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How to fix keyboard mappings

Emerson José Silveira da Costa edited this page Jan 5, 2014 · 2 revisions

Right now, a lot of systems aren't really usable in JSMESS because they expect keyboard, joystick or mouse input in ways a web browser can't provide them.

For example, to toggle between MESS input (to change settings) and system input (for the emulated system itself), you usually press "Scroll Lock", but Macs don't have that key, and your web browser can't capture that key and give it to Emscripten.

To fix this, we need to provide a keyboard mapping to each system.

You don't have to be a programmer to do this! All you need is a full version of MESS, the BIOS/ROM(s) for a system, and at least one game for that system.

In your full version of MESS, load up that system and the game, go into the MESS UI, and set up the input mappings to only basic keyboard inputs: letters, numbers, punctuation, control, alt/meta, command/windows, etc. Function keys don't always work reliably. Make sure the game or application or system is usable, and write up some instructions explaining the mappings and your decisions.

Then, uh, stop by IRC I guess, because we don't have any place to put these right now.