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Protocol buffers

Praneeth edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 5 revisions

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At Oppia, we need to be able to store and transfer data in a language-agnostic way, for example between our frontend and backend code. We mostly use JSON, but we sometimes use protocol buffers instead. To quote from its documentation:

Protocol buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.

Practically speaking, this means you can define a data structure in a *.proto file (called a proto file). Then, you can run a command to generate code for reading and writing that data structure. The magic comes from the fact that the generated code can be in many different languages. This lets you define a data structure once and use it in both Python and JavaScript, for example. We use buf to perform this code generation.

Below, we'll discuss how we use protocol buffers at Oppia.

Support for protocol buffers

Install proto files

We expect proto files to be defined in their own repositories, which we download and install as dependencies. In dependencies.json, the proto section describes how to download proto files:

"proto": {
  "oppiaMlProto": {
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "downloadFormat": "zip",
    "url": "",
    "rootDirPrefix": "oppia-ml-proto-",
    "targetDirPrefix": "oppia-ml-proto-"

In this case oppiaMlProto says to download the version 0.0.0 archive of the oppia/oppia-ml-proto repository and unzip the contents, prefixing the unzipped folder with oppia-ml-proto. The folder will be placed in third_party/ by scripts/

Generate code from proto files

Later in the process of installing Oppia's dependencies, install_third_party_libs calls buf generate to generate Python and JavaScript code from the proto files in the directories listed in the PROTO_FILES_PATHS constant in The buf command reads from two configuration files:

  • buf.yaml tells buf where to find proto files. For our example above, it would list third_party/oppia-ml-proto-0.0.0 since that folder contains proto files. The config file would look like this:

    version: v1beta1
        - third_party/oppia-ml-proto-0.0.0

    Note that the version key specifies what version of the buf configuration language we are using, not the version of our proto files.

  • buf.gen.yaml tells buf how to generate code from our proto files. For example, suppose you want to generate Python code to src/python and JavaScript code to src/javascript. Then you could use the following configuration:

    version: v1beta1
      - name: python
        out: src/python
      - name: js
        out: src/javascript

Assuming that we use the above configurations, let's see what code would be generated. Suppose oppia-ml-proto-0.0.0 has two proto files: a.proto and b.proto. The following code files would be generated:

  • src/python/
  • src/python/
  • src/javascript/a.js
  • src/javascript/b.js

Note that for Python code, protobuf replaces .proto with to distinguish these files from those generated with protobuf version 1. For more information about how the file names of generated code are constructed, see the protobuf documentation for the programming languages you use.

Adding your own proto files

To take advantage of Oppia's support for protocol buffers, you should follow these steps:

  1. Create and publish (or find) your proto files in a dedicated repository. This doesn't necessarily have to be on GitHub, for example if you want to use someone else's proto files. See the protobuf docs for details on proto file syntax.
  2. Add an object under the proto key in dependencies.json describing how to download your proto files. For details on the syntax used by dependencies.json, check the code in scripts/, which parses the manifest.
  3. Add the path to where your proto files will be downloaded to buf.yaml under the roots key.
  4. Also add the path to your proto files to the PROTO_FILES_PATHS constant in scripts/install_third_party_libs.
  5. If you need more languages than are currently in buf.gen.yaml, update buf.gen.yaml to add your languages.
  6. You're done! Now you can import classes representing your data structures from the code that buf generates.


Oppia ML

The primary way we use protocol buffers right now is for the Oppia ML project. Its proto files are defined in the oppia/oppia-ml-proto repository.

It uses the following buf.gen.yaml:

version: v1beta1
  - name: python
    out: proto_files

  - name: js
    out: extensions/classifiers/proto
    opt: import_style=commonjs,binary

  - name: ts
    out: extensions/classifiers/proto

Otherwise, the files are as in the examples above.

Then we import from this generated code like this:

  • TypeScript and JavaScript:

    import { TextClassifierFrozenModel } from 'classifiers/proto/text_classifier';
  • Python:

    from proto_files import text_classifier_pb2

To learn how to use the generated code, check out the protobuf tutorial for your language.

Core documentation

Developing Oppia

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