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GitHub Action

Create Asana Task

v1.0.1 Latest version

Create Asana Task


Create Asana Task

Trigger task creation in Asana from Github


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Create Asana Task

uses: honeycombio/gha-create-asana-task@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in honeycombio/gha-create-asana-task

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gha-create-asana-task Action

This Github Action allows you to create an Asana task within your Github workflows.

How to use it

- name: Create Asana task
  uses: honeycombio/gha-create-asana-task@main
    asana-secret: ${{ secrets.ASANA_PAT }}
    asana-workspace-id: ${{ secrets.ASANA_WORKSPACE_ID }}
    asana-project-id: ${{ secrets.ASANA_PROJECT_ID }}
    asana-section-id: ${{ secrets.ASANA_SECTION_ID }}
    asana-task-name: My Asana Task
    asana-task-description: My Asana Description # optional
    asana-due-date: 2022-12-05 # optional
    asana-tags: '["123456789"]' # optional


This Action is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.