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GitHub Action

Android App size difference


Android App size difference

microsoft image/svg+xml

Android App size difference

Compares the size of 2 APKs


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Android App size difference

uses: microsoft/android-app-size-diff@v0.29

Learn more about this action in microsoft/android-app-size-diff

Choose a version


This repository contains an Azure DevOps Task and a GitHub Workflow Action. See below usage examples to start using this in your CI.

This is currently in very early stages so, features offered are very limited. See contributing section below if you would like to chip in some features. At this stage, this repo is more of a skeleton upon which we hope to add more functionality. Once this is in a good state, we can be on top of our app size changes and very likely make this repo public.

Usage examples

  • In a Azure DevOps Pipeline

     - task: android-app-size-diff@0
         baseAppPath: test/assets/test.apk
         targetAppPath: test/assets/test.apk
       displayName: Run APK size comparision
  • In a GitHub Workflow (only after this repo becomes public)

      - uses: microsoft/android-app-size-diff@v0.27
        name: Run APK size comparision
         baseAppPath: test/assets/test.apk
         targetAppPath: test/assets/test.apk

Usage API

The API to use the GitHub action or Azure DevOps task is similar


  • baseAppPath: Path to base apk. This is the app before changes
    • required: true
    • default: 'base.apk'
  • baseAppLabel: Label to use for the base app in the report
    • required: false
    • default: 'Base APK'
  • targetAppPath: Path to target apk. This is the app after changes
    • required: true
    • default: 'target.apk'
  • targetAppLabel: Label to use for the base app in the report
    • required: false
    • default: 'Target APK'
  • summaryOutputPath: Output file where comparision summary should be written to
    • required: true
    • default: ''
  • metrics: A comma seperated list of size metrics to include in the summary. Possible values are apkSize, installSize, dexFiles, arscFile, nativeLibs
    • required: false
    • default: 'apkSize, installSize, dexFiles, arscFile, nativeLibs'
  • thresholds: A comma seperated list of thresholds for each of the metrics in bytes. If this is empty, no thresholding will apply. When this is not empty, the task will fail when any of the given thresholds are crossed
    • required: false
    • default: ''


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

Setting up development

Starting by cloning the repository. If your changes are small, feel free to open a PR with changes and the CI will take care of testing that everything still works with your changes. For something more long term or local testing, read on.

When contributing, please be aware that this repo will go public eventually


  • Install all global dependencies
    npm install -g typescript
    npm install -g ts-node
    npm install -g mocha
    # Only if you are compiling the GitHub plugin
    npm install -g @zeit/ncc
    # Only if you are publishing to ADO. Not required for most scenarios
    npm install -g tfx-cli
  • Install all project dependencies npm install


See package.json for full list of npm tasks. The below should be sufficient to get you started

  • Build code npm run build
  • Run ADO plugin locally npm run adoTask
  • Run all tests npm run test
    • Likely a better way to test your changes
  • Bundle all plugins npm run bundle