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The Curriculum Inventory Manager

sascha benjamin cohen edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 24 revisions



The Curriculum Inventory Manager is a tool designed to allow Ilios users to craft standards-compliant xml output reports for the AAMC [2012 - 2022] Curriculum Inventory Upload, as well as to provide a platform for modeling new frameworks for the curricula held in Ilios. Access to the CI Manager is restricted to Course Directors and those users given “developer” role privileges.

The tools allow for the basic construction of curriculum blocks (“sequence blocks”) and their appropriate population with course and other data. Usage follows the model found in program, course, and group management.

It is important to note that all fields in the UI forms are mandatory; there are no fields presented to the user which are not explicitly called for by the specification and standard. For further details on the various attributes available, please see the detailed information and examples provided by the Medbquitous standards information at

Reports may be created, edited and/or deleted up until they are “finalized”. Selecting the finalize button saves the report to the database as part of the historical record.

Only one report for each year of each program may be in place at any time; this includes finalized reports.

The export created by the report is compliant with the Medbiquitous standards.

When building the report, each “block” of the curriculum, regardless of whether it is a track, a set of courses, or a single course, is created as a “sequence block”. Sequence blocks may be nested at any level, so you can put blocks within blocks (within blocks), and so on, as shown below.

Any number of levels may be nested; it is important to note that the highest level block must be created first, as this iteration does not allow for the moving or shifting of blocks from one container to another or one level to another.

It is strongly recommended that the structure of your report is well defined prior to creating it in Ilios; this will facilitate the process of modeling your high level tracks, blocks, and nested sequences. Note that in the current iteration, it is necessary to create the highest level block in a nested set first, and work down. So in the case of complex parallel and intersecting longitudinal curricular mappings, the topmost container (or curricular title or structure) should be created as your first sequence block. For example, for a block of 1st and 2nd year courses associated together as “Essential Core”, which include 5 major course blocks, as well as a parallel longitudinal program for Foundations of Care, you would first create a block called “Essential Core”, and then within it nest 5 ordered blocks – one for each course --- and then an additional parallel block for Foundations of Care.

Once a report is created in draft form, it becomes available in the “select report” list which appears when clicking the “select report” button at the top left of the screen. Reports may be edited at any time until they are finalized. Once finalized, they may not be modified, and changes to the existing active curriculum or Ilios data will not modify their contents.

New Configuration Settings

There are two new configuration settings in the /application/config/[default.]ilios.php file that are necessary for the Curriculum Inventory report: curriculum_inventory_institution_domain and curriculum_inventory_supporting_link. The comments, instructions, details, and config settings themselves are in lines 142 - 176 of the file.

New Tables

The following tables have been added with version 2.3 to accommodate the CI:

  • aamc_method
  • session_type_x_aamc_method
  • aamc_pcrs
  • competency_x_aamc_pcrs
  • curriculum_inventory_academic_level
  • curriculum_inventory_export
  • curriculum_inventory_institution
  • curriculum_inventory_report
  • curriculum_inventory_sequence
  • curriculum_inventory_sequence_block

The first four tables listed are for the mapping of your local vocabulary and competency data to the standard; default values for all these can be loaded from the script provided with the code, /database/install/data_population/curriculum_inventory.sql. We strongly recommend running this script on upgrade, and modifying the data to match your local needs once it has run. It is important to remember that if you have modified or removed previously loaded default data (such as competency values), you will have to modify the script to accommodate your changes.

Please note that the information for the table curriculum_inventory_institution is required by the report for upload to the AAMC, and is your unique identifying information for your specific institution. If you are uncertain of your institution's EIN code, your information can be found here ( or by contacting the AAMC.

Mapping the PCRS

The PCRS (Physicians Competency Reference Set) was used by the AAMC Curriculum Inventory portal to aggregate the top-level competency maps of all participating institutions. In the context of Ilios, the PCRS replaces (for aggregation purposes) the local program objectives and competency subdomains with those correlated in the PCRS, via a mapping table in the database. Top level competency domains are inferred in the CI portal from PCRS using the top level PCRS categories. Ilios provides a default mapping of local competency information to PCRS. The data script which populates all the default data is available here:


It is simplest to understand if you join the information in the mapping table (competency_x_aamc_pcrs) with the data in the competency table (competency), so that you have not only the id values of the mapping but also the competency titles and the parent competency ids so as to give context to the data. The joined mapping looks like this in the database (providing the text of the competency subdomains mapped, along with their parent ACGME competencies noted by ID):

SELECT c.parent_competency_id AS "Parent Competency", 
c.competency_id AS  CompetencyID, 
FROM competency c 
JOIN competency_x_aamc_pcrs cxp ON c.competency_id = cxp.competency_id
ORDER BY c.parent_competency_id, c.competency_id
Parent Competency CompetencyID title pcrs_id
1 7 History Taking aamc-pcrs-comp-c0101
1 8 Physical Exam aamc-pcrs-comp-c0102
1 9 Oral Case Presentation aamc-pcrs-comp-c0106
1 10 Medical Notes aamc-pcrs-comp-c0405
1 11 Procedures and Skills aamc-pcrs-comp-c0101
1 12 Patient Management aamc-pcrs-comp-c0103
1 12 Patient Management aamc-pcrs-comp-c0109
1 12 Patient Management aamc-pcrs-comp-c0108
2 13 Problem-Solving and Diagnosis aamc-pcrs-comp-c0203
2 14 Knowledge for Practice aamc-pcrs-comp-c0201
2 14 Knowledge for Practice aamc-pcrs-comp-c0310
2 51 Treatment aamc-pcrs-comp-c0203
2 52 Inquiry and Discovery aamc-pcrs-comp-c0206
3 15 Information Management aamc-pcrs-comp-c0309
3 15 Information Management aamc-pcrs-comp-c0305
3 16 Evidence-Based Medicine aamc-pcrs-comp-c0306
3 16 Evidence-Based Medicine aamc-pcrs-comp-c0204
3 16 Evidence-Based Medicine aamc-pcrs-comp-c0202
3 17 Reflection and Self-Improvement aamc-pcrs-comp-c0307
3 17 Reflection and Self-Improvement aamc-pcrs-comp-c0301
4 18 Doctor-Patient Relationship aamc-pcrs-comp-c0107
4 19 Communication and Information Sharing with Patients and Families aamc-pcrs-comp-c0401
4 19 Communication and Information Sharing with Patients and Families aamc-pcrs-comp-c0107
4 19 Communication and Information Sharing with Patients and Families aamc-pcrs-comp-c0406
4 20 Communication with the Medical Team aamc-pcrs-comp-c0405
4 20 Communication with the Medical Team aamc-pcrs-comp-c0402
5 21 Professional Relationships aamc-pcrs-comp-c0505
5 21 Professional Relationships aamc-pcrs-comp-c0501
5 22 Boundaries and Priorities aamc-pcrs-comp-c0502
5 23 Work Habits, Appearance, and Etiquette aamc-pcrs-comp-c0504
5 24 Ethical Principles aamc-pcrs-comp-c0506
5 25 Institutional, Regulatory, and Professional Society Standards aamc-pcrs-comp-c0506
6 26 Healthcare Delivery Systems aamc-pcrs-comp-c0603
6 26 Healthcare Delivery Systems aamc-pcrs-comp-c0403
6 50 Systems Improvement aamc-pcrs-comp-c0605

Here you can see each competency and its links to the various PCRS values which map to it. The default values are based on the mappings determined by the UCSF School of Medicine. While we encourage you to review this data for reference, we strongly encourage every institution to review and map their own model of program objectives, competencies and PCRS, as the context of where mappings are made and for what reason is highly individualized by institution, and idiosyncratic by nature of the PCRS. While we are hoping to have tools embedded in the UI to assist with PCRS mapping by next year, currently the mapping is done on the backend, via the competency_x_aamc_pcrs table. This data table links the PCRS values with the associated competencies --- but it does so thru a linking to the program objectives, since the individual PCRS values are more congruent with programmatic objective level content than with Competency Subdomain definitions. If your institution finds that your subdomain definitions map clearly and directly to the PCRS values, then it simplifies your work, BUT: the following processes and steps should still be taken to validate your mapping. Essentially, we build the table data by taking each program objective, noting which competency it is mapped to, and then mapping/matching the objective to an appropriately similar PCRS value in our working spreadsheet --- which then in turn will be associated to that objective’s parent competency. Since a given competency may have multiple PCRS mappings, and a given PCRS value may relate to multiple competencies, this is the most coherent way to control the mapping year over year in Ilios. If you are database-inclined, you can find more info here: In order to map your local competencies to the PCRS, the following steps are taken with Ilios:

  1. Make sure you have a valid map of your existing local competencies (i.e., your program objectives mapped to the equivalent PCRS values); this is usually a spreadsheet made by your curriculum dean or curriculum committee. This is a necessary first step, and is required prior to setting any technical or data values in Ilios. Remember that the PCRS does not allow mapping to primary categories (PCRS 1.0, 2.0 etc), only to subdivisions (PCRS 3.6, 4.2. 5.99, etc). Also: what you are doing here is effectively replacing your program objectives (and in turn, any competency subdomains to which they are associated) with their corresponding PCRS values.
  2. Run the default data population scripts in ilios for the curriculum inventory if you have not already done so;
  3. Validate that the competencies listed in Ilios match those desired by your institution;
  4. Build your program which will be reported if you have not done so already; make sure to include all program years to be reported, and all program objectives for the reported program year(s).
  5. Be certain to link all program objectives to a parent competency. Run the following query (or something similar) to identify the parent competencies of your program objectives:
o.competency_id AS 'Competency ID',  
c.title AS 'Competency Description', 
o.objective_id AS 'Objective ID', 
CONCAT(LEFT(o.title,90),'...') AS 'Program Objective',  
pcrs.pcrs_id AS 'PCRS ID',
aamc_pcrs.description AS ' PCRS Description'
FROM  objective o  
JOIN competency c ON o.competency_id = c.competency_id  
JOIN competency_x_aamc_pcrs pcrs ON c.competency_id = pcrs.competency_id
JOIN aamc_pcrs ON pcrs.pcrs_id = aamc_pcrs.pcrs_id
WHERE objective_id IN (
  SELECT objective_id FROM program_year_x_objective
  WHERE program_year_id = [the program_year_id of your most current program year for the program being reported] )
ORDER BY o.objective_id, c.competency_id
Competency ID Competency Description Objective ID Program Objective PCRS ID PCRS Description
2 Medical Knowledge 126568 MK1 (graduation). For the UCSF 49, establish and maintain knowledge necessary for the p... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0299 Other knowledge for practice
108 Interprofessional Collaboration 126569 IPC2 (graduation). Communicate with other health professionals in a responsive and resp... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0799 Other interprofessional collaboration
108 Interprofessional Collaboration 126570 IPC3 (graduation). Work with other health professionals to establish and maintain a cli... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0799 Other interprofessional collaboration
6 Systems-Based Practice 126571 SBP1 (graduation). Collaborate to coordinate patient care within and across healthcare ... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0699 Other systems-based practice
6 Systems-Based Practice 126572 SBP2 (graduation). Participate in a systematic approach to promote patient safety.... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0699 Other systems-based practice
6 Systems-Based Practice 126573 SBP3 (graduation). Participate in continuous improvement in a clinical setting, utilizi... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0699 Other systems-based practice
5 Professionalism 126574 Pro1 (graduation). Form relationships with patients, families, and colleagues that demo... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126575 Pro2 (graduation). Demonstrate respect, compassion, honesty, and integrity when interac... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126576 Pro3 (graduation). Balance the needs of patients and healthcare team with one's own nee... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126577 Pro4 (graduation). Recognize the need for additional help or supervision and seek it ac... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126578 Pro5 (graduation). Demonstrate accountability and reliability, including initiative, re... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126579 Pro6 (graduation). Practice with a commitment to ethical principles, social justice, an... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126580 Pro7 (graduation). Adhere to institutional, regulatory, and professional standards and ... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126581 Pro8 (graduation). Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms to respond to stress, includin... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
5 Professionalism 126582 Pro9 (graduation). Demonstrate ongoing commitment to one's own professional identity fo... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0599 Other professionalism
2 Medical Knowledge 126583 MK2 (graduation). Through an inquiry-oriented and analytic approach to learning and pat... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0299 Other knowledge for practice
2 Medical Knowledge 126584 MK3 (graduation). For the UCSF 49, select, justify, and interpret diagnostic tests and ... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0299 Other knowledge for practice
2 Medical Knowledge 126585 MK4 (graduation). For the UCSF 49, diagnose and explain clinical problems.... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0299 Other knowledge for practice
2 Medical Knowledge 126586 MK5 (graduation). Use electronic decision support tools to inform clinical reasoning an... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0299 Other knowledge for practice
3 Practice-Based Learning & Improvement 126587 PBLI1 (graduation). Locate, appraise, and apply evidence from scientific studies relate... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0399 Other practice-based learning and improvement
3 Practice-Based Learning & Improvement 126588 PBLI2 (graduation). Critically reflect on one's own performance to identify strengths a... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0399 Other practice-based learning and improvement
3 Practice-Based Learning & Improvement 126589 PBLI3 (graduation). Employ strategies for seeking, receiving, acting upon, and deliveri... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0399 Other practice-based learning and improvement
4 Interpersonal & Communication Skills 126590 ICS1 (graduation). Communicate effectively in interpersonal and electronic communicatio... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0499 Other interpersonal and communication skills
4 Interpersonal & Communication Skills 126591 ICS2 (graduation). Demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conver... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0499 Other interpersonal and communication skills
4 Interpersonal & Communication Skills 126592 ICS3 (graduation). Share and elicit information and negotiate management plans using sh... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0499 Other interpersonal and communication skills
4 Interpersonal & Communication Skills 126593 ICS4 (graduation). Anticipate, interpret, and respond to one's own and others\ emotions... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0499
1 Patient Care 144137 PC1 (graduation). Gather complete and focused histories from patients, families, and el... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0199 Other patient care
1 Patient Care 144235 PC2 (graduation). Conduct complete and focused physical exams, using technology enhance... aamc-pcrs-comp-c0199 Other patient care
  1. Compare the mapped values in this query to the PCRS values you mapped in your spreadsheet, making note of the competency_id value listed for each;
  2. Update any variances in the competency_x_aamc_pcrs table to match the results of your actual mapping.

Mapping Instructional and Assessment Methods

[NOTE: In Ilios 3 This mapping is now managed directly through the session type management section of the UI, in School Management. Please refer to the user guide for more information.] The instructional and assessment methods used locally by your institution must be mapped to the AAMC-required vocabulary to upload to the national portal. The default mappings are loaded into Ilios in the /database/install/data_population/curriculum_inventory.sql script. The AAMC methods are loaded from this script as well. The AAMC codes and methods are maintained in the table aamc_method; the crosswalk mapping data is maintained in the table session_type_x_aamc_method.

To take full advantage of these tables, you should also make sure to completely populate your session_type table to fully identify both instructional and assessment methods, and to flag assessment methods as either formative or summative.

In the session_type table, each entry includes attributes for assessment and assessment_option_id. In the assessment field, a 0 identifies the entry as an instructional (ie, NOT an assessment) method. A 1 identifies it as an assessment. The assessment_option_id field can have one of three values: NULL, which identifies the entry as an instructional (ie, NOT an assessment) method; 1 to mark the assessment method as Summative, and 2 to mark the assessment method as Formative. For assessment methods which can be either formative or summative, we recommend making two different entries, and noting the difference in the title.

Mapping Instructional Resources

The default vocabulary provided in the codeabase of Ilios 3 is automatically mapped to the AAMC standard resource codes. If you do not have this vocabulary loaded in your instance, or require further information or assistance, please contact

For more information on the data tables, please refer to the data dictionary.