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Akash Jaiswal edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 10 revisions

Common Errors in webpack

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '...'

This is most likely caused due to incorrect path mentioned in import or require statements. In this case, try to look for errors like spelling mistakes in the path or ensure that a file exists in that path.

If the import statement refers to a third-party library. Running yarn install should fix this problem.

What is webpack

Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. Webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules. It takes the dependencies and generates a dependency graph allowing web developers to use a modular approach for their web application development purposes.

How we use webpack

We use Webpack to bundle almost all TypeScript files in our codebase into bundles for every HTML page that we have. Entry points and HTML pages are configurated in webpack.common.config.ts. We use webpack both for dev and prod mode, also when frontend tests and e2e tests are run. There is a section in the Coding style guide about webpack.


The common configuration settings for both dev and prod mode are located in webpack.common.config.ts.

Dev mode

The configuration info for dev mode is located in The bundled files are generated into webpack_bundles and then directly used from there in our server.

Prod mode

The configuration info for prod mode is located in The bundled files are generated into backend_prod_files/webpack_bundles as in dev mode, then are transferred into build/ folder by scripts/

E2e tests

We use modified webpack.terser.config.ts configuration for running the webpack in e2e tests, this configuration is almost the same as the prod config but with the parallelization disabled.

Frontend tests

The configuration info for frontend tests webpack is included in karma.conf.ts. Karma handles the execution of webpack by itself and there is no need to call the webpack build ourselves.

Overview of the config


Firstly in the resolve property, we define some basic things like the modules, the extensions that should be handled by webpack, the alias used by webpack. For example, we have defined the following alias

alias: {
  '@angular/upgrade/static': (

now whenever webpack sees something like


in the code that it's building it automatically resolves the path @angular/upgrade/bundles/upgrade-static.umd.js.

Btw, we need this alias for angular migration because of an issue in the @angular/upgrade package. Reference ->

In the entry property, we define the entry files for webpack. Basically, we have a separate entry file for each page. The entry files end with .import.ts and present in each of the folders in core/templates/pages/. For example, an entry looks something like

about: commonPrefix + '/pages/about-page/about-page.import.ts'

The name given to the chunk before the colon (:) i.e. about in this case will be used in the config later.

In the plugins property, we define the plugins we use with webpack. We currently use the following three plugins.


This basically helps us with loading the built webpack bundles as script imports in the html files, providing meta tags for our templates, etc. We add an instance of this plugin for every page like

new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
  chunks: ['about'],
  filename: 'about-page.mainpage.html',
  meta: {
    description: 'With Oppia, you can access free lessons on ' +
      'math, physics, statistics, chemistry, music, history and ' +
      'more from anywhere in the world. Oppia is a nonprofit ' +
      'with the mission of providing high-quality ' +
      'education to those who lack access to it.'
  template: commonPrefix + '/pages/about-page/about-page.mainpage.html',
  minify: htmlMinifyConfig,
  inject: false

Here the chunks contain a chunk whose name should be the same as the name we gave to its chunk in the entry component above.

Similar to the .import.ts files all the pages i.e. all the folders in core/templates/pages/ directory contain a .mainpage.html file that serves as the main HTML template for that page. As you can see we set the template and filename properties according to this file.

meta is used to include the meta tags in the HTML page. minify is used to provide the config for minifying the output HTML page.

inject property is used to inject all the assets to the output HTML. We have set it to false because we do this manually in our templates here.


This plugin is used to clean the webpack files after every successful rebuild.


new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
  options: {
    macros: {
      load: macros.load,
      loadExtensions: macros.loadExtensions

This plugin is used to load the macros we defined in webpack.common.macros.ts.

In the module property we define the loaders we use for different files. We use cache-loader before every loader to maximize the rebuild speed.

The externals property is used to define the external libs that are not included in the bundle but are required by some bundled libraries. Reference ->


In this file, we have defined two macros i.e. load and loadExtensions. We use these in the HTML template files for loading other HTML files. These work like require statements in typescript files.

Examples where macros are used -> load, loadExtensions.

This file adds some additional config to the webpack.common.config.ts. In particular, the config specified in this file is

mode: 'development',
output: {
  filename: '[name].bundle.js',
  path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'webpack_bundles')
devtool: 'eval',
watchOptions: {
  aggregateTimeout: 500,
  poll: 1000

As you can see we specify the build mode to development, the output files and the path, the devtool and watch options (these are used when webpack is watching the files).

This is the config that is used while running the dev server using python -m scripts.start.

Similar to the this is the config used for the production build. The config specified in this file is

mode: 'production',
output: {
  filename: '[name].[contenthash].bundle.js',
  path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'backend_prod_files/webpack_bundles')

Here we specify the build mode i.e. production and the output config. We don't use a devtool here to make the build faster.

This is the config that is used while running the dev server using


python -m scripts.start --prod_env


make run-devserver prod_env=true and

These are the webpack configs that are used for building using source maps. We do not use devtools that use source maps in and because building using source maps is slow. More in webpack documentation.

This config is used while deploying oppia. You can also build using source maps by adding a --source_maps flag in the start script. Like python -m scripts.start --source_maps.

In these config files, we use the main config ( or and change the devtools used in them. For example, this is how looks like.

const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const dev = require('./');

module.exports = merge(dev, {
  devtool: 'inline-source-map'

These are the devtools we use

Config Devtool
Development eval
Development + Source Maps inline-source-map
Production none
Production + Source Maps source-map


This config was originally written so that it can be used in the e2e tests run on Circle CI. You can refer to this discussion on why it was needed. This basically disables the parallelism in the terser config.

Core documentation

Developing Oppia

Developer Reference

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