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Basic Get Certificate First References Example

Jeremy Barlow edited this page Jul 11, 2018 · 1 revision

This sample demonstrates invoking the McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) DXL service to retrieve the set of systems which have referenced a certificate (as identified by hashes).

The majority of the sample code is shown below:

Sample Code

// Create the client
var client = new dxl.Client(config)

// Hashes for the certificate to look up
// These can be replaced by a certificate which is known to have run within the
// enterprise for better results
var CERTIFICATE_BODY_SHA1 = '6eae26db8c13182a7947982991b4321732cc3de2'
var CERTIFICATE_PUBLIC_KEY_SHA1 = '3b87a2d6f39770160364b79a152fcc73bae27adf'

// Connect to the fabric, supplying a callback function which is invoked
// when the connection has been established
client.connect(function () {
  // Create the McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) client
  var tieClient = new TieClient(client)

  // Get an array of systems that have referenced the certificate
    function (error, systems) {
      // Destroy the client - frees up resources so that the application
      // stops running
      if (error) {
        console.log('Error getting certificate references: ' + error.message)
      } else {
        // Display information for the systems which have referenced
        // the certificate
        console.log('\nSystems that have referenced the certificate:\n')
        systems.forEach(function (system) {
          console.log('\t' + system[FirstRefProp.SYSTEM_GUID] + ': ' +

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, the callback function supplied to the DXL client instance's connect() method will be invoked. From within the callback function, a TieClient instance is created. The TieClient instance will be used to communicate with the TIE DXL services.

Next, a call is made to the TieClient instance's getCertificateFirstReferences() method, along with the hash values that are used to identify the file.

On successful execution of the first references lookup, the second parameter provided to the callback, systems, contains an array of systems. The systems array is iterated, displaying the system's GUID along with the first time the system referenced the certificate.


The output should appear similar to the following:

Systems that have referenced the certificate:

        {3a6f574a-3e6f-436d-acd4-bcde336b054d}: 2016-10-07 13:54:52
        {68125cd6-a5d8-11e6-348e-000c29663178}: 2016-11-08 09:29:32

The sample outputs the GUIDs for systems that have referenced the certificate. The first time each system referenced the certificate is also displayed.