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Mars Express HRSC Example

Leslie Keely edited this page May 17, 2017 · 5 revisions

The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) rides aboard ESA's Mars Express. It is imaging the full planet in color and 3D with a resolution of about 10 meters/pixel.

Data Credit: ESA/Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Ius Chasma

1.) Download the following files:






2.) Merge the color components into an RGB image (see Appendix C of the user guide for color adjustment): -separate h0380_0001_re4.img h0380_0001_gr4.img h0380_0001_bl4.img -o h0380_0001_rgb.tif

3.) Scale the rgb image to the same scale as the nd (panchromatic) image:

gdalwarp -ts 8968 19632 -r bilinear h0380_0001_rgb.tif h0380_0001_rgbx4.tif

4.) Download the hsv_merge tool by Frank Warmerdam from here.

5.) Sharpen the rgb image with the panchromatic image:

./ h0380_0001_rgbx4.tif h0380_0001_nd4.img h0380_0001_color.tif

6.) Crop the sharpened orthoimage to the same physical size as the DEM:

gdal_translate -mo "AREA_OR_POINT=Point" -strict -projwin -132025.000 -233000.000 92100.000 -723625.000 h0380_0001_color.tif h0380_0001_orthoimage.tif

7.) Resize DEM to be 1/4 the pixel resolution of the orthoimage:

gdalwarp -mo "AREA_OR_POINT=Point" -tr 100 100 -r bilinear h0380_0001_dt4.img h0380_0001_dem.tif

8.) Create a landscape directory called IusChasma.

9.) Create the elevation layer:

layerfactory -type=elevation -file=h0380_0001_dem.tif -tilesize=128 -landscape=IusChasma

10.) Create the orthoimage layer:

layerfactory -type=colorimage -file=h0380_0001_orthoimage.tif -tilesize=512 -landscape=IusChasma

11.) View the landscape in DERT.