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GitHub Action

Priority List

v1.0.2 Latest version

Priority List


Priority List

Make a dent in GitHub issue & PR backlogs across repositories


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Priority List

uses: iterative/priority-list@v1.0.2

Learn more about this action in iterative/priority-list

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Priority List

Priority List

Make a dent in GitHub issue & PR backlogs across repositories.

Aimed at teams managing multiple projects and sick of the time cost of refinement/triage:


See action.yml for a full list of configuration options.

Example use

name: Priority List
on: { schedule: [{ cron: '0 1 * * 1' }] }  # 01:00 (AM, UTC) Mondays
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
      with: { python-version: '3.x' }
    - uses: iterative/priority-list@v1
        repos: >-
        github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }} # must have read access to `repos`
        weight_activity: 14   # weight for number of comments
        weight_reactions: 7   # weight for reactions to original issue
        weight_staleness: 1   # weight for days of inactivity
        weight_age: 0.142857  # weight for days open
        multiplier_pr: 7      # weight multiplier for PRs (compared to issues)
        # weight multiplier for labels (negative to exclude)
        multiplier_labels: >-
        p_label_graveyard: 4  # largest pN-label (lowest priority)
        slack_webhook: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK || '' }}  # optional; requires `people.json`

Example output

GitHub Actions job summary:

# priority days stale link assigned
0 20377 50 iterative/dvc#755 @efiop
1 17062 0 iterative/cml#1326 @dacbd @0x2b3bfa0
2 15000 41 iterative/ @jorgeorpinel
3 69 15 iterative/shtab#127 @casperdcl
4 0 0 iterative/priority-list#3 @casperdcl
... ... ... ... ...


The main calculation is done by the priority function in In summary:

  • we assume you use pN-labels (e.g. p0-critical, p1-important, p2-nice-to-have) on issues/PRs
    • labels match the Python regex [pP](?:riority)[\s:-]*([0-9]+).*
  • bug and external-request labels are treated the same as p1
  • issues/PRs lacking a pN-label are treated as p0
    • this bumps unnoticed/unlabelled items to the top of the list, thus encouraging you to at least assign a pN-label to (potentially) lower the priority
  • if an issue/PR has multiple labels, their associated priorities will be summed
  • use multiplier_labels to exclude (e.g. wip:-1 will skip anything labelled wip) or scale (e.g. upstream:0.01) the overall priority of an issue/PR
  • labels not matching the above rules are ignored

Results are posted in a job summary. To post to your team's slack channel too:

  • provide a slack_webhook
  • create a file named people.json in the working directory (see e.g. to map GitHub usernames to Slack member IDs