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Normalized Performance

Vitorio edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 3 revisions

It's hard to accurately track performance of JSMESS because

  • MESS performance changes
  • Browser performance changes
  • Emscripten performance changes
  • etc.

So, we use other JS tests to provide a normalization.

You will need to run the Kraken benchmark, the SunSpider benchmark and the Octane benchmark first, in the same browser you will run the JSMESS tests. Run each one, one at a time, don't load up a bunch of background tabs and come back later. They need to be foreground tabs, with nothing else going on on your machine, for the most accurate results.

For the JSMESS tests, run the following: TBD

Copy and paste the empty row in this table to add your results.

Name Platform Browser Kraken 1.1 SunSpider 1.0.2 Octane 2.0 0.142 Smurfs 0.151 Smurfs
Vitorio Mac OS X 10.8.5 Chrome 30.0.1599.101 1469.8ms +/- 1.7% 157.2ms +/- 0.7% 20169 ~100% ~50%