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GitHub Action

Integrate Kengine

1.0.0 Latest version

Integrate Kengine


Integrate Kengine

Securely auth into Kengine-generated environments so you can test before merge


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Integrate Kengine

uses: khulnasoft-lab/kengine-action@1.0.0

Learn more about this action in khulnasoft-lab/kengine-action

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Integrate Kengine

GitHub License Github Action Community

Securely authenticate into Kengine-generated environments to test before merge by running E2E tests against an ephemeral environment on every commit.

This action connects to Kengine using your API token and fetches the environment variables necessary to test against your existing environments within your GitHub Actions workflow.


  • Obtain your API token from your Kengine Org Settings page

  • Create a new GitHub repository secret named KENGINE_API_TOKEN

  • Open a PR on your Kengine-enabled app

How to use

In your GitHub workflow file located in .github/workflows/, you can use the Kengine GitHub Action as per the following example:

on: [pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Auth into Kengine and run Cypress E2E tests against ephemeral environments
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Integrate Kengine
        uses: khulnasoft-lab/kengine-action@1.0.0
          KENGINE_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.KENGINE_API_TOKEN }}
      - name: Run E2E tests against the ephemeral environment
        run: npm run test
        shell: bash

This action can be configured by passing inputs or environment variables:


  - name: Integrate Kengine
    uses: khulnasoft-lab/kengine-action@1.0.0
        api-token: ${{ secrets.KENGINE_API_TOKEN }}
        timeout-minutes: 30
Input name Description Default Value
api-token Token required to connect to Kengine's APIs. Can be obtained from your Kengine Org Settings page -
timeout-minutes Number of minutes to wait for Kengine environment before timing out. 60
app-name Filter the environments by name of the application on the Kengine app. -

Environment Variables

  - name: Integrate Kengine
    uses: khulnasoft-lab/kengine-action@1.0.0
      INPUT_APP_NAME: 'react-app'
Environment Variable Description Default Value
KENGINE_API_TOKEN Token required to connect to Kengine's APIs. Can be obtained from your Kengine Org Settings page -
KENGINE_TIMEOUT Number of minutes to wait for Kengine environment before timing out. 60
KENGINE_APP_NAME Filter the environments by name of the application on the Kengine app. -

NOTE: Inputs are given precedence over environment variables.

If input api-token or environment variable KENGINE_API_TOKEN is not provided, error is raised.

On a successful run, the following environment variables are set, which can then be passed on to other actions in the same workflow:

Parameter Name Description
KENGINE_ENVIRONMENT_URL URL of the ephemeral environment
KENGINE_ENVIRONMENT_ID ID of the ephemeral environment
KENGINE_BYPASS_TOKEN Token to bypass authentication


Kengine Documentation