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Part Run Process

Tom LeBlanc edited this page Mar 19, 2024 · 1 revision

Step 1. - Indicate your interest.

When a part run is posted, the part information, material, quantity and price will be indicated on the post. Sometimes the minimum quantity for the run will also be listed to reach that price. If you want in on the run, make a comment indicating how many of that run you want. At this moment nothing is binding.

Step 2. - The Run Closes

When a minimum has been reached, the run will close and fund collection will begin. You will be messaged via Facebook Messenger, and given your total based on the quantity you requested and any discounts you may have based on your Patreon member status or any credit you had from another order. Be sure to check your message requests if you have never been contacted about a part run before.

Facebook Help: How to see message requests on Messenger

Step 3. - Initial Payment

Payments are made in 2 steps. The first is to secure the funds to submit the run. Payments should be made via PayPal (address given in the chat) using the “Friends and Family” method. If you use the “Goods and Services” method you must increase the price by the amount PayPal adds as a fee. Please include your shipping address either in the payment notes or via chat. If you need some other payment method you can communicate that in the chat. Once payment has been received you are locked in to receive those parts. If you want to secure alternate shipping means please indicate it here. Otherwise we will use Pirate Ship to calculate the cheapest price to reach you.

Step 4. - The Waiting

Once all the funds have been collected from buyers the run will be initiated. Based on production and delivery times this could be weeks or months before the parts are ready. Status will be communicated in the part run post.

Step 5. - The Arrival

When parts arrive they will go through a short quality assurance phase where they are confirmed against the documentation. Once they’re approved they’ll be ready for shipping.

Step 6. - Shipping

Your individual shipping cost will be calculated and you will be messaged again via Facebook Messenger to arrange payment for shipping. Again use the same PayPal address and method as before. If you live in a country besides the USA you will be allowed to “bank” parts to save on shipping. This means parts can be held until they reach a threshold by which you want to ship them. NOTE: Patreon member discounts are not applied to shipping. Once parts are shipped you will receive a tracking number. Once parts leave our hands we take no responsibility for their arrival. If parts never arrive we cannot reimburse you. If parts are returned we’ll be happy to re-arrange shipping but at your cost. Please be aware of all shipping requirements and customs clearance for your country.