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GitHub Action

Schedule Workflow

v1.3 Latest version

Schedule Workflow


Schedule Workflow

Schedule a workflow to run at a specific time


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Schedule Workflow

uses: austenstone/schedule@v1.3

Learn more about this action in austenstone/schedule

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📅 Schedule Workflow Runs Action

Schedule your GitHub Actions workflows to run at a future date and time! 🤯

This works using the schedule event to poll GitHub variables which are used as our database for scheduling.

Flow Diagram
flowchart LR
    A([`workflow_dispatch`]) --> H[Create scheduled workflow]
    W([`schedule`]) ---> I
    B([`other`]) ---> I
    H --> I[Fetch scheduled workflows]
    I --> P((For Each\nscheduled\nworkflow))
    P --> Q{Is it time to run\nscheduled workflow?}
    Q --> |yes| R[Run scheduled workflow]
    R --> S[Delete scheduled workflow]
    S --> V{Have we waited\n`wait-ms`?}
    V --> |no| T[Wait\n`wait-delay-ms`]
    T --> I
    V --> |yes| U[Write job summary]
    Q --> |no| V


Create a workflow (eg: .github/workflows/schedule.yml) and copy the example below. Ensure you've setup the authentication and inputs correctly.

🔑 Authentication

GitHub App

Personal Access Token (PAT)

You need to create a Personal Access Token (PAT) with the repo scope and add it to your repository secrets.

Fine-grained access tokens

The token must have the following permission set:

  • actions_variables:write
  • actions:write

⏩ Example

This workflow runs on a schedule event every hour and spends <1min checking the schedule for any pending workflows to run.

To schedule a workflow, manually do a workflow_dispatch by going to "Actions > 📅 Schedule Workflow Dispatch", type when you want the workflow to run, and click Run workflow.


  • Replace the workflow input with the name, path, or id of the workflow you want to run
  • Change the timezone input to your timezone


Make sure you've set your PAT to the TOKEN secret in your repository settings.

name: 📅 Schedule Workflow Dispatch
    - cron: '0 */1 * * *' # every hour
        description: 'Date to run the workflow'
        required: true
        type: string
        default: 'in 1 hour'
  group: schedule${{ }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

    name: 📅 Schedule
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: austenstone/schedule@v1.3
          github-token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
          date: ${{ }}
          workflow: 'basic.yml'
          timezone: 'US/Eastern' # US/Central, US/Pacific
          wait-ms: 45000


The timezone is set to EST by default. You can change this to your timezone. EX: US/Central, US/Pacific, etc.

          timezone: 'US/Eastern'

Changing when to check the schedule

The schedule event is used to check for scheduled workflow runs. You can change the cron to run at a different interval.

    - cron: '0 */1 * * *'

The action also has the ability to continue running the workflow and polling for a specific amount of time. This is useful if you want to run the workflow at a specific time and then continue running the workflow for a specific amount of time.

In the example below we spend 5 minutes checking the schedule every 20 seconds:

          wait-ms: 300000 # Check for 5 minutes
          wait-delay-ms: 20000 # Wait 20 seconds between checks


You may want to consider that for billing GitHub jobs are rounded up to the nearest minute.

Selecting the workflow to run

Pass in the workflow you want to run. This can be the name, path, or id of the workflow.

          workflow: 'basic.yml'

You could provide options for workflows to run. This does interfere with the workflow inputs you might want to pass in.

        description: 'Workflow to run at schedule time'
        required: true
        type: choice
          - 'basic.yml'
          - 'codeql.yml'
          workflow: ${{ inputs.workflow }}

Passing Workflow Inputs

You can provide the workflow_dispatch inputs you want to provide by using the inputs input.

          inputs: '{"name": "Austen"}'

or from the inputs themselves.

          inputs: ${{ toJson(github.event.inputs) }}

➡️ Inputs

Various inputs are defined in action.yml:

Name Description Default
github-token The GitHub token used to create an authenticated client ${{ github.token }}
workflow Workflow to run at schedule time
date Date to run the workflow ${{ }}
wait-ms Milliseconds to wait 0
wait-delay-ms Milliseconds to wait between checks on the schedule 20000
ref Branch to run the workflow on ${{ github.ref }}
owner Optional repository owner to run the workflow on. ${{ github.repository_owner }}
repo Optional repository name to run the workflow on. ${{ github.repository }}
timezone Timezone to use for the schedule EST
inputs Inputs to pass to the workflow
inputs-ignore Inputs to ignore when passing to the workflow date,workflow

Further help

To get more help on the Actions see the documentation.