent edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

Here are some notes if you’re converting a blog over to use Typo 5.5:

Redirect is your friend. Here’s how you map between specific pages and the appropriate typo mapped pages:

Redirect.create!(:from_path => from_path, :to_path => to_path)

Typo will disable the default Rails routing, so Redirect is the way to go unless you want to put in explicit custom routes.

If you have blog posts that take an integer ID, you can safely copy over the ID to a new Article object as the primary key.

Make very sure that you disable pingback notification before you import any new articles.

Article and Comment have several different “filter” settings that can be used for input text that is Textile or Markdown formatted. However, if you have a custom format, you can set the filter to “none” and insert the HTML output to ensure your blog posts make the transition.

If you are not seeing your blog posts or comments, make sure that you have :state => ‘published’ included with your attributes for a post, and :state => ‘ham’ for a comment.

It really helps to have a user set up first before you do anything else. If you are doing a raw conversion, consider doing a User.create! with a known password to prevent Typo from auto generating one for you and redirecting you to the /setup page.