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mjumbewu edited this page Oct 4, 2012 · 3 revisions


Core Features

  • An account/subscription management interface
  • Searching and subscribing by location (point and radius)
  • Closer API conformance with OpenStates * It shouldn't be field-for-field, but there are commonalities that can and should be identified

Reorganization/Distribution of Services

There are a few useful and ideally independent parts of this project that could and perhaps should be their own services. If they were, it would simplify the code base that is Councilmatic, and allow these services to be used by other projects.

  • Subscriptions The subscription framework is its own Django app (its tests should be better insulated from the rest of Councilmatic) and could be its own project/service that Councilmatic consumes. There are a number of other cases where it would be useful as well. Making sure that the app can act as a stand-alone project may improve the architecture and API of the app as well.
  • Geocoding of text blobs The address parser and geocoder is pretty simple right now (address regular expression), but could stand for some major improvements. It would be easier to get more eyes on it if it were a standalone service that other people could consume as well.