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chore(Cross): [IOAPPX-296] Remove native-base from dependencies #8672

chore(Cross): [IOAPPX-296] Remove native-base from dependencies

chore(Cross): [IOAPPX-296] Remove native-base from dependencies #8672

Triggered via pull request May 13, 2024 14:03
Status Failure
Total duration 13m 45s


on: pull_request
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2 errors and 8 warnings
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab, actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
checks: ts/components/core/typography/Factory.tsx#L90
React Hook useMemo has a missing dependency: 'props'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
checks: ts/features/messages/components/MessagesArchive.tsx#L59
React Hook useCallback has missing dependencies: 'navigateToMessageDetail' and 'toggleItem'. Either include them or remove the dependency array. If 'navigateToMessageDetail' changes too often, find the parent component that defines it and wrap that definition in useCallback
checks: ts/utils/hooks/useOnFocus.tsx#L30
React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'dontExecuteBefore', 'lastUpdate', 'loadAction', and 'navigation'. Either include them or remove the dependency array. If 'loadAction' changes too often, find the parent component that defines it and wrap that definition in useCallback
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab, actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
checks: ts/components/core/typography/Factory.tsx#L90
React Hook useMemo has a missing dependency: 'props'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
checks: ts/features/messages/components/MessagesArchive.tsx#L59
React Hook useCallback has missing dependencies: 'navigateToMessageDetail' and 'toggleItem'. Either include them or remove the dependency array. If 'navigateToMessageDetail' changes too often, find the parent component that defines it and wrap that definition in useCallback
checks: ts/utils/hooks/useOnFocus.tsx#L30
React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'dontExecuteBefore', 'lastUpdate', 'loadAction', and 'navigation'. Either include them or remove the dependency array. If 'loadAction' changes too often, find the parent component that defines it and wrap that definition in useCallback