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mjumbewu edited this page Jul 18, 2012 · 1 revision

I had to get rid of a bunch of duplicate actions, so I ran the following queries:

-- Copy the distinct records into a new table, keeping the earliest created and
-- updated times.
select file_id, description, motion, acting_body, notes, minutes_id, date_taken,
       min(created_datetime) as created_datetime, min(updated_datetime) as updated_datetime
  into phillyleg_legaction2
  from phillyleg_legaction
  group by file_id, description, motion, acting_body, notes, minutes_id, date_taken;

-- Get rid of all the data from the original table.
truncate table phillyleg_legaction;

-- Copy the data from the new table back into the original.
insert into phillyleg_legaction
  (file_id, description, motion, acting_body, notes, minutes_id, date_taken,
   created_datetime, updated_datetime)
  select * from phillyleg_legaction2;

-- Finally, get rid of the new table.
drop table phillyleg_legaction2;

Of course you should back up your database before doing this (as I did not). Credit goes to @atogle for giving me the obvious solution.