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GitHub Action

Ping Keeper

v1 Latest version

Ping Keeper


Ping Keeper

After sending the http request, verify the response header and value. fails when assertion not match


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Ping Keeper

uses: hohoonsong/actions-ping-keeper@v1

Learn more about this action in hohoonsong/actions-ping-keeper

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Ping Keeper Action

GitHub Super-Linter CI


This Action make http GET request to given url. you can add header and basic auth. assert response status, header, json body. it can work with 6 match indicators.

  • c_ : check if value contains given word
  • nc_ : check if value does not contain given word
  • e_ : check if given key exists
  • ne_ : check if given key does not exist
  • r_ : check if value matches given regex
  • nr_ check if value does not match given regex



name required type default description
url yes string The url which you want to test
max-attempts no string formatted number 1 Max attempts to retry
retry-delay no string formatted number 3 Delay between retries
follow-redirect no string formatted boolean false Flag for follow redirect response
headers no string Headers you want to attatch to request. it's format is Name=Value,Name=Value
basic-auth no string Credentials used with request. it's format is login:password. Recommanded to use github secrets
expected-status no string 200 Http status codes you expect. it's format is 200,301
expected-header no string Response headers you expect. it's format is key:c_value,key2:e_,key3:r_*alu*
expected-body no string Response bodies you expect. it only accept json body. it's format is key:c_value,key2:e_,key3:r_*alu*


name type description
assert-status string Boolean value for if response status code is what you expected
assert-header string Boolean value for if response header is what you expected
assert-body string Boolean value for if response body is what you expected
actual-status string Actual Http status code you received
actual-header string Actual Http response headers you received
actual-data string Actual Http response bodies you received

Example usage


name: Ping keeper
    - cron: '0 */2 * * *' # every 2 hours
    branches: [master]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0
      - name: Ping my service
        uses: hohoonsong/actions-ping-keeper@v1
          max-attempts: '2'
          retry-delay: '5'
          follow-redirect: true
          expected-status: 200,301
          expected-header: content-type:nc_json
          expected-body: key:r_*al*,one:c_two,three:ne_