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Wave Period

Howard (Luhao) Wang edited this page May 30, 2019 · 3 revisions

Creating a logistic regression model in Python!

# Reference:

Import necessary libraries:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rc("font", size=14) 

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style="whitegrid", color_codes=True)

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

#from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

import os
import datetime
import pytz
import re

import peakutils
import statsmodels.api as sm

import requests

#Read data from a local csv file:

##Will change this to scrape files from the website later.
#data = pd.read_csv('Motion_13735.CSV', header=0)   
#data = data.dropna()

#Print out the column headings:

Summary of specific ride IDs:

#Make sure the ride_id and the footage file match up:
ride_ids = ['15692']
footage_file = 'Footage3.txt'

#ride_ids = ['14827']
# 14743 - Motion Control July 10th
# 14750 - Magnetometer Control July 11th
# 14814 - Pool Displacement Control July 17th
# 14815 - Compass Orientation (Lying on Charger Side) July 19th
# 14816 - Orientation w Higher Sampling (Lying on Charger Side) July 20th
# 14827 - Pool Displacement Control w Higher Sampling (Jul 23)
# 14888 - First Buoy Calibration Experiment (July 30)
# 15218 - Jasmine's Second Ride Sesh filmed with GoPro (Aug 29) //no footage
# 15629 - Jasmine's First Ride Sesh filmed with VIRB (Oct. 24) //first labelled footage!
# 15669 - Jasmine's Second Ride Sesh filmed with VIRB (Nov. 7) //second labelled footage!
# 15692 - Jasmine's 3rd Ride Sesh filmed with VIRB (Nov. 9) //third labelled footage!
# 15686 - Jasmine's 4th Ride Sesh filmed with VIRB (Nov. 11) //fourth labelled footage!

Fin ID Scraper (pulls dataframes for specific ride id from website):

#%% Fin ID scraper
# Input fin ID, get all ride IDs
# base URL to which we'll append given fin IDs
fin_url_base = ''

# Look for the following text in the HTML contents in fcn below
str_id_ride = 'rideId = \'' # backslash allows us to look for single quote
str_id_date = 'var date = \'' # backslash allows us to look for single quote

#%% Ride ID scraper
# Input ride ID, get ocean and motion CSVs
# Base URL to which we'll append given ride IDs
ride_url_base = ''

# Look for the following text in the HTML contents in fcn below
str_id_csv = 'img id="temperatureChart" class="chart" src="' 

def get_csv_from_ride_id(rid):
    # Build URL for each individual ride
    ride_url = ride_url_base+str(rid)
    # Get contents of ride_url
    html_contents = requests.get(ride_url).text
    # Find CSV identifier 
    loc_csv_id = html_contents.find(str_id_csv)
    # Different based on whether user logged in with FB or Google
    offset_googleOAuth = [46, 114]
    offset_facebkOAuth = [46, 112]
    if html_contents[loc_csv_id+59] == 'f': # Facebook login
        off0 = offset_facebkOAuth[0]
        off1 = offset_facebkOAuth[1]
    else: # Google login
        off0 = offset_googleOAuth[0]
        off1 = offset_googleOAuth[1]
    csv_id_longstr = html_contents[loc_csv_id+off0:loc_csv_id+off1]
#    print(csv_id_longstr)
    # Stitch together full URL for CSV
    if ("media" in csv_id_longstr) & ("Calibration" not in html_contents): # other junk URLs can exist and break everything
        ocean_csv_url = ''+csv_id_longstr+'Ocean.CSV'
        motion_csv_url = ''+csv_id_longstr+'Motion.CSV'
        # Go to ocean_csv_url and grab contents (theoretically, a CSV)
        ocean_df_small = pd.read_csv(ocean_csv_url, parse_dates = [0])
        elapsed_timedelta = (ocean_df_small['UTC']-ocean_df_small['UTC'][0])
        ocean_df_small['elapsed'] = elapsed_timedelta/np.timedelta64(1, 's')
        motion_df_small = pd.read_csv(motion_csv_url, parse_dates = [0])
        # Reindex on timestamp if there are at least a few rows
        if len(ocean_df_small) > 1:
            ocean_df_small.set_index('UTC', drop = True, append = False, inplace = True)
            motion_df_small.set_index('UTC', drop = True, append = False, inplace = True)
            #May need to change this sampling interval:
            sample_interval = '33ms'
            ocean_df_small_resample = ocean_df_small.resample(sample_interval).mean()
            motion_df_small_resample = motion_df_small.resample(sample_interval).mean()
            # No need to save many extra rows with no fix
            motion_df_small = motion_df_small[~np.isnan(motion_df_small.Latitude)]
            return ocean_df_small_resample, motion_df_small_resample

        ocean_df_small_resample = pd.DataFrame() # empty DF just so something is returned
        motion_df_small_resample = pd.DataFrame() 
        return ocean_df_small_resample, motion_df_small_resample
appended_ocean_list = [] # list of DataFrames from original CSVs
appended_motion_list = []
appended_multiIndex = [] # fin_id & ride_id used to identify each DataFrame

## Nested loops (for each fin ID, find all ride IDs, then build a DataFrame from all ride CSVs)
## (Here, ride IDS are either ocean or motion dataframes)
count_good_fins = 0
# Loop over ride_ids and find CSVs
for rid in ride_ids:
        new_ocean_df, new_motion_df = get_csv_from_ride_id(rid) # get given ride's CSV from its ride ID using function above
        if not new_ocean_df.empty: # Calibration rides, for example
            # Append only if DF isn't empty. There may be a better way to control empty DFs which are created above
            appended_multiIndex.append(str(rid)) # build list to be multiIndex of future DataFrame
            print("Ride data has been uploaded.")
            #print("Ride: ", rid, "data has been uploaded.")
            count_good_fins += 1
        print("Ride threw an exception!")
        #print("Ride ", rid, "threw an exception!")    

#%% Build the "Master" DataFrame

# appended_ocean_df.summary()
df_keys = tuple(appended_multiIndex) # keys gotta be a tuple, a list which data in it cannot be changed
ocean_df = pd.concat(appended_ocean_list, keys = df_keys, names=['ride_id'])
motion_df = pd.concat(appended_motion_list, keys = df_keys, names = ['ride_id'])

##Here, maybe just use info from the motion_df and don't worry about ocean_df data for now.
##If you do want ocean_df data, look at how Phil was getting it from "July 10th and 11th Calibration" jupyter notebook file.

#We can also check to see if the surfboard was recording "in-water-freq" or 
#"out-of-water-freq" based on how many NaN values we see. 
Ride data has been uploaded.
                                         Time  IMU A1  IMU A2  IMU A3  IMU G1  \
ride_id UTC                                                                     
15692   2018-11-09 19:16:03.789  1.414743e+09   493.0    48.0   110.0    75.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.822           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.855           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.888           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.921           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.954           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.987           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.020           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.053  1.414743e+09   513.0    89.0    62.0    34.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.086           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.119           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.152           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.185           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.218           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.251           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.284  1.414743e+09   494.0    92.0    80.0    69.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.317           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.350           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.383           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.416           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.449           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.482           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.515           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.548  1.414744e+09   421.0   205.0  -104.0   192.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.581           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.614           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.647           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.680           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.713           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.746           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
...                                       ...     ...     ...     ...     ...   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.121           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.154           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.187           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.220           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.253           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.286           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.319  1.419644e+09   501.0   -11.0    99.0     9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.352           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.385           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.418           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.451           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.484  1.419644e+09     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.517           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.550           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.583  1.419644e+09   502.0   -11.0    99.0    10.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.616           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.649           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.682           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.715           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.748           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.781           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.814  1.419644e+09   501.0   -13.0    99.0    10.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.847           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.880           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.913           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.946           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.979           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.012           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.045           NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.078  1.419644e+09   501.0   -11.0    98.0    10.0   

                                 IMU G2  IMU G3  IMU M1  IMU M2  IMU M3  \
ride_id UTC                                                               
15692   2018-11-09 19:16:03.789  -124.0   -86.0  -309.0   209.0    39.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.822     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.855     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.888     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.921     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.954     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.987     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.020     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.053   -36.0   -92.0  -320.0   194.0    38.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.086     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.119     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.152     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.185     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.218     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.251     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.284   -63.0   -42.0  -329.0   189.0    49.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.317     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.350     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.383     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.416     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.449     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.482     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.515     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.548   -92.0   -37.0  -330.0   180.0    64.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.581     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.614     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.647     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.680     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.713     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.746     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
...                                 ...     ...     ...     ...     ...   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.121     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.154     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.187     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.220     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.253     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.286     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.319    20.0     2.0  -303.0   267.0    37.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.352     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.385     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.418     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.451     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.484     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.517     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.550     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.583    21.0     1.0  -308.0   262.0    32.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.616     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.649     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.682     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.715     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.748     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.781     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.814    21.0     1.0  -310.0   260.0    38.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.847     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.880     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.913     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.946     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.979     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.012     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.045     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.078    20.0     2.0  -309.0   265.0    35.0   

                                  Latitude   Longitude  
ride_id UTC                                             
15692   2018-11-09 19:16:03.789  3285871.0 -11725690.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.822        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.855        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.888        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.921        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.954        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:03.987        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.020        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.053        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.086        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.119        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.152        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.185        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.218        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.251        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.284        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.317        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.350        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.383        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.416        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.449        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.482        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.515        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.548        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.581        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.614        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.647        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.680        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.713        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.746        NaN         NaN  
...                                    ...         ...  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.121        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.154        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.187        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.220        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.253        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.286        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.319        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.352        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.385        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.418        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.451        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.484  3287082.0 -11722116.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.517        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.550        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.583        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.616        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.649        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.682        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.715        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.748        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.781        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.814        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.847        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.880        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.913        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.946        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.979        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.012        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.045        NaN         NaN  
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.078        NaN         NaN  

[149434 rows x 12 columns]

Drop the NA values from the dataframe:

#Drop the latitude and longitude values since most of them are Nan:
motion_df_dropped = motion_df.drop(columns=['Latitude', 'Longitude'])

#Drop the NAN values from the motion data:
motion_df_dropped = motion_df_dropped.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
                                         Time  IMU A1  IMU A2  IMU A3  IMU G1  \
ride_id UTC                                                                     
15692   2018-11-09 19:16:03.789  1.414743e+09   493.0    48.0   110.0    75.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.053  1.414743e+09   513.0    89.0    62.0    34.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.284  1.414743e+09   494.0    92.0    80.0    69.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.548  1.414744e+09   421.0   205.0  -104.0   192.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.812  1.414744e+09   534.0   306.0   -32.0  -421.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.043  1.414744e+09   455.0   149.0  -102.0  -355.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.307  1.414744e+09   474.0   342.0  -219.0  -234.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.571  1.414745e+09   363.0   323.0  -131.0    60.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.802  1.414745e+09   -21.0   510.0  -447.0    78.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.066  1.414745e+09    35.0   283.0  -132.0  -114.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.330  1.414745e+09   130.0   323.0  -255.0   160.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.561  1.414746e+09   -55.0   504.0  -173.0  -152.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.825  1.414746e+09    58.0   420.0  -128.0   -77.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.056  1.414746e+09  -179.0   454.0  -389.0    58.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.320  1.414746e+09    13.0   181.0  -229.0   128.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.551  1.414747e+09   -23.0   815.0  -258.0  -323.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.815  1.414747e+09     5.0   254.0  -120.0   190.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.079  1.414747e+09  -158.0   487.0  -291.0    -8.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.310  1.414747e+09    37.0   207.0  -236.0   100.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.574  1.414748e+09  -123.0   659.0  -206.0  -222.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.838  1.414748e+09   -24.0   368.0  -187.0   106.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.069  1.414748e+09  -200.0   516.0  -402.0     7.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.333  1.414748e+09   -40.0   300.0  -298.0   126.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.564  1.414749e+09   -62.0   556.0  -242.0  -249.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.828  1.414749e+09    13.0   482.0  -212.0    92.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.092  1.414749e+09  -158.0   583.0  -277.0   -73.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.323  1.414749e+09  -102.0   315.0  -379.0    18.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.587  1.414750e+09   -81.0   421.0   -70.0   -90.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.851  1.414750e+09   -36.0   489.0  -226.0   111.0   
        2018-11-09 19:16:11.082  1.414750e+09    53.0   195.0  -107.0    20.0   
...                                       ...     ...     ...     ...     ...   
        2018-11-09 20:38:07.785  1.419637e+09   443.0   -13.0    84.0   -70.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.016  1.419637e+09   509.0   -29.0    87.0   -58.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.280  1.419638e+09   502.0    27.0    97.0     4.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.544  1.419638e+09   501.0   -23.0   103.0    13.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.775  1.419638e+09   499.0    -5.0   105.0    -9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.039  1.419638e+09   501.0   -10.0   104.0     6.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.303  1.419639e+09   501.0    -8.0   104.0     9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.534  1.419639e+09   500.0    -9.0   104.0     8.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.798  1.419639e+09   501.0    -8.0   104.0     8.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.062  1.419639e+09   500.0    -8.0   103.0     8.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.293  1.419640e+09   500.0    -9.0   105.0     9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.557  1.419640e+09   500.0    -8.0   105.0     8.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.788  1.419640e+09   501.0   -20.0   102.0     7.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.052  1.419640e+09   497.0     2.0   107.0    -4.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.316  1.419641e+09   500.0    -7.0   106.0   -78.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.547  1.419641e+09   503.0   -19.0    98.0    77.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.811  1.419641e+09   497.0    17.0   110.0    21.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.042  1.419641e+09   502.0   -13.0   103.0    18.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.306  1.419642e+09   498.0    13.0   107.0   -26.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.570  1.419642e+09   502.0   -23.0    96.0  -157.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.801  1.419642e+09   502.0   -11.0    99.0    17.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.065  1.419642e+09   501.0    -9.0   100.0    12.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.296  1.419643e+09   501.0   -12.0    99.0    11.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.560  1.419643e+09   502.0   -13.0    99.0     9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.824  1.419643e+09   502.0   -11.0    98.0     9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.055  1.419643e+09   501.0   -11.0    99.0     9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.319  1.419644e+09   501.0   -11.0    99.0     9.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.583  1.419644e+09   502.0   -11.0    99.0    10.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.814  1.419644e+09   501.0   -13.0    99.0    10.0   
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.078  1.419644e+09   501.0   -11.0    98.0    10.0   

                                 IMU G2  IMU G3  IMU M1  IMU M2  IMU M3  
ride_id UTC                                                              
15692   2018-11-09 19:16:03.789  -124.0   -86.0  -309.0   209.0    39.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.053   -36.0   -92.0  -320.0   194.0    38.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.284   -63.0   -42.0  -329.0   189.0    49.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.548   -92.0   -37.0  -330.0   180.0    64.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:04.812  -233.0  -229.0  -325.0   161.0    97.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.043  -376.0  -397.0  -337.0   117.0   151.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.307  -527.0  -465.0  -311.0    25.0   217.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.571  -662.0  -305.0  -238.0    -8.0   272.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:05.802  -643.0  -153.0  -159.0   -21.0   321.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.066  -430.0   132.0   -86.0   -38.0   326.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.330  -243.0   349.0   -62.0   -24.0   326.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.561  -297.0   191.0   -39.0   -55.0   311.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:06.825  -228.0   138.0   -14.0   -80.0   294.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.056   -23.0    12.0    -3.0   -79.0   297.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.320    19.0    10.0   -12.0   -76.0   296.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.551  -117.0    46.0     6.0   -86.0   292.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:07.815   -49.0    11.0    16.0   -90.0   266.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.079   114.0   -28.0    15.0   -75.0   285.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.310    71.0   -17.0    10.0   -82.0   282.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.574  -103.0   -77.0    28.0   -88.0   268.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:08.838   -26.0   -13.0    40.0   -80.0   268.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.069    84.0   -68.0    36.0   -70.0   276.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.333    77.0    38.0    33.0   -67.0   285.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.564  -100.0   -22.0    37.0   -69.0   265.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:09.828   -13.0    26.0    44.0   -80.0   270.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.092    42.0   -45.0    53.0   -83.0   263.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.323     7.0    39.0    38.0   -78.0   260.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.587   -50.0   -95.0    52.0   -92.0   244.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:10.851   101.0   -17.0    50.0   -88.0   250.0  
        2018-11-09 19:16:11.082   109.0   -51.0    54.0   -76.0   256.0  
...                                 ...     ...     ...     ...     ...  
        2018-11-09 20:38:07.785    57.0    15.0  -295.0   219.0     7.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.016    55.0   -10.0  -294.0   226.0     0.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.280    17.0     4.0  -290.0   232.0    -6.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.544    20.0     0.0  -290.0   228.0   -10.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:08.775    19.0    -3.0  -285.0   225.0     7.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.039    21.0     0.0  -291.0   221.0    -3.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.303    21.0     1.0  -297.0   221.0    -3.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.534    21.0     1.0  -288.0   222.0    -6.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:09.798    21.0     1.0  -286.0   222.0    -4.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.062    21.0     0.0  -290.0   220.0     2.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.293    21.0     1.0  -286.0   224.0     8.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.557    21.0     1.0  -289.0   217.0     1.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:10.788    21.0     1.0  -297.0   225.0     3.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.052    20.0    -1.0  -294.0   222.0     4.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.316    14.0    -9.0  -282.0   224.0     0.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.547    25.0     6.0  -291.0   229.0     3.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:11.811    21.0     1.0  -289.0   243.0     7.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.042    22.0     0.0  -291.0   267.0    19.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.306    19.0    -3.0  -302.0   256.0    14.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.570     9.0   -20.0  -313.0   263.0    27.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:12.801    22.0     2.0  -307.0   263.0    39.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.065    21.0     1.0  -305.0   265.0    37.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.296    20.0     1.0  -296.0   266.0    32.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.560    21.0     1.0  -298.0   262.0    30.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:13.824    21.0     1.0  -303.0   257.0    35.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.055    21.0     2.0  -293.0   259.0    41.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.319    20.0     2.0  -303.0   267.0    37.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.583    21.0     1.0  -308.0   262.0    32.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:14.814    21.0     1.0  -310.0   260.0    38.0  
        2018-11-09 20:38:15.078    20.0     2.0  -309.0   265.0    35.0  

[21645 rows x 10 columns]

Create an elapsed time field to sync Smartfin data with Video Footage:

#Create an elapsed_timedelta field:

#timedelta_values = (motion_df_dropped['Time']-motion_df_dropped['Time'][0])
#motion_df_dropped.insert(loc=1, column='TimeDelta', value=timedelta_values, drop=True)
motion_df_dropped['TimeDelta'] = (motion_df_dropped['Time']-motion_df_dropped['Time'][0])
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ride_id UTC
15692 2018-11-09 19:16:03.789 1.414743e+09 493.0 48.0 110.0 75.0 -124.0 -86.0 -309.0 209.0 39.0 0.0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.053 1.414743e+09 513.0 89.0 62.0 34.0 -36.0 -92.0 -320.0 194.0 38.0 252.5
2018-11-09 19:16:04.284 1.414743e+09 494.0 92.0 80.0 69.0 -63.0 -42.0 -329.0 189.0 49.0 501.5
2018-11-09 19:16:04.548 1.414744e+09 421.0 205.0 -104.0 192.0 -92.0 -37.0 -330.0 180.0 64.0 753.5
2018-11-09 19:16:04.812 1.414744e+09 534.0 306.0 -32.0 -421.0 -233.0 -229.0 -325.0 161.0 97.0 1003.5
2018-11-09 19:16:05.043 1.414744e+09 455.0 149.0 -102.0 -355.0 -376.0 -397.0 -337.0 117.0 151.0 1253.5
2018-11-09 19:16:05.307 1.414744e+09 474.0 342.0 -219.0 -234.0 -527.0 -465.0 -311.0 25.0 217.0 1504.5
2018-11-09 19:16:05.571 1.414745e+09 363.0 323.0 -131.0 60.0 -662.0 -305.0 -238.0 -8.0 272.0 1755.5
2018-11-09 19:16:05.802 1.414745e+09 -21.0 510.0 -447.0 78.0 -643.0 -153.0 -159.0 -21.0 321.0 2006.5
2018-11-09 19:16:06.066 1.414745e+09 35.0 283.0 -132.0 -114.0 -430.0 132.0 -86.0 -38.0 326.0 2258.5

Footage sync code written by Alina:

#Footage sync code written by Alina: (Miulti-Column)

import time

#simple method: only walking, paddling, floating, surfing
#complex method: columns created based on footage file labels
def label_data( footage_file = 'Footage.txt', labelling_method = 'simple', sync_threshold = 20000 ):
    #First, perform sync
    sync_buf = 0
    with open(footage_file) as file:
        for line in file:
            labelled_time = line.split(None, 2) 
                cur_time = time.strptime(labelled_time[0], '%M:%S')
            labelled_time[1] = labelled_time[1].rstrip()
            if labelled_time[1].lower() == 'sync': #Assumption that first word in sync line is "sync"
                sync_time = cur_time.tm_min * 60 * 1000 + cur_time.tm_sec * 1000
                index = 0
                start = 0
                end = 0
                #Syncing occurs when IMU A2 data is negative for a longer period than the provided threshold
                #Default is 20 seconds
                for data in motion_df_dropped['IMU A2']:
                    if data < 0 and start == 0:
                        start = motion_df_dropped['TimeDelta'][index]
                    elif data > 0 and start != 0:
                        end = motion_df_dropped['TimeDelta'][index]
                        if end - start > sync_threshold:
                            sync_buf = start - sync_time
                        start = 0
                    index += 1

    accepted_labels = set()
    if labelling_method == 'simple':
        accepted_labels = {'WALKING', 'PADDLING', 'FLOATING', 'SURFING'}

        #Create new DataFrame containing label info
        label_frame = pd.DataFrame(0, index = motion_df_dropped.index, columns = accepted_labels)
        for label in accepted_labels:
            label_frame[label] = [0] * len(motion_df_dropped['Time'])
    #Convention of labelled footage text: "MINUTE:SECOND LABEL"
    elapsed_time = 0
    cur_label = ''
    buffer = 0
    with open(footage_file) as file:
        for line in file:
            if labelling_method == 'simple':
                labelled_time = line.split(None, 2) #simple categorizes on a one-word basis
                labelled_time = line.split(None, 1) #complex requires the entire label
            #If the first word is not a properly formatted time, the line cannot be read
                cur_time = time.strptime(labelled_time[0], '%M:%S')
                cur_timeMS = cur_time.tm_min * 60 * 1000 + cur_time.tm_sec * 1000 + sync_buf
            labelled_time[1] = labelled_time[1].rstrip() #Remove potential newline
            #Check for end of video and modify buffer accordingly
            if labelled_time[1].lower() == 'end of video': #Assumption that label end video with "end of video"
                buffer += cur_timeMS
            #----Complex "mode" below: --------
            #Modify accepted labels list if reading a new label and in complex mode
            elif labelling_method == 'complex' and (labelled_time[1].upper() not in accepted_labels):
                if not cur_label:
                    label_frame = pd.DataFrame(0, index = motion_df_dropped.index, columns = accepted_labels)
                label_frame[labelled_time[1].upper()] = [0] * len(motion_df_dropped['Time'])
            if labelled_time[1].upper() in accepted_labels:
                while (elapsed_time < len(motion_df_dropped['Time']) and
                      (np.isnan(motion_df_dropped['TimeDelta'][elapsed_time]) or
                       motion_df_dropped['TimeDelta'][elapsed_time] < cur_timeMS + buffer)):
                    if cur_label != '':
                        label_frame[cur_label][elapsed_time] = 1
                    elapsed_time += 1
                if labelled_time[1].upper() != 'end of video':
                    cur_label = labelled_time[1].upper()

    labelled = pd.concat([motion_df_dropped, label_frame], axis = 1)

    return labelled

pd.options.display.max_rows = 5000
pd.options.display.max_columns = 5000
motion_df_simple = label_data(footage_file)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ride_id UTC
15692 2018-11-09 19:16:03.789 1.414743e+09 493.0 48.0 110.0 75.0 -124.0 -86.0 -309.0 209.0 39.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.053 1.414743e+09 513.0 89.0 62.0 34.0 -36.0 -92.0 -320.0 194.0 38.0 252.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.284 1.414743e+09 494.0 92.0 80.0 69.0 -63.0 -42.0 -329.0 189.0 49.0 501.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.548 1.414744e+09 421.0 205.0 -104.0 192.0 -92.0 -37.0 -330.0 180.0 64.0 753.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.812 1.414744e+09 534.0 306.0 -32.0 -421.0 -233.0 -229.0 -325.0 161.0 97.0 1003.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.043 1.414744e+09 455.0 149.0 -102.0 -355.0 -376.0 -397.0 -337.0 117.0 151.0 1253.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.307 1.414744e+09 474.0 342.0 -219.0 -234.0 -527.0 -465.0 -311.0 25.0 217.0 1504.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.571 1.414745e+09 363.0 323.0 -131.0 60.0 -662.0 -305.0 -238.0 -8.0 272.0 1755.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.802 1.414745e+09 -21.0 510.0 -447.0 78.0 -643.0 -153.0 -159.0 -21.0 321.0 2006.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:06.066 1.414745e+09 35.0 283.0 -132.0 -114.0 -430.0 132.0 -86.0 -38.0 326.0 2258.5 0 0 0 0
#motion_df_complex = label_data('Footage3.txt', 'complex')

Concatenate multiple footage files that we have so far to create a larger mass of data samples.

#df1_complex = label_data('Footage.txt', 'complex')
#df2_complex = label_data('Footage2.txt', 'complex')
#df3_complex = label_data('Footage3.txt', 'complex')
#df4_complex = label_data('Footage4.txt', 'complex')

#df_concatenated = pd.concat([df1_complex, df2_complex, df3_complex, df4_complex])

#print("Shape of first dataframe:", df1_complex.shape)
#print("Shape of all combined dataframes:", df_concatenated.shape)

#print("Printing dataframe...")

Convert the Raw IMU data values to real units:

##correct IMU data

##make a deep copy of motion_df_labelled
#df_converted = motion_df_complex.copy(deep = 'true')
df_converted = motion_df_simple.copy(deep = 'true')

##for rows in df_corrected
for row in range(0, df_converted.shape[0]):
    #convert acceleromters (new: m/s^2)
    df_converted.iloc[row, df_converted.columns.get_loc('IMU A1')] *= -0.019141  #forwards/backwards
    df_converted.iloc[row, df_converted.columns.get_loc('IMU A2')] *= 0.019141   #upside down/right side up
    df_converted.iloc[row, df_converted.columns.get_loc('IMU A3')] *= 0.019141   #sideways: negative = left, positive = right
    #convert gyroscopes (new: deg/s)
    df_converted.iloc[row, df_converted.columns.get_loc('IMU G1')] /= 8.2        #roll
    df_converted.iloc[row, df_converted.columns.get_loc('IMU G2')] /= 8.2        #yaw
    df_converted.iloc[row, df_converted.columns.get_loc('IMU G3')] /= 8.2        #pitch (flipping forwards/backwards)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ride_id UTC
15692 2018-11-09 19:16:03.789 1.414743e+09 493.0 48.0 110.0 75.0 -124.0 -86.0 -309.0 209.0 39.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.053 1.414743e+09 513.0 89.0 62.0 34.0 -36.0 -92.0 -320.0 194.0 38.0 252.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.284 1.414743e+09 494.0 92.0 80.0 69.0 -63.0 -42.0 -329.0 189.0 49.0 501.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.548 1.414744e+09 421.0 205.0 -104.0 192.0 -92.0 -37.0 -330.0 180.0 64.0 753.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.812 1.414744e+09 534.0 306.0 -32.0 -421.0 -233.0 -229.0 -325.0 161.0 97.0 1003.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.043 1.414744e+09 455.0 149.0 -102.0 -355.0 -376.0 -397.0 -337.0 117.0 151.0 1253.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.307 1.414744e+09 474.0 342.0 -219.0 -234.0 -527.0 -465.0 -311.0 25.0 217.0 1504.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.571 1.414745e+09 363.0 323.0 -131.0 60.0 -662.0 -305.0 -238.0 -8.0 272.0 1755.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.802 1.414745e+09 -21.0 510.0 -447.0 78.0 -643.0 -153.0 -159.0 -21.0 321.0 2006.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:06.066 1.414745e+09 35.0 283.0 -132.0 -114.0 -430.0 132.0 -86.0 -38.0 326.0 2258.5 0 0 0 0
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ride_id UTC
15692 2018-11-09 19:16:03.789 1.414743e+09 -9.436513 0.918768 2.105510 9.146341 -15.121951 -10.487805 -309.0 209.0 39.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.053 1.414743e+09 -9.819333 1.703549 1.186742 4.146341 -4.390244 -11.219512 -320.0 194.0 38.0 252.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.284 1.414743e+09 -9.455654 1.760972 1.531280 8.414634 -7.682927 -5.121951 -329.0 189.0 49.0 501.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.548 1.414744e+09 -8.058361 3.923905 -1.990664 23.414634 -11.219512 -4.512195 -330.0 180.0 64.0 753.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:04.812 1.414744e+09 -10.221294 5.857146 -0.612512 -51.341463 -28.414634 -27.926829 -325.0 161.0 97.0 1003.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.043 1.414744e+09 -8.709155 2.852009 -1.952382 -43.292683 -45.853659 -48.414634 -337.0 117.0 151.0 1253.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.307 1.414744e+09 -9.072834 6.546222 -4.191879 -28.536585 -64.268293 -56.707317 -311.0 25.0 217.0 1504.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.571 1.414745e+09 -6.948183 6.182543 -2.507471 7.317073 -80.731707 -37.195122 -238.0 -8.0 272.0 1755.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:05.802 1.414745e+09 0.401961 9.761910 -8.556027 9.512195 -78.414634 -18.658537 -159.0 -21.0 321.0 2006.5 0 0 0 0
2018-11-09 19:16:06.066 1.414745e+09 -0.669935 5.416903 -2.526612 -13.902439 -52.439024 16.097561 -86.0 -38.0 326.0 2258.5 0 0 0 0
## Drop data columns that we don't care about predicting/visualizing: 

for dc in drop_columns: 
    if dc in df_converted.columns: 
        df_converted = df_converted.drop(dc)


Plot IMU Signals with Labels:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [50, 10]

#define a function that plots a column of dataf in relation to time. color coded to match labels in dataf
#requires that:
#dataf has a 'TimeDelta' column
#labels: walking, surfing, floating, paddling

def createPlot (dataf, column):
        #create new data frame to be plotted
        #Only consider columns after Velocity
        dfPlot = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['TIME'] + list(dataf)[list(dataf).index('TimeDelta') + 1:], dtype = float)
        #add timedelta column from dataf to dfPlot
        dfPlot['TIME'] = dataf['TimeDelta']
        #get the index of the column to be graphed
        columnInd = dataf.columns.get_loc(column)
        #for each row in dfPlot (number of IMU readings)
        for row in range(0, dfPlot.shape[0]):
            #for the indexes of the label columns in dfPlot
            for col in range(1, dfPlot.shape[1]):
                #if a label in the row is 1 in dataf
                if dataf.iloc[row, dataf.columns.get_loc(dfPlot.columns[col])] == 1:
                    #add the sensors value to the corresponding column in dfPlot
                    dfPlot.iloc[row, dfPlot.columns.get_loc(dfPlot.columns[col])] = dataf.iloc[row, columnInd]
                    #dfPlot.iloc[row, dfPlot.columns.get]
        #Set up colormap so that we don't see a repeat in color when graphing
        for col in range (1, dfPlot.shape[1]):
            plt.plot(dfPlot['TIME'], dfPlot[list(dfPlot)[col]])
        plt.gca().legend(loc = 'lower left')
        plt.ylabel("IMU Data")

        #file_name = column
        #pdf_string = '.jpg'
        #file_name += pdf_string
#For plotting, just comment out the "concatenation" lines. 

#Need to clear kernel and then only run all above so that it plots on axes directly below, rather than on another plot
print("Creating Plots...")
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU A1')
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU A2')
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU A3')
#createPlot(df_converted,'IMU G1')
#createPlot(df_converted,'IMU G2')
#createPlot(df_converted,'IMU G3')
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU M1')
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU M2')
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU M3')

Creating Plots...








Instead of looking at all labels, just look at floating vs. not floating:


for x in drop_list: 
    if x in df_converted.columns:
        df_converted = df_converted.drop(columns=[x])
['Time', 'IMU A1', 'IMU A2', 'IMU A3', 'IMU G1', 'IMU G2', 'IMU G3', 'IMU M1', 'IMU M2', 'IMU M3', 'TimeDelta', 'FLOATING', 'WALKING']
print("Creating Plots...")
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU A1')
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU A2')
createPlot(df_converted,'IMU A3')
Creating Plots...




#df_converted["IMU A2"]
ride_id  UTC                    
15692    2018-11-09 19:16:03.789          0.0
         2018-11-09 19:16:04.053        252.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:04.284        501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:04.548        753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:04.812       1003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:05.043       1253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:05.307       1504.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:05.571       1755.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:05.802       2006.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:06.066       2258.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:06.330       2507.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:06.561       2758.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:06.825       3009.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:07.056       3260.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:07.320       3501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:07.551       3752.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:07.815       4003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:08.079       4253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:08.310       4503.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:08.574       4758.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:08.838       5009.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:09.069       5259.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:09.333       5509.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:09.564       5751.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:09.828       6001.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:10.092       6251.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:10.323       6503.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:10.587       6753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:10.851       7003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:11.082       7255.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:11.346       7507.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:11.610       7757.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:11.841       8007.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:12.105       8257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:12.336       8508.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:12.600       8760.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:12.831       9001.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:13.095       9252.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:13.359       9503.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:13.590       9753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:13.854      10003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:14.118      10254.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:14.349      10504.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:14.613      10758.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:14.877      11009.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:15.108      11260.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:15.372      11501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:15.603      11752.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:15.867      12003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:16.131      12253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:16.362      12503.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:16.626      12755.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:16.890      13005.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:17.121      13257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:17.385      13509.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:17.649      13759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:17.880      14009.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:18.144      14260.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:18.375      14502.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:18.639      14751.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:18.870      15001.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:19.134      15251.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:19.398      15503.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:19.629      15753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:19.893      16005.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:20.157      16255.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:20.388      16508.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:20.652      16759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:20.916      17010.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:21.147      17260.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:21.411      17501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:21.642      17753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:21.906      18003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:22.170      18254.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:22.401      18504.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:22.665      18755.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:22.929      19006.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:23.160      19257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:23.424      19508.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:23.655      19759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:23.919      20010.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:24.150      20251.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:24.414      20501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:24.678      20751.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:24.909      21001.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:25.173      21252.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:25.437      21502.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:25.668      21754.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:25.932      22003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:26.196      22253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:26.427      22504.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:26.691      22759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:26.955      23009.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:27.186      23259.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:27.450      23509.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:27.681      23754.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:27.945      24006.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:28.209      24257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:28.440      24508.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:28.704      24758.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:28.968      25009.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:29.199      25259.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:29.463      25510.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:29.694      25759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:29.958      26010.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:30.189      26251.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:30.453      26502.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:30.717      26753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:30.948      27004.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:31.212      27255.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:31.476      27506.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:31.707      27756.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:31.971      28007.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:32.235      28257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:32.466      28507.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:32.730      28751.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:32.961      29001.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:33.225      29254.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:33.489      29505.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:33.720      29756.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:33.984      30005.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:34.248      30257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:34.479      30507.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:34.743      30758.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:34.974      31008.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:35.238      31259.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:35.502      31511.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:35.733      31761.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:35.997      32004.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:36.228      32252.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:36.492      32501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:36.756      32751.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:36.987      33002.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:37.251      33252.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:37.482      33503.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:37.746      33754.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:38.010      34005.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:38.241      34257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:38.505      34507.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:38.769      34760.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:39.000      35010.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:39.264      35260.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:39.495      35501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:39.759      35753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:40.023      36003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:40.254      36253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:40.518      36503.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:40.782      36755.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:41.013      37005.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:41.277      37255.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:41.541      37506.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:41.772      37757.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:42.036      38008.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:42.267      38259.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:42.531      38510.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:42.795      38760.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:43.026      39001.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:43.290      39251.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:43.521      39501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:43.785      39751.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:44.049      40002.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:44.280      40253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:44.544      40504.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:44.808      40759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:45.039      41009.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:45.303      41259.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:45.567      41511.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:45.798      41752.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:46.062      42003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:46.293      42253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:46.557      42504.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:46.821      42755.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:47.052      43006.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:47.316      43257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:47.580      43508.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:47.811      43759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:48.075      44010.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:48.306      44260.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:48.570      44501.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:48.801      44753.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:49.065      45003.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:49.329      45254.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:49.560      45505.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:49.824      45756.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:50.088      46005.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:50.319      46255.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:50.583      46506.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:50.847      46759.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:51.078      47008.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:51.342      47258.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:51.540      47459.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:51.738      47659.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:51.936      47853.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:52.134      48053.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:52.332      48254.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:52.530      48455.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:52.728      48657.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:52.959      48857.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:53.157      49057.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:53.355      49257.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:53.553      49458.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:53.751      49660.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:53.949      49859.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:54.147      50059.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:54.345      50259.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:54.543      50460.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:54.774      50660.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:54.939      50851.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:55.137      51051.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:55.368      51252.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:55.566      51453.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:55.764      51653.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:55.962      51853.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:56.160      52053.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:56.358      52253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:56.556      52455.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:56.754      52655.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:56.985      52860.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:57.183      53060.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:57.381      53260.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:57.579      53451.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:57.777      53651.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:57.975      53853.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:58.173      54053.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:58.371      54253.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:58.569      54453.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:58.767      54653.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:58.965      54854.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:59.196      55054.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:59.394      55254.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:59.592      55455.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:59.790      55656.5
         2018-11-09 19:16:59.988      55857.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:00.186      56058.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:00.384      56257.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:00.582      56457.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:00.780      56657.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:01.011      56858.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:01.209      57059.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:01.407      57259.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:01.638      57511.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:01.902      57760.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:02.133      58002.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:02.397      58251.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:02.661      58501.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:02.892      58751.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:03.156      59002.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:03.387      59251.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:03.651      59502.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:03.915      59763.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:04.146      60003.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:04.410      60253.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:04.674      60505.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:04.905      60755.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:05.169      61006.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:05.433      61256.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:05.664      61507.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:05.928      61757.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:06.159      62007.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:06.423      62258.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:06.687      62508.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:06.918      62759.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:07.182      63009.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:07.413      63251.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:07.677      63501.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:07.941      63751.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:08.172      64001.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:08.436      64252.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:08.700      64502.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:08.931      64753.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:09.195      65001.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:09.426      65252.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:09.690      65503.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:09.954      65754.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:10.185      66003.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:10.449      66253.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:10.713      66503.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:10.944      66754.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:11.208      67004.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:11.439      67255.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:11.703      67506.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:11.967      67757.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:12.198      68008.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:12.462      68259.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:12.726      68509.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:12.957      68759.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:13.221      69011.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:13.452      69251.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:13.716      69502.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:13.980      69763.0
         2018-11-09 19:17:14.211      70003.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:14.475      70254.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:14.739      70504.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:14.970      70755.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:15.234      71010.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:15.465      71251.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:15.729      71501.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:15.993      71752.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:16.224      72003.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:16.488      72253.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:16.719      72503.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:16.983      72754.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:17.247      73005.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:17.478      73255.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:17.742      73505.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:18.006      73755.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:18.237      74005.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:18.501      74257.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:18.765      74506.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:18.996      74757.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:19.260      75007.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:19.491      75247.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:19.755      75507.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:20.019      75758.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:20.250      76009.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:20.514      76261.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:20.778      76510.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:21.009      76751.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:21.273      77001.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:21.504      77251.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:21.768      77501.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:21.999      77752.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:22.263      78003.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:22.527      78254.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:22.758      78504.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:23.022      78755.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:23.286      79005.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:23.517      79258.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:24.276      80009.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:28.566      84253.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:30.942      86611.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:33.945      89609.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:34.341      90003.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:35.364      91007.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:35.562      91208.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:38.961      94607.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:41.502      97109.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:41.733      97361.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:41.997      97601.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:42.492      98103.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:42.756      98354.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:43.251      98855.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:44.505     100108.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:51.567     107110.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:51.798     107360.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:52.557     108101.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:52.788     108351.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:54.570     110107.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:55.329     110859.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:55.560     111110.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:55.824     111351.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:56.583     112103.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:57.342     112854.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:57.573     113107.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:58.101     113608.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:58.827     114351.5
         2018-11-09 19:17:59.091     114602.5
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         2018-11-09 19:17:59.586     115103.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:00.081     115603.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:01.863     117359.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:02.127     117609.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:02.622     118109.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:03.117     118601.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:04.635     120103.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:05.130     120604.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:05.394     120854.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:06.120     121606.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:06.648     122108.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:06.879     122359.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:08.133     123603.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:08.397     123853.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:08.661     124104.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:08.892     124355.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:09.156     124606.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:09.420     124857.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:09.651     125101.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:09.915     125352.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:10.146     125602.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:10.410     125853.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:10.674     126102.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:10.905     126353.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:11.169     126604.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:11.400     126855.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:11.664     127106.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:11.928     127357.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:12.159     127608.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:12.423     127859.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:12.687     128109.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:12.918     128360.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:13.182     128601.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:13.413     128851.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:13.677     129102.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:13.941     129352.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:14.172     129603.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:14.436     129854.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:14.700     130106.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:14.931     130355.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:15.195     130606.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:15.426     130857.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:15.690     131109.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:15.954     131359.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:16.185     131609.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:16.449     131859.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:16.680     132102.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:16.944     132353.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:17.208     132604.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:17.439     132855.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:17.703     133106.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:17.967     133357.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:18.198     133607.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:18.462     133857.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:18.726     134109.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:18.957     134359.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:19.221     134611.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:19.452     134851.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:19.716     135101.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:19.980     135352.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:20.211     135602.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:20.475     135853.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:20.706     136103.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:20.970     136353.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:21.234     136603.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:21.465     136854.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:21.729     137108.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:21.993     137361.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:22.224     137601.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:22.719     138101.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:22.983     138351.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:23.247     138601.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:23.478     138853.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:23.742     139103.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:24.006     139354.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:24.237     139605.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:24.501     139867.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:24.732     140106.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:24.996     140357.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:25.260     140607.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:25.491     140861.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:25.755     141102.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:25.986     141353.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:26.745     142103.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:27.009     142355.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:27.273     142605.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:27.504     142856.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:27.768     143107.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:28.032     143358.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:28.263     143609.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:28.527     143860.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:29.022     144351.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:29.286     144601.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:29.517     144851.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:29.781     145103.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:30.012     145353.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:30.276     145605.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:30.540     145855.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:30.771     146108.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:31.035     146357.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:31.299     146607.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:31.530     146858.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:31.794     147108.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:32.058     147359.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:32.289     147609.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:32.553     147859.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:32.784     148101.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:33.048     148351.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:33.279     148601.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:33.543     148852.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:33.807     149107.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:34.071     149357.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:34.302     149607.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:34.566     149857.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:34.797     150101.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:35.061     150353.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:35.325     150604.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:35.556     150855.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:36.579     151857.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:36.810     152107.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:37.074     152359.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:37.338     152609.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:37.569     152851.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:38.823     154104.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:39.351     154606.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:39.582     154857.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:39.846     155110.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:40.341     155609.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:40.605     155859.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:40.836     156110.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:41.331     156604.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:42.354     157607.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:42.849     158109.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:45.621     160853.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:48.888     164104.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:49.383     164606.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:49.911     165108.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:50.142     165359.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:50.406     165609.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:50.670     165860.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:51.924     167107.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:52.419     167608.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:52.683     167859.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:52.947     168120.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:53.409     168602.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:53.673     168853.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:53.937     169105.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:54.432     169605.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:54.663     169855.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:54.927     170105.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:55.191     170356.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:55.422     170607.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:55.686     170857.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:55.950     171108.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:56.181     171358.5
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         2018-11-09 19:18:57.699     172852.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:57.930     173103.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:58.194     173357.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:58.458     173608.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:58.689     173859.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:58.953     174109.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:59.217     174353.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:59.448     174604.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:59.712     174854.5
         2018-11-09 19:18:59.943     175105.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:00.207     175356.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:00.471     175605.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:00.702     175857.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:00.966     176107.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:01.230     176359.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:01.461     176609.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:01.725     176859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:01.989     177109.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:02.220     177361.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:02.484     177601.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:02.715     177853.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:02.979     178105.0
         2018-11-09 19:19:03.243     178355.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:03.474     178606.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:03.738     178857.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:04.002     179108.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:04.233     179358.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:04.497     179609.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:04.728     179859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:04.992     180109.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:05.256     180360.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:05.487     180602.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:05.751     180851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:05.982     181102.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:06.246     181353.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:06.510     181605.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:06.741     181854.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:07.005     182105.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:07.269     182355.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:07.500     182608.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:07.764     182857.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:07.995     183107.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:08.259     183358.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:08.523     183608.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:08.754     183858.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:09.018     184109.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:09.282     184359.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:09.513     184609.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:09.777     184851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:10.008     185101.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:10.272     185357.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:10.536     185608.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:10.767     185858.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:11.031     186109.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:11.295     186360.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:11.526     186601.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:11.790     186852.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:12.021     187103.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:12.285     187354.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:12.549     187605.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:12.780     187855.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:13.044     188105.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:13.275     188355.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:13.539     188606.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:13.803     188860.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:14.034     189109.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:14.298     189359.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:14.562     189610.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:14.793     189860.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:15.057     190101.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:15.288     190351.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:15.552     190601.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:15.816     190853.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:16.047     191103.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:16.311     191357.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:16.575     191608.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:16.806     191859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:17.070     192110.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:17.301     192351.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:17.565     192602.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:17.829     192853.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:18.060     193105.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:18.324     193356.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:18.588     193607.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:18.819     193858.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:19.083     194109.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:19.314     194359.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:19.578     194610.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:19.809     194851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:20.073     195101.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:20.337     195351.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:20.568     195603.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:20.832     195853.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:21.096     196104.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:21.327     196355.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:21.591     196606.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:21.855     196857.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:22.086     197108.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:22.350     197359.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:22.614     197609.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:22.845     197859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:23.109     198109.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:23.340     198360.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:23.604     198611.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:23.835     198851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:24.066     199051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:24.264     199251.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:24.462     199453.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:24.660     199653.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:24.858     199854.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:25.056     200057.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:25.254     200258.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:25.452     200459.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:25.683     200659.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:25.848     200851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:26.046     201051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:26.277     201251.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:26.475     201451.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:26.673     201652.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:26.871     201853.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:27.069     202054.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:27.267     202255.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:27.465     202455.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:27.663     202655.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:27.894     202856.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:28.092     203057.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:28.290     203257.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:28.488     203458.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:28.686     203659.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:28.884     203859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:29.082     204060.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:29.280     204261.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:29.478     204460.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:29.676     204651.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:29.874     204852.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:30.072     205053.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:30.303     205254.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:30.501     205456.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:30.699     205655.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:30.897     205855.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:31.095     206056.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:31.293     206257.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:31.491     206458.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:31.689     206657.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:31.887     206857.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:32.118     207058.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:32.316     207258.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:32.514     207459.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:32.712     207659.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:32.910     207860.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:33.108     208051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:33.306     208252.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:33.504     208451.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:33.702     208651.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:33.900     208851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:34.098     209052.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:34.329     209256.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:34.527     209457.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:34.725     209658.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:34.923     209857.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:35.121     210057.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:35.319     210259.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:35.517     210451.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:35.715     210651.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:35.913     210851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:36.111     211051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:36.309     211251.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:36.540     211452.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:36.738     211651.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:36.936     211852.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:37.134     212053.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:37.332     212253.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:37.530     212455.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:37.728     212655.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:37.926     212856.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:38.157     213057.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:38.355     213257.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:38.553     213459.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:38.751     213659.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:38.949     213860.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:39.147     214051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:39.345     214251.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:39.543     214452.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:39.741     214652.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:39.939     214853.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:40.137     215053.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:40.335     215253.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:40.566     215455.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:40.764     215655.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:40.962     215855.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:41.160     216055.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:41.358     216255.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:41.556     216460.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:41.754     216660.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:41.952     216851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:42.150     217051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:42.348     217252.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:42.579     217452.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:42.777     217653.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:42.975     217854.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:43.173     218056.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:43.371     218257.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:43.569     218457.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:43.767     218657.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:43.965     218858.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:44.163     219059.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:44.394     219260.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:44.559     219452.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:44.790     219651.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:44.988     219852.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:45.186     220052.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:45.384     220253.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:45.582     220453.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:45.780     220654.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:45.978     220855.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:46.176     221055.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:46.374     221256.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:46.605     221458.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:46.803     221659.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:47.001     221861.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:47.199     222060.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:47.397     222260.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:47.595     222460.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:47.793     222652.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:47.991     222851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:48.189     223052.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:48.387     223253.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:48.585     223453.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:48.816     223655.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:49.014     223855.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:49.212     224056.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:49.410     224257.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:49.608     224457.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:49.806     224657.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:50.004     224858.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:50.202     225058.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:50.400     225258.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:50.631     225459.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:50.829     225660.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:51.027     225859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:51.225     226059.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:51.423     226259.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:51.621     226459.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:51.819     226660.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:52.017     226851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:52.215     227051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:52.413     227252.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:52.644     227459.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:52.842     227660.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:53.040     227851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:53.238     228051.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:53.436     228251.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:53.634     228451.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:53.832     228651.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:54.030     228852.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:54.228     229052.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:54.426     229253.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:54.624     229453.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:54.855     229654.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:55.053     229855.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:55.251     230055.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:55.449     230255.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:55.647     230455.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:55.845     230655.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:56.043     230856.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:56.241     231057.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:56.439     231258.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:56.670     231459.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:56.868     231659.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:57.066     231859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:57.264     232060.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:57.462     232252.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:57.660     232451.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:57.858     232651.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:58.056     232851.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:58.254     233053.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:58.452     233254.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:58.650     233458.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:58.881     233660.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:59.079     233859.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:59.277     234060.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:59.475     234251.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:59.673     234451.5
         2018-11-09 19:19:59.871     234651.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:00.069     234852.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:00.267     235053.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:00.465     235253.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:00.663     235454.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:00.861     235655.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:01.092     235855.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:01.290     236055.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:01.488     236256.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:01.686     236457.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:01.884     236658.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:02.082     236858.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:02.280     237059.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:02.478     237260.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:02.676     237460.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:02.874     237651.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:03.072     237851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:03.270     238051.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:03.501     238251.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:03.699     238451.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:03.897     238652.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:04.095     238852.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:04.293     239052.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:04.491     239253.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:04.689     239457.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:04.887     239658.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:05.118     239859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:05.316     240060.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:05.514     240259.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:05.712     240451.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:05.910     240651.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:06.108     240851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:06.306     241053.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:06.504     241253.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:06.702     241453.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:06.900     241653.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:07.098     241854.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:07.329     242055.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:07.527     242255.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:07.725     242455.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:07.923     242655.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:08.121     242856.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:08.319     243057.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:08.517     243257.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:08.715     243458.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:08.913     243658.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:09.144     243858.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:09.342     244058.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:09.540     244260.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:09.738     244451.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:09.936     244651.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:10.134     244851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:10.365     245101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:10.629     245352.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:10.893     245607.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:11.124     245857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:11.388     246107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:11.652     246358.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:11.883     246601.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:12.147     246853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:12.378     247103.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:12.642     247356.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:12.906     247605.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:13.137     247857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:13.401     248107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:13.665     248358.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:13.896     248608.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:14.160     248851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:14.391     249102.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:14.655     249352.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:14.919     249603.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:15.150     249853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:15.414     250104.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:15.678     250354.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:15.909     250605.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:16.173     250855.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:16.404     251105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:16.668     251357.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:16.932     251609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:17.163     251859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:17.427     252101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:17.658     252351.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:17.922     252604.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:18.186     252853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:18.417     253105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:18.681     253355.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:18.945     253607.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:19.176     253857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:19.440     254107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:19.704     254358.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:19.935     254609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:20.199     254859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:20.463     255110.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:20.694     255360.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:20.958     255601.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:21.189     255851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:21.453     256103.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:21.684     256353.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:21.948     256603.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:22.212     256853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:22.443     257105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:22.707     257355.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:22.971     257609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:23.202     257859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:23.466     258110.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:23.697     258353.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:23.961     258603.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:24.225     258856.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:24.456     259107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:24.720     259357.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:24.984     259607.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:25.215     259858.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:25.479     260107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:25.743     260357.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:25.974     260607.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:26.238     260857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:26.469     261108.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:26.733     261358.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:26.997     261609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:27.228     261859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:27.492     262109.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:27.756     262359.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:27.987     262610.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:28.251     262860.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:28.482     263101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:28.746     263351.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:28.977     263601.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:29.241     263851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:29.505     264103.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:29.736     264352.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:30.000     264602.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:30.264     264853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:30.495     265105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:30.759     265354.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:31.023     265605.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:31.254     265855.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:31.518     266105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:31.749     266356.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:32.013     266607.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:32.277     266858.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:32.508     267109.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:32.772     267359.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:33.003     267602.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:33.267     267851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:33.531     268101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:33.762     268351.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:34.026     268602.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:34.257     268851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:34.521     269102.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:34.785     269353.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:35.049     269610.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:35.280     269860.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:35.544     270101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:35.775     270351.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:36.039     270604.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:36.303     270855.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:36.534     271106.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:36.798     271357.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:37.062     271608.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:37.293     271859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:37.557     272109.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:37.788     272359.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:38.052     272609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:38.316     272859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:38.547     273110.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:38.811     273361.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:39.042     273601.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:39.306     273852.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:39.570     274104.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:39.801     274354.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:40.065     274606.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:40.329     274857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:40.560     275107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:40.824     275357.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:41.088     275609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:41.319     275859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:41.583     276101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:41.814     276351.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:42.078     276604.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:42.342     276855.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:42.573     277105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:42.837     277355.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:43.068     277607.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:43.332     277857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:43.596     278108.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:43.827     278358.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:44.091     278609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:44.355     278860.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:44.586     279101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:44.850     279352.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:45.081     279603.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:45.345     279854.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:45.609     280105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:45.840     280356.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:46.104     280607.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:46.368     280858.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:46.599     281109.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:46.863     281361.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:47.094     281602.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:47.358     281853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:47.622     282104.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:47.853     282355.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:48.117     282606.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:48.348     282857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:48.612     283107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:48.876     283357.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:49.107     283609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:49.371     283859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:49.635     284110.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:49.866     284360.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:50.130     284602.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:50.361     284851.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:50.625     285101.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:50.889     285352.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:51.120     285603.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:51.384     285853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:51.648     286105.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:51.879     286355.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:52.143     286605.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:52.374     286855.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:52.638     287106.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:52.902     287356.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:53.133     287602.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:53.397     287854.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:53.628     288104.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:53.892     288355.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:54.156     288605.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:54.387     288857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:54.651     289107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:54.915     289359.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:55.146     289609.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:55.410     289859.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:55.674     290110.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:55.905     290351.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:56.169     290601.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:56.400     290852.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:56.664     291103.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:56.928     291354.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:57.159     291604.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:57.423     291857.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:57.654     292107.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:57.918     292358.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:58.182     292608.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:58.413     292860.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:58.677     293110.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:58.908     293351.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:59.172     293601.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:59.436     293853.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:59.667     294103.5
         2018-11-09 19:20:59.931     294353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:00.195     294604.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:00.426     294855.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:00.690     295105.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:00.954     295356.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:01.185     295606.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:01.449     295857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:01.680     296107.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:01.944     296358.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:02.208     296607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:02.439     296858.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:02.703     297109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:02.967     297359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:03.198     297609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:03.462     297859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:03.693     298109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:03.957     298363.0
         2018-11-09 19:21:04.221     298609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:04.452     298859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:04.716     299110.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:04.980     299360.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:05.211     299601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:05.475     299852.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:05.706     300102.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:05.970     300353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:06.234     300605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:06.465     300856.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:06.729     301106.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:06.960     301357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:07.224     301608.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:07.488     301859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:07.719     302109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:07.983     302352.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:08.214     302601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:08.478     302851.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:08.742     303102.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:08.973     303354.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:09.237     303603.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:09.501     303853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:09.732     304103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:09.996     304353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:10.227     304603.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:10.491     304854.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:10.755     305105.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:10.986     305355.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:11.250     305602.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:11.514     305853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:11.745     306103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:12.009     306353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:12.273     306606.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:12.504     306856.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:12.768     307108.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:12.999     307359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:13.263     307609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:13.527     307859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:13.758     308110.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:14.022     308360.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:14.286     308610.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:14.517     308851.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:14.781     309103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:15.012     309354.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:15.276     309606.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:15.540     309856.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:15.771     310106.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:16.035     310357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:16.299     310607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:16.530     310857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:16.794     311109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:17.025     311359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:17.289     311603.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:17.520     311853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:17.784     312104.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:18.048     312354.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:18.279     312607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:18.543     312858.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:18.807     313109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:19.038     313359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:19.302     313609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:19.566     313859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:19.797     314109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:20.061     314359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:20.325     314610.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:20.556     314860.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:20.820     315101.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:21.051     315351.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:21.315     315601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:21.546     315853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:21.810     316104.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:22.074     316355.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:22.305     316606.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:22.569     316858.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:22.833     317107.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:23.064     317357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:23.328     317614.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:23.559     317854.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:23.823     318106.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:24.087     318357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:24.318     318609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:24.582     318857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:24.846     319108.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:25.077     319358.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:25.341     319609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:25.605     319860.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:25.836     320103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:26.100     320353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:26.331     320603.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:26.595     320854.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:26.859     321105.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:27.090     321356.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:27.354     321607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:27.585     321857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:27.849     322108.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:28.113     322358.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:28.344     322609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:28.608     322859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:28.872     323110.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:29.103     323359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:29.367     323610.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:29.598     323855.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:29.862     324105.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:30.126     324356.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:30.357     324607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:30.621     324858.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:30.885     325108.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:31.116     325359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:31.380     325610.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:31.611     325851.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:31.875     326101.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:32.106     326351.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:32.370     326601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:32.634     326853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:32.865     327103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:33.129     327356.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:33.393     327605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:33.624     327858.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:33.888     328109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:34.152     328360.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:34.383     328601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:34.647     328851.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:34.878     329103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:35.142     329353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:35.406     329605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:35.637     329855.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:35.901     330106.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:36.165     330356.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:36.396     330607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:36.660     330859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:36.924     331110.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:37.155     331359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:37.419     331610.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:37.650     331860.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:37.914     332101.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:38.145     332351.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:38.409     332601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:38.673     332851.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:38.904     333102.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:39.168     333352.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:39.432     333603.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:39.663     333853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:39.927     334103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:40.191     334355.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:40.422     334605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:40.686     334856.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:40.917     335107.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:41.181     335357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:41.445     335607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:41.676     335853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:41.940     336104.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:42.171     336355.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:42.435     336605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:42.699     336857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:42.930     337107.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:43.194     337361.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:43.425     337601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:43.689     337852.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:43.953     338101.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:44.184     338351.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:44.448     338602.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:44.712     338852.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:44.943     339103.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:45.207     339354.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:45.471     339605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:45.702     339855.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:45.966     340105.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:46.197     340355.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:46.461     340606.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:46.725     340856.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:46.956     341106.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:47.220     341357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:47.484     341607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:47.715     341853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:47.979     342104.0
         2018-11-09 19:21:48.210     342353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:48.474     342604.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:48.738     342857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:48.969     343109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:49.233     343359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:49.464     343601.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:49.728     343851.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:49.992     344104.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:50.223     344353.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:50.487     344603.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:50.751     344853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:50.982     345106.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:51.246     345355.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:51.510     345606.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:51.741     345857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:52.005     346107.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:52.236     346357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:52.500     346607.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:52.764     346857.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:52.995     347108.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:53.259     347359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:53.523     347610.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:53.754     347853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:54.018     348104.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:54.249     348354.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:54.513     348605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:54.777     348856.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:55.008     349107.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:55.272     349358.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:55.536     349609.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:55.767     349859.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:56.031     350109.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:56.262     350359.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:56.526     350610.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:56.790     350860.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:57.021     351101.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:57.285     351352.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:57.516     351603.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:57.780     351853.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:58.044     352104.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:58.275     352355.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:58.539     352605.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:58.803     352855.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:59.034     353107.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:59.298     353357.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:59.529     353608.5
         2018-11-09 19:21:59.793     353852.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:00.057     354104.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:00.288     354355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:00.552     354606.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:00.783     354855.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:01.047     355105.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:01.311     355355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:01.542     355606.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:01.806     355857.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:02.070     356109.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:02.301     356359.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:02.565     356609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:02.829     356860.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:03.060     357101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:03.324     357351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:03.555     357601.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:03.819     357851.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:04.050     358101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:04.314     358351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:04.578     358601.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:04.809     358853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:05.073     359103.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:05.337     359353.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:05.568     359604.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:05.832     359855.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:06.096     360107.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:06.327     360358.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:06.591     360607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:06.822     360856.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:07.086     361106.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:07.350     361356.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:07.581     361607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:07.845     361858.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:08.109     362109.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:08.340     362359.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:08.604     362610.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:08.835     362851.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:09.099     363101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:09.330     363351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:09.594     363603.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:09.858     363853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:10.089     364104.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:10.353     364355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:10.617     364605.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:10.848     364855.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:11.112     365106.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:11.376     365357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:11.607     365607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:11.871     365853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:12.102     366103.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:12.366     366355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:12.630     366605.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:12.861     366856.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:13.125     367107.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:13.389     367357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:13.620     367608.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:13.884     367859.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:14.148     368109.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:14.379     368360.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:14.643     368610.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:14.874     368851.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:15.138     369101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:15.369     369352.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:15.633     369603.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:15.897     369854.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:16.128     370106.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:16.392     370355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:16.656     370605.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:16.887     370856.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:17.151     371106.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:17.415     371357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:17.646     371607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:17.910     371852.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:18.141     372102.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:18.405     372353.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:18.669     372604.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:18.900     372856.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:19.164     373106.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:19.428     373357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:19.659     373607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:19.923     373857.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:20.154     374109.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:20.418     374359.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:20.682     374609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:20.913     374859.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:21.177     375110.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:21.408     375351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:21.672     375601.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:21.936     375851.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:22.167     376102.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:22.431     376352.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:22.662     376602.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:22.926     376853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:23.190     377105.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:23.421     377355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:23.685     377606.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:23.949     377853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:24.180     378104.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:24.444     378355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:24.708     378605.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:24.939     378856.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:25.203     379107.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:25.434     379357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:25.698     379607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:25.962     379858.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:26.193     380108.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:26.457     380354.0
         2018-11-09 19:22:26.721     380609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:26.952     380860.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:27.216     381109.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:27.480     381359.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:27.711     381609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:27.975     381860.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:28.206     382101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:28.470     382352.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:28.701     382602.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:28.965     382853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:29.229     383103.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:29.460     383353.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:29.724     383604.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:29.988     383855.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:30.219     384105.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:30.483     384357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:30.714     384606.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:30.978     384857.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:31.242     385107.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:31.506     385361.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:31.737     385601.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:31.968     385852.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:32.232     386101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:32.496     386352.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:32.727     386602.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:32.991     386853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:33.255     387103.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:33.486     387353.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:33.750     387603.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:34.014     387857.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:34.245     388107.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:34.509     388357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:34.740     388607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:35.004     388858.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:35.268     389108.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:35.499     389359.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:35.763     389609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:35.994     389854.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:36.258     390104.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:36.522     390354.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:36.753     390604.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:37.017     390867.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:37.281     391108.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:37.512     391358.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:37.776     391609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:38.040     391860.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:38.271     392110.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:38.535     392351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:38.766     392602.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:39.030     392853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:39.294     393105.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:39.525     393355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:39.789     393606.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:40.053     393857.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:40.284     394108.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:40.548     394357.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:40.779     394609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:41.043     394859.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:41.307     395110.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:41.538     395360.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:41.802     395601.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:42.033     395851.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:42.297     396104.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:42.561     396355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:42.792     396605.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:43.056     396855.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:43.320     397108.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:43.551     397359.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:43.815     397610.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:44.046     397851.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:44.310     398101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:44.574     398351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:44.805     398601.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:45.069     398853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:45.300     399103.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:45.564     399354.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:45.828     399604.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:46.059     399855.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:46.323     400106.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:46.587     400358.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:46.818     400608.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:47.082     400859.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:47.346     401110.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:47.577     401351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:47.841     401602.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:48.072     401853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:48.336     402105.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:48.600     402356.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:48.831     402607.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:49.095     402857.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:49.359     403108.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:49.590     403358.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:49.854     403609.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:50.085     403859.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:50.349     404101.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:50.580     404351.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:50.844     404604.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:51.108     404853.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:51.339     405103.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:51.603     405354.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:51.867     405606.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:52.098     405855.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:52.362     406106.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:52.626     406356.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:52.857     406606.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:53.121     406857.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:53.385     407109.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:53.616     407359.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:53.814     407559.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:54.012     407759.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:54.210     407954.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:54.408     408154.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:54.639     408355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:54.837     408555.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:55.035     408756.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:55.233     408957.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:55.431     409158.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:55.629     409358.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:55.827     409558.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:56.025     409759.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:56.223     409959.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:56.454     410159.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:56.652     410360.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:56.817     410551.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:57.048     410751.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:57.246     410952.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:57.444     411153.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:57.642     411354.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:57.840     411555.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:58.038     411755.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:58.236     411955.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:58.434     412156.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:58.632     412355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:58.863     412555.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:59.061     412755.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:59.259     412955.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:59.457     413151.0
         2018-11-09 19:22:59.655     413355.5
         2018-11-09 19:22:59.853     413555.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:00.051     413756.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:00.249     413955.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:00.447     414155.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:00.645     414355.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:00.876     414557.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:01.074     414757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:01.272     414957.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:01.470     415157.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:01.668     415357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:01.866     415558.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:02.064     415758.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:02.262     415958.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:02.460     416159.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:02.691     416359.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:02.889     416559.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:03.087     416759.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:03.285     416959.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:03.483     417160.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:03.681     417360.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:03.879     417560.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:04.077     417751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:04.275     417952.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:04.473     418153.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:04.671     418353.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:04.869     418554.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:05.100     418754.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:05.298     418955.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:05.496     419155.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:05.694     419357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:05.892     419558.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:06.090     419758.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:06.288     419953.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:06.486     420154.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:06.684     420353.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:06.882     420553.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:07.113     420755.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:07.311     420967.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:07.509     421156.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:07.707     421357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:07.905     421557.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:08.103     421757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:08.301     421958.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:08.499     422159.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:08.697     422359.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:08.928     422560.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:09.126     422760.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:09.324     422960.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:09.522     423160.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:09.720     423351.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:09.918     423551.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:10.116     423753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:10.314     423954.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:10.512     424154.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:10.710     424355.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:10.908     424555.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:11.139     424755.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:11.337     424956.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:11.535     425157.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:11.733     425357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:11.931     425558.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:12.129     425758.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:12.327     425959.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:12.525     426153.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:12.723     426354.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:12.921     426555.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:13.119     426755.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:13.350     426955.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:13.548     427156.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:13.746     427357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:13.944     427560.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:14.142     427751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:14.340     427951.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:14.538     428151.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:14.736     428351.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:14.934     428551.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:15.132     428753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:15.330     428953.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:15.561     429153.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:15.759     429354.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:15.957     429550.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:16.155     429756.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:16.353     429957.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:16.551     430157.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:16.749     430358.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:16.947     430559.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:17.178     430760.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:17.343     430951.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:17.574     431151.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:17.772     431351.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:17.970     431551.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:18.168     431751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:18.366     431953.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:18.564     432153.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:18.762     432353.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:18.960     432554.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:19.158     432754.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:19.389     432956.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:19.587     433157.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:19.785     433357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:19.983     433558.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:20.181     433758.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:20.379     433960.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:20.577     434160.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:20.775     434360.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:20.973     434551.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:21.171     434752.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:21.369     434952.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:21.600     435153.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:21.798     435354.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:21.996     435555.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:22.194     435755.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:22.392     435956.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:22.590     436158.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:22.788     436359.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:22.986     436551.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:23.184     436753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:23.382     436953.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:23.580     437153.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:23.811     437353.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:24.009     437553.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:24.207     437753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:24.405     437954.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:24.603     438155.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:24.801     438355.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:24.999     438556.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:25.197     438756.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:25.395     438957.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:25.626     439159.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:25.824     439359.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:26.022     439559.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:26.220     439761.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:26.418     439951.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:26.616     440151.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:26.814     440352.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:27.012     440553.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:27.210     440753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:27.408     440953.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:27.606     441154.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:27.837     441355.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:28.035     441555.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:28.233     441757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:28.431     441958.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:28.629     442157.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:28.827     442357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:29.025     442558.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:29.223     442758.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:29.421     442959.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:29.652     443159.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:29.850     443359.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:30.048     443559.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:30.246     443759.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:30.444     443960.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:30.642     444156.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:30.840     444355.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:31.038     444555.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:31.236     444755.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:31.434     444955.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:31.665     445160.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:31.830     445351.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:32.061     445551.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:32.259     445751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:32.457     445950.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:32.655     446152.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:32.853     446353.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:33.051     446553.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:33.249     446753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:33.447     446954.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:33.645     447155.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:33.876     447356.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:34.074     447557.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:34.272     447757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:34.470     447958.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:34.668     448158.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:34.866     448359.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:35.064     448559.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:35.262     448759.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:35.460     448959.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:35.691     449160.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:35.856     449351.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:36.054     449551.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:36.285     449751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:36.483     449952.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:36.681     450156.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:36.879     450357.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:37.077     450558.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:37.275     450759.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:37.539     451009.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:37.770     451251.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:38.034     451502.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:38.298     451753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:38.529     452003.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:38.793     452253.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:39.024     452504.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:39.288     452755.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:39.552     453005.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:39.783     453256.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:40.047     453507.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:40.311     453757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:40.542     454008.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:40.806     454259.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:41.070     454510.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:41.301     454751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:41.565     455001.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:41.796     455251.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:42.060     455502.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:42.324     455752.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:42.555     456002.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:42.819     456257.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:43.083     456508.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:43.314     456757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:43.578     457007.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:43.809     457254.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:44.073     457505.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:44.337     457757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:44.568     458007.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:44.832     458259.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:45.096     458509.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:45.327     458759.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:45.591     459009.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:45.822     459260.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:46.086     459510.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:46.317     459751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:46.581     460001.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:46.845     460251.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:47.076     460501.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:47.340     460753.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:47.604     461002.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:47.835     461252.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:48.099     461503.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:48.363     461756.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:48.594     462005.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:48.858     462260.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:49.089     462502.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:49.353     462752.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:49.617     463003.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:49.848     463254.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:50.112     463507.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:50.376     463757.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:50.607     464009.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:50.871     464252.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:51.102     464501.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:51.366     464751.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:51.597     465001.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:51.861     465252.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:52.125     465503.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:52.356     465754.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:52.620     466004.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:52.884     466255.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:53.115     466505.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:53.379     466755.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:53.643     467006.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:53.841     467207.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:54.039     467409.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:54.237     467610.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:54.435     467807.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:54.633     468001.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:54.831     468202.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:55.029     468402.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:55.293     468654.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:55.557     468905.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:55.788     469154.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:56.052     469405.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:56.283     469655.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:56.547     469906.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:56.811     470156.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:57.042     470407.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:57.306     470658.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:57.570     470909.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:57.801     471159.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:58.065     471410.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:58.296     471651.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:58.560     471901.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:58.791     472151.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:59.055     472402.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:59.319     472651.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:59.550     472901.5
         2018-11-09 19:23:59.814     473151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:00.078     473402.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:00.309     473651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:00.573     473902.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:00.804     474153.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:01.068     474404.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:01.332     474655.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:01.563     474905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:01.827     475154.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:02.091     475405.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:02.322     475656.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:02.586     475907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:02.850     476157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:03.081     476407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:03.345     476658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:03.609     476909.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:03.840     477160.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:04.104     477401.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:04.335     477651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:04.599     477901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:04.830     478151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:05.094     478402.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:05.358     478654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:05.589     478905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:05.853     479156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:06.117     479407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:06.348     479658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:06.612     479910.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:06.876     480161.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:07.107     480401.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:07.371     480652.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:07.602     480903.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:07.866     481153.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:08.130     481406.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:08.361     481657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:08.625     481907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:08.889     482158.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:09.120     482408.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:09.384     482659.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:09.615     482909.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:09.879     483151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:10.110     483401.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:10.374     483653.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:10.638     483903.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:10.869     484156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:11.133     484405.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:11.397     484657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:11.628     484907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:11.892     485159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:12.156     485409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:12.387     485651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:12.651     485901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:12.882     486152.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:13.146     486404.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:13.410     486654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:13.641     486905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:13.905     487156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:14.169     487406.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:14.400     487657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:14.664     487907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:14.895     488157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:15.159     488408.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:15.423     488659.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:15.654     488909.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:15.918     489159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:16.182     489409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:16.413     489660.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:16.677     489901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:16.908     490152.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:17.172     490402.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:17.436     490653.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:17.667     490903.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:17.931     491153.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:18.162     491404.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:18.426     491655.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:18.690     491905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:18.921     492156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:19.185     492403.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:19.449     492654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:19.680     492905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:19.944     493156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:20.175     493407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:20.439     493658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:20.703     493909.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:20.934     494161.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:21.198     494410.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:21.429     494652.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:21.693     494901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:21.957     495151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:22.188     495401.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:22.452     495652.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:22.716     495903.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:22.947     496154.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:23.211     496405.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:23.475     496657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:23.706     496907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:23.970     497159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:24.234     497410.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:24.465     497651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:24.729     497902.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:24.960     498153.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:25.224     498404.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:25.455     498655.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:25.719     498906.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:25.983     499157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:26.214     499407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:26.478     499658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:26.742     499907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:26.973     500158.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:27.237     500409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:27.501     500660.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:27.732     500910.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:27.996     501151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:28.227     501401.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:28.491     501651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:28.722     501901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:28.986     502152.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:29.250     502403.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:29.481     502654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:29.745     502905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:30.009     503156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:30.240     503406.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:30.504     503657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:30.768     503907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:30.999     504157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:31.263     504403.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:31.494     504653.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:31.758     504903.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:32.022     505154.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:32.253     505407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:32.517     505657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:32.781     505908.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:33.012     506159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:33.276     506409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:33.540     506660.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:33.771     506901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:34.035     507153.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:34.266     507403.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:34.530     507654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:34.761     507905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:35.025     508156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:35.289     508407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:35.520     508658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:35.784     508909.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:36.048     509160.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:36.279     509410.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:36.543     509651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:36.774     509901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:37.038     510152.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:37.302     510404.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:37.533     510654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:37.797     510904.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:38.061     511155.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:38.292     511407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:38.556     511659.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:38.787     511901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:39.051     512151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:39.315     512401.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:39.546     512651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:39.810     512902.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:40.041     513153.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:40.305     513404.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:40.569     513655.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:40.800     513906.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:41.064     514157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:41.328     514408.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:41.559     514658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:41.823     514908.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:42.087     515159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:42.318     515411.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:42.582     515651.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:42.813     515903.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:43.077     516154.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:43.341     516405.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:43.572     516657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:43.836     516907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:44.100     517159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:44.331     517407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:44.595     517657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:44.826     517907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:45.090     518159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:45.354     518409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:45.585     518660.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:45.849     518910.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:46.080     519151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:46.344     519402.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:46.608     519654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:46.839     519904.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:47.103     520155.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:47.367     520405.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:47.598     520655.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:47.862     520905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:48.126     521157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:48.357     521407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:48.621     521658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:48.852     521907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:49.116     522158.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:49.380     522406.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:49.611     522656.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:49.875     522907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:50.106     523157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:50.370     523409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:50.634     523658.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:50.865     523909.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:51.129     524159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:51.393     524409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:51.624     524659.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:51.888     524910.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:52.119     525151.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:52.383     525402.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:52.647     525652.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:52.878     525905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:53.142     526155.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:53.406     526406.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:53.637     526657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:53.901     526908.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:54.132     527157.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:54.396     527407.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:54.660     527657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:54.891     527908.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:55.155     528159.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:55.386     528404.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:55.650     528654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:55.914     528904.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:56.145     529155.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:56.409     529406.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:56.673     529656.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:56.904     529907.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:57.168     530158.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:57.432     530409.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:57.663     530660.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:57.927     530901.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:58.158     531153.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:58.422     531402.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:58.686     531654.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:58.917     531905.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:59.181     532156.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:59.412     532405.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:59.676     532657.5
         2018-11-09 19:24:59.940     532907.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:00.171     533159.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:00.435     533409.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:00.666     533651.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:00.930     533901.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:01.194     534152.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:01.425     534403.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:01.689     534653.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:01.953     534904.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:02.184     535155.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:02.448     535405.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:02.679     535655.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:02.943     535905.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:03.207     536157.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:03.438     536407.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:03.702     536658.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:03.966     536908.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:04.197     537158.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:04.461     537409.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:04.725     537660.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:04.956     537901.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:05.220     538151.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:05.451     538401.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:05.715     538651.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:05.946     538902.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:06.210     539153.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:06.474     539404.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:06.705     539654.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:06.969     539905.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:07.233     540156.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:07.464     540402.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:07.728     540654.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:07.992     540905.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:08.223     541155.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:08.487     541407.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:08.751     541658.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:08.982     541909.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:09.246     542159.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:09.477     542409.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:09.741     542659.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:10.005     542910.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:10.236     543151.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:10.500     543401.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:10.731     543652.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:10.995     543903.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:11.259     544153.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:11.490     544403.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:11.754     544655.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:12.018     544905.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:12.249     545155.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:12.513     545406.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:12.744     545656.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:13.008     545907.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:13.272     546157.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:13.503     546403.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:13.767     546653.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:13.998     546904.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:14.262     547155.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:14.526     547406.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:14.757     547656.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:15.021     547907.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:15.285     548158.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:15.516     548409.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:15.780     548660.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:16.011     548902.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:16.275     549152.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:16.539     549403.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:16.770     549654.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:17.034     549905.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:17.298     550156.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:17.529     550407.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:17.793     550658.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:18.057     550909.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:18.288     551159.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:18.552     551410.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:18.783     551651.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:19.047     551901.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:19.278     552151.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:19.542     552403.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:19.806     552653.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:20.037     552904.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:20.301     553155.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:20.565     553416.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:20.796     553657.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:21.060     553909.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:21.324     554160.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:21.555     554401.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:21.753     554602.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:21.951     554803.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:22.149     555004.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:22.347     555203.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:22.578     555404.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:22.776     555605.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:22.974     555805.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:23.172     556007.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:23.370     556207.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:23.568     556408.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:23.766     556609.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:23.964     556809.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:24.195     557011.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:24.360     557201.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:24.558     557402.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:24.789     557603.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:24.987     557803.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:25.185     558004.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:25.383     558205.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:25.581     558406.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:25.779     558604.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:25.977     558805.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:26.175     559005.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:26.406     559207.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:26.604     559407.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:26.802     559606.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:27.000     559806.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:27.198     560006.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:27.396     560207.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:27.594     560407.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:27.792     560608.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:27.990     560809.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:28.188     561010.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:28.386     561201.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:28.584     561402.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:28.815     561601.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:29.013     561801.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:29.211     562001.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:29.409     562202.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:29.607     562403.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:29.805     562603.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:30.003     562804.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:30.201     563005.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:30.399     563206.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:30.630     563406.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:30.828     563606.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:31.026     563807.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:31.224     564007.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:31.422     564207.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:31.620     564408.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:31.818     564604.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:32.016     564803.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:32.214     565003.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:32.412     565203.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:32.610     565405.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:32.841     565607.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:33.039     565806.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:33.237     566007.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:33.435     566207.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:33.633     566408.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:33.831     566609.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:34.029     566810.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:34.227     567001.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:34.425     567201.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:34.623     567402.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:34.821     567603.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:35.052     567804.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:35.250     568003.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:35.448     568204.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:35.646     568405.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:35.844     568605.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:36.042     568807.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:36.240     569006.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:36.438     569207.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:36.636     569407.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:36.867     569608.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:37.065     569810.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:37.263     570009.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:37.461     570209.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:37.659     570409.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:37.857     570602.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:38.055     570803.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:38.253     571004.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:38.451     571203.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:38.649     571404.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:38.880     571607.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:39.078     571808.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:39.276     572009.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:39.474     572209.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:39.672     572409.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:39.870     572610.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:40.068     572810.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:40.266     573011.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:40.464     573201.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:40.662     573402.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:40.860     573603.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:41.091     573803.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:41.289     574003.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:41.487     574204.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:41.685     574405.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:41.883     574605.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:42.081     574806.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:42.279     575008.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:42.477     575209.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:42.675     575409.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:42.906     575609.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:43.104     575810.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:43.302     576010.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:43.500     576210.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:43.698     576410.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:43.896     576603.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:44.094     576803.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:44.292     577003.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:44.556     577255.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:44.787     577507.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:45.051     577757.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:45.315     578007.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:45.546     578258.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:45.810     578508.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:46.074     578759.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:46.305     579010.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:46.569     579251.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:46.800     579502.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:47.064     579754.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:47.328     580006.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:47.559     580255.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:47.823     580505.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:48.054     580755.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:48.318     581007.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:48.582     581257.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:48.813     581507.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:49.077     581757.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:49.341     582008.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:49.572     582258.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:49.836     582504.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:50.067     582756.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:50.331     583007.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:50.595     583258.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:50.859     583518.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:51.090     583761.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:51.321     584001.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:51.585     584252.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:51.849     584503.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:52.080     584754.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:52.344     585005.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:52.608     585256.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:52.839     585507.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:53.103     585757.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:53.367     586007.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:53.598     586259.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:53.862     586509.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:54.093     586759.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:54.357     587009.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:54.621     587260.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:54.852     587509.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:55.116     587752.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:55.347     588003.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:55.611     588253.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:55.875     588503.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:56.106     588755.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:56.370     589005.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:56.634     589256.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:56.865     589507.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:57.129     589758.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:57.393     590009.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:57.624     590259.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:57.888     590510.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:58.119     590760.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:58.383     591001.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:58.614     591251.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:58.878     591501.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:59.142     591752.5
         2018-11-09 19:25:59.373     592003.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:38.826    4388404.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:39.024    4388605.5
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         2018-11-09 20:29:39.618    4389206.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:39.816    4389407.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:40.014    4389608.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:40.212    4389809.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:40.410    4390009.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:40.641    4390210.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:40.806    4390401.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:41.037    4390601.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:41.235    4390802.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:41.433    4391002.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:41.631    4391203.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:41.829    4391403.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:42.027    4391603.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:42.225    4391804.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:42.423    4392005.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:42.621    4392205.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:42.852    4392406.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:43.050    4392607.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:43.248    4392807.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:43.446    4393007.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:43.644    4393201.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:43.842    4393402.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:44.040    4393601.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:44.238    4393801.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:44.436    4394003.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:44.667    4394215.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:44.832    4394404.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:45.063    4394605.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:45.261    4394805.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:45.459    4395006.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:45.657    4395207.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:45.855    4395407.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:46.053    4395607.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:46.251    4395808.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:46.449    4396008.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:46.680    4396209.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:46.878    4396410.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:47.076    4396609.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:47.274    4396809.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:47.472    4397011.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:47.670    4397201.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:47.868    4397401.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:48.066    4397601.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:48.264    4397802.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:48.462    4398002.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:48.660    4398203.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:48.858    4398403.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:49.089    4398604.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:49.287    4398806.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:49.485    4399006.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:49.683    4399208.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:49.881    4399403.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:50.079    4399604.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:50.277    4399805.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:50.475    4400006.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:50.673    4400208.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:50.871    4400406.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:51.102    4400607.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:51.300    4400807.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:51.498    4401007.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:51.696    4401208.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:51.894    4401409.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:52.092    4401609.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:52.290    4401810.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:52.488    4402010.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:52.686    4402201.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:52.884    4402401.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:53.082    4402601.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:53.280    4402801.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:53.511    4403001.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:53.709    4403202.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:53.907    4403402.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:54.105    4403603.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:54.303    4403803.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:54.501    4404004.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:54.699    4404205.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:54.897    4404405.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:55.095    4404605.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:55.326    4404805.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:55.524    4405005.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:55.722    4405206.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:55.920    4405401.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:56.118    4405601.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:56.316    4405801.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:56.514    4406001.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:56.712    4406202.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:56.910    4406406.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:57.141    4406607.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:57.339    4406807.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:57.537    4407007.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:57.735    4407207.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:57.933    4407407.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:58.131    4407608.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:58.329    4407808.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:58.527    4408008.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:58.725    4408210.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:58.923    4408409.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:59.154    4408609.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:59.352    4408809.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:59.550    4409009.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:59.748    4409209.5
         2018-11-09 20:29:59.946    4409410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:00.144    4409601.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:00.342    4409801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:00.540    4410003.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:00.738    4410203.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:00.936    4410404.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:01.134    4410605.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:01.332    4410805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:01.563    4411005.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:01.761    4411205.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:01.959    4411405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:02.157    4411606.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:02.355    4411807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:02.553    4412008.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:02.751    4412208.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:02.949    4412408.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:03.147    4412609.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:03.378    4412809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:03.576    4413011.5
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         2018-11-09 20:30:04.368    4413802.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:04.566    4414003.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:04.764    4414204.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:04.962    4414405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:05.160    4414605.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:05.358    4414805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:05.589    4415005.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:05.787    4415207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:05.985    4415407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:06.183    4415608.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:06.381    4415809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:06.579    4416009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:06.777    4416211.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:06.975    4416401.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:07.173    4416602.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:07.371    4416802.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:07.569    4417002.5
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         2018-11-09 20:30:08.196    4417605.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:08.394    4417805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:08.592    4418005.5
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         2018-11-09 20:30:08.988    4418407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:09.186    4418606.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:09.384    4418806.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:09.615    4419006.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:09.813    4419207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:10.011    4419407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:10.209    4419607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:10.407    4419808.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:10.605    4420009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:10.803    4420209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:11.001    4420409.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:11.199    4420598.0
         2018-11-09 20:30:11.430    4420810.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:11.628    4421011.5
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         2018-11-09 20:30:12.618    4422003.5
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         2018-11-09 20:30:13.014    4422403.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:13.212    4422604.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:13.410    4422804.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:13.608    4423005.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:13.839    4423205.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:14.037    4423406.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:14.235    4423607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:14.433    4423807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:14.631    4424008.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:14.829    4424210.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:15.027    4424407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:15.225    4424607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:15.423    4424807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:15.621    4425007.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:15.852    4425207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:16.050    4425407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:16.248    4425608.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:16.446    4425809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:16.644    4426010.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:16.842    4426210.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:17.040    4426410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:17.238    4426601.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:17.436    4426801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:17.634    4427001.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:17.832    4427202.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:18.063    4427403.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:18.261    4427603.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:18.459    4427805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:18.657    4428006.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:18.855    4428206.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:19.053    4428407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:19.251    4428607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:19.449    4428807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:19.647    4429009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:19.878    4429208.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:20.076    4429405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:20.274    4429606.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:20.472    4429806.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:20.670    4430007.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:20.868    4430207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:21.066    4430407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:21.264    4430607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:21.462    4430807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:21.660    4431008.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:21.891    4431209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:22.089    4431410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:22.287    4431610.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:22.485    4431810.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:22.683    4432001.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:22.881    4432201.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:23.079    4432403.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:23.277    4432603.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:23.475    4432804.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:23.673    4433005.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:23.871    4433205.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:24.069    4433405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:24.300    4433606.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:24.498    4433807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:24.696    4434007.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:24.894    4434208.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:25.092    4434409.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:25.290    4434610.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:25.488    4434801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:25.686    4435001.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:25.884    4435201.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:26.082    4435404.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:26.313    4435604.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:26.511    4435805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:26.709    4436017.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:26.907    4436206.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:27.105    4436408.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:27.303    4436608.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:27.501    4436809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:27.699    4437011.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:27.897    4437210.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:28.095    4437401.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:28.293    4437601.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:28.524    4437801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:28.722    4438002.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:28.920    4438204.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:29.118    4438403.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:29.316    4438604.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:29.514    4438805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:29.712    4439005.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:29.910    4439207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:30.108    4439407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:30.339    4439608.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:30.537    4439809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:30.735    4440009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:30.933    4440209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:31.131    4440410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:31.329    4440601.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:31.527    4440801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:31.725    4441002.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:31.923    4441202.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:32.121    4441405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:32.352    4441606.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:32.550    4441807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:32.748    4442007.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:32.946    4442207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:33.144    4442408.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:33.342    4442608.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:33.540    4442808.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:33.738    4443009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:33.936    4443209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:34.167    4443411.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:34.332    4443602.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:34.530    4443801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:34.761    4444001.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:34.959    4444201.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:35.157    4444402.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:35.355    4444604.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:35.553    4444803.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:35.751    4445004.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:35.949    4445205.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:36.147    4445405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:36.345    4445607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:36.576    4445806.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:36.774    4446007.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:36.972    4446207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:37.170    4446408.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:37.368    4446609.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:37.566    4446810.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:37.764    4447010.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:37.962    4447210.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:38.160    4447405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:38.358    4447605.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:38.589    4447805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:38.787    4448006.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:38.985    4448207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:39.183    4448408.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:39.381    4448608.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:39.579    4448809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:39.777    4449010.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:39.975    4449201.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:40.173    4449401.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:40.371    4449602.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:40.569    4449803.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:40.800    4450003.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:40.998    4450203.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:41.196    4450404.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:41.394    4450605.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:41.592    4450805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:41.790    4451006.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:41.988    4451207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:42.186    4451409.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:42.384    4451608.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:42.615    4451808.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:42.813    4452009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:43.011    4452209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:43.209    4452409.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:43.407    4452610.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:43.605    4452801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:43.803    4453001.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:44.001    4453203.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:44.199    4453406.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:44.397    4453607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:44.595    4453806.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:44.826    4454006.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:45.024    4454206.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:45.222    4454419.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:45.420    4454611.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:45.618    4454801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:45.816    4455002.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:46.014    4455203.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:46.212    4455403.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:46.410    4455603.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:46.608    4455804.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:46.806    4456004.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:47.037    4456204.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:47.235    4456405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:47.433    4456605.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:47.631    4456807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:47.829    4457007.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:48.027    4457208.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:48.225    4457409.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:48.423    4457609.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:48.621    4457809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:48.852    4458009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:49.050    4458209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:49.248    4458410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:49.446    4458610.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:49.644    4458801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:49.842    4459002.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:50.040    4459201.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:50.238    4459401.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:50.436    4459606.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:50.634    4459807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:50.865    4460007.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:51.063    4460207.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:51.261    4460408.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:51.459    4460610.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:51.657    4460801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:51.855    4461001.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:52.053    4461203.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:52.251    4461403.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:52.449    4461603.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:52.647    4461803.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:52.845    4462005.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:53.076    4462206.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:53.274    4462407.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:53.472    4462607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:53.670    4462807.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:53.868    4463008.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:54.066    4463209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:54.264    4463410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:54.462    4463601.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:54.660    4463801.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:54.858    4464001.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:55.056    4464201.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:55.287    4464403.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:55.485    4464603.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:55.683    4464804.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:55.881    4465004.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:56.079    4465204.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:56.277    4465405.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:56.475    4465607.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:56.673    4465809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:56.871    4466009.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:57.102    4466209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:57.300    4466410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:57.498    4466610.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:57.696    4466802.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:57.894    4467004.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:58.092    4467203.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:58.290    4467404.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:58.488    4467605.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:58.686    4467805.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:58.884    4468008.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:59.115    4468209.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:59.313    4468410.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:59.511    4468609.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:59.709    4468809.5
         2018-11-09 20:30:59.907    4469001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:00.105    4469203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:00.303    4469403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:00.501    4469603.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:00.699    4469803.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:00.897    4470004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:01.095    4470205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:01.326    4470406.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:01.524    4470607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:01.722    4470807.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:01.920    4471007.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:02.118    4471208.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:02.316    4471408.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:02.514    4471609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:02.712    4471810.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:02.910    4472010.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:03.141    4472211.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:03.306    4472402.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:03.504    4472601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:03.735    4472801.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:03.933    4473001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:04.131    4473202.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:04.329    4473402.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:04.527    4473602.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:04.725    4473803.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:04.923    4474003.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:05.121    4474205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:05.319    4474405.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:05.550    4474605.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:05.748    4474805.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:05.946    4475005.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:06.144    4475206.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:06.342    4475406.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:06.540    4475606.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:06.738    4475807.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:06.936    4476007.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:07.134    4476207.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:07.332    4476407.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:07.563    4476607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:07.761    4476808.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:07.959    4477009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:08.157    4477209.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:08.355    4477409.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:08.553    4477609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:08.751    4477806.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:08.949    4478001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:09.147    4478201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:09.345    4478402.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:09.543    4478601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:09.774    4478802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:09.972    4479001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:10.170    4479201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:10.368    4479401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:10.566    4479601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:10.764    4479801.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:10.962    4480002.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:11.160    4480203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:11.358    4480403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:11.556    4480605.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:11.787    4480806.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:11.985    4481006.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:12.183    4481207.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:12.381    4481407.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:12.579    4481607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:12.777    4481809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:12.975    4482010.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:13.173    4482201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:13.371    4482401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:13.569    4482601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:13.767    4482802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:13.998    4483004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:14.196    4483203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:14.394    4483404.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:14.592    4483609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:14.790    4483809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:14.988    4484009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:15.186    4484210.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:15.384    4484410.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:15.582    4484604.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:15.780    4484803.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:16.011    4485004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:16.209    4485205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:16.407    4485405.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:16.605    4485606.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:16.803    4485807.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:17.001    4486008.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:17.199    4486209.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:17.397    4486409.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:17.628    4486609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:17.826    4486810.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:17.991    4487001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:18.222    4487201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:18.420    4487401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:18.618    4487602.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:18.816    4487802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:19.014    4488002.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:19.212    4488203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:19.410    4488403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:19.608    4488605.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:19.806    4488806.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:20.037    4489006.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:20.235    4489207.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:20.433    4489407.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:20.631    4489608.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:20.829    4489809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:21.027    4490010.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:21.225    4490201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:21.423    4490401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:21.621    4490602.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:21.819    4490802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:22.050    4491004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:22.248    4491203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:22.446    4491404.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:22.644    4491605.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:22.842    4491805.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:23.040    4492006.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:23.238    4492206.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:23.436    4492407.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:23.634    4492607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:23.865    4492808.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:24.063    4493009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:24.261    4493209.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:24.459    4493409.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:24.657    4493609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:24.855    4493809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:25.053    4494009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:25.251    4494210.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:25.449    4494410.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:25.647    4494611.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:25.845    4494801.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:26.043    4495002.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:26.274    4495203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:26.472    4495403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:26.670    4495609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:26.868    4495809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:27.066    4496009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:27.264    4496210.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:27.462    4496410.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:27.660    4496603.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:27.858    4496804.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:28.056    4497005.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:28.287    4497205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:28.485    4497406.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:28.683    4497607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:28.881    4497807.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:29.079    4498007.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:29.277    4498208.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:29.475    4498408.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:29.673    4498609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:29.871    4498810.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:30.102    4499009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:30.300    4499209.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:30.498    4499411.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:30.696    4499601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:30.894    4499801.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:31.092    4500001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:31.290    4500202.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:31.488    4500403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:31.686    4500604.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:31.884    4500804.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:32.082    4501004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:32.280    4501205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:32.511    4501405.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:32.709    4501609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:32.907    4501810.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:33.105    4502001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:33.303    4502201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:33.501    4502402.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:33.699    4502602.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:33.897    4502803.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:34.095    4503003.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:34.293    4503203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:34.524    4503403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:34.722    4503603.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:34.920    4503804.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:35.118    4504003.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:35.316    4504204.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:35.514    4504404.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:35.712    4504605.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:35.910    4504806.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:36.108    4505006.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:36.339    4505207.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:36.537    4505407.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:36.735    4505607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:36.933    4505807.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:37.131    4506007.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:37.329    4506208.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:37.527    4506408.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:37.725    4506609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:37.923    4506810.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:38.121    4507009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:38.352    4507209.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:38.550    4507411.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:38.748    4507602.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:38.946    4507802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:39.144    4508003.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:39.342    4508203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:39.540    4508403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:39.738    4508603.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:39.936    4508802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:40.134    4509003.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:40.332    4509203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:40.530    4509403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:40.761    4509605.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:40.959    4509804.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:41.157    4510004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:41.355    4510205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:41.553    4510406.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:41.751    4510607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:41.949    4510807.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:42.147    4511008.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:42.345    4511209.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:42.576    4511410.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:42.741    4511601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:42.972    4511802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:43.170    4512001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:43.368    4512201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:43.566    4512401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:43.764    4512602.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:43.962    4512803.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:44.160    4513003.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:44.358    4513204.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:44.556    4513405.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:44.787    4513609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:44.985    4513811.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:45.183    4514001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:45.381    4514201.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:45.579    4514401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:45.777    4514598.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:45.975    4514803.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:46.173    4515004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:46.371    4515205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:46.569    4515405.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:46.800    4515606.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:46.998    4515806.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:47.196    4516007.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:47.394    4516207.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:47.592    4516407.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:47.790    4516607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:47.988    4516808.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:48.186    4517009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:48.384    4517210.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:48.582    4517401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:48.780    4517601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:48.978    4517801.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:49.209    4518002.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:49.407    4518204.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:49.605    4518403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:49.803    4518604.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:50.001    4518804.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:50.199    4519005.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:50.397    4519206.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:50.595    4519406.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:50.826    4519607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:51.024    4519809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:51.222    4520009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:51.420    4520210.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:51.618    4520409.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:51.816    4520609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:52.014    4520804.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:52.212    4521005.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:52.410    4521205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:52.608    4521405.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:52.806    4521606.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:53.037    4521807.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:53.235    4522007.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:53.433    4522207.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:53.631    4522408.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:53.829    4522609.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:54.027    4522809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:54.225    4523010.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:54.423    4523210.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:54.621    4523411.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:54.819    4523601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:55.017    4523802.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:55.248    4524003.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:55.446    4524203.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:55.644    4524403.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:55.842    4524604.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:56.040    4524805.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:56.238    4525005.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:56.436    4525205.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:56.634    4525405.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:56.832    4525607.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:57.063    4525810.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:57.228    4526001.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:57.459    4526202.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:57.657    4526401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:57.855    4526601.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:58.053    4526804.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:58.251    4527004.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:58.449    4527206.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:58.647    4527406.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:58.845    4527608.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:59.076    4527809.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:59.274    4528009.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:59.472    4528211.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:59.670    4528401.5
         2018-11-09 20:31:59.868    4528602.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:00.066    4528803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:00.264    4529003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:00.462    4529203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:00.660    4529404.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:00.858    4529604.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:01.056    4529804.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:01.287    4530005.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:01.485    4530205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:01.683    4530407.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:01.881    4530607.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:02.079    4530807.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:02.277    4531007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:02.475    4531207.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:02.673    4531409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:02.871    4531608.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:03.069    4531802.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:03.267    4532003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:03.498    4532203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:03.696    4532403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:03.894    4532604.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:04.092    4532805.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:04.290    4533005.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:04.488    4533205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:04.686    4533405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:04.884    4533607.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:05.082    4533806.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:05.313    4534007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:05.511    4534207.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:05.709    4534407.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:05.907    4534609.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:06.105    4534809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:06.303    4535009.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:06.501    4535209.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:06.699    4535410.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:06.897    4535610.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:07.095    4535810.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:07.293    4536001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:07.491    4536201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:07.722    4536401.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:07.920    4536602.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:08.118    4536803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:08.316    4537003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:08.514    4537204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:08.712    4537405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:08.910    4537605.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:09.108    4537810.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:09.306    4538001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:09.504    4538202.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:09.735    4538403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:09.933    4538603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:10.131    4538803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:10.329    4539004.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:10.527    4539205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:10.725    4539405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:10.923    4539606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:11.121    4539807.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:11.319    4540008.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:11.550    4540209.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:11.748    4540409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:11.946    4540609.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:12.144    4540809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:12.342    4541011.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:12.540    4541201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:12.738    4541402.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:12.936    4541602.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:13.134    4541802.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:13.332    4542003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:13.530    4542204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:13.728    4542403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:13.959    4542604.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:14.157    4542805.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:14.355    4543005.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:14.553    4543206.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:14.751    4543406.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:14.949    4543606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:15.147    4543810.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:15.345    4544001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:15.543    4544201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:15.741    4544401.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:15.972    4544601.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:16.170    4544802.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:16.368    4545002.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:16.566    4545203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:16.764    4545405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:16.962    4545606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:17.160    4545807.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:17.358    4546007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:17.556    4546207.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:17.787    4546408.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:17.985    4546607.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:18.183    4546808.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:18.381    4547009.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:18.579    4547209.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:18.777    4547410.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:18.975    4547610.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:19.173    4547801.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:19.371    4548001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:19.569    4548202.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:19.767    4548403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:19.998    4548604.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:20.196    4548803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:20.394    4549003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:20.592    4549203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:20.790    4549405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:20.988    4549607.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:21.186    4549809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:21.384    4550010.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:21.582    4550209.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:21.813    4550409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:22.011    4550611.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:22.209    4550802.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:22.407    4551003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:22.605    4551204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:22.803    4551405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:23.001    4551605.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:23.199    4551806.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:23.397    4552007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:23.595    4552209.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:23.826    4552409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:24.024    4552609.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:24.222    4552809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:24.420    4553010.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:24.618    4553201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:24.816    4553402.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:25.014    4553601.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:25.212    4553801.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:25.410    4554002.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:25.608    4554202.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:25.806    4554403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:26.004    4554603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:26.235    4554804.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:26.433    4555005.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:26.631    4555205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:26.829    4555405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:27.027    4555606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:27.225    4555809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:27.423    4556010.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:27.621    4556201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:27.819    4556401.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:28.017    4556601.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:28.248    4556803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:28.446    4557003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:28.644    4557203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:28.842    4557405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:29.040    4557606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:29.238    4557806.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:29.436    4558007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:29.634    4558207.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:29.832    4558408.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:30.063    4558609.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:30.261    4558809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:30.459    4559009.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:30.657    4559210.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:30.855    4559401.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:31.053    4559601.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:31.251    4559801.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:31.449    4560001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:31.647    4560201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:31.845    4560402.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:32.043    4560602.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:32.241    4560803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:32.472    4561003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:32.670    4561203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:32.868    4561404.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:33.066    4561603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:33.264    4561808.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:33.462    4562001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:33.660    4562202.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:33.858    4562402.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:34.056    4562602.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:34.254    4562803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:34.485    4563004.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:34.683    4563205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:34.881    4563405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:35.079    4563605.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:35.277    4563805.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:35.475    4564006.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:35.673    4564206.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:35.871    4564406.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:36.069    4564607.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:36.300    4564808.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:36.498    4565009.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:36.696    4565209.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:36.894    4565409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:37.092    4565610.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:37.290    4565801.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:37.488    4566002.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:37.686    4566204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:37.884    4566403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:38.082    4566603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:38.280    4566805.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:38.478    4567003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:38.709    4567204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:38.907    4567405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:39.105    4567605.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:39.303    4567802.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:39.501    4568001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:39.699    4568201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:39.897    4568402.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:40.095    4568602.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:40.293    4568805.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:40.524    4569005.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:40.722    4569205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:40.920    4569406.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:41.118    4569607.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:41.316    4569810.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:41.514    4570009.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:41.712    4570209.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:41.910    4570409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:42.108    4570610.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:42.339    4570810.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:42.537    4571010.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:42.702    4571201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:42.933    4571401.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:43.131    4571601.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:43.329    4571802.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:43.527    4572002.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:43.725    4572202.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:43.923    4572403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:44.121    4572604.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:44.319    4572803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:44.517    4573003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:44.715    4573203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:44.946    4573405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:45.144    4573606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:45.342    4573812.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:45.540    4574002.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:45.738    4574204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:45.936    4574403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:46.134    4574603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:46.332    4574803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:46.530    4575007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:46.761    4575208.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:46.959    4575408.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:47.157    4575608.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:47.355    4575809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:47.553    4576009.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:47.751    4576211.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:47.949    4576402.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:48.147    4576601.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:48.345    4576801.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:48.543    4577002.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:48.741    4577203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:48.972    4577404.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:49.170    4577603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:49.368    4577804.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:49.566    4578005.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:49.764    4578205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:49.962    4578407.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:50.160    4578606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:50.358    4578809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:50.589    4579010.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:50.754    4579201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:50.952    4579401.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:51.183    4579603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:51.381    4579803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:51.579    4580003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:51.777    4580203.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:51.975    4580403.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:52.173    4580604.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:52.371    4580804.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:52.569    4581007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:52.800    4581207.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:52.998    4581408.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:53.196    4581609.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:53.394    4581810.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:53.592    4582001.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:53.790    4582201.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:53.988    4582402.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:54.186    4582603.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:54.384    4582803.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:54.582    4583003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:54.780    4583204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:54.978    4583404.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:55.209    4583604.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:55.407    4583805.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:55.605    4584005.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:55.803    4584205.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:56.001    4584405.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:56.199    4584605.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:56.397    4584807.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:56.595    4585007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:56.793    4585208.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:57.024    4585409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:57.222    4585609.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:57.420    4585810.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:57.618    4586003.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:57.816    4586204.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:58.014    4586406.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:58.212    4586606.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:58.410    4586806.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:58.608    4587007.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:58.806    4587207.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:59.037    4587409.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:59.235    4587609.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:59.433    4587809.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:59.631    4588010.5
         2018-11-09 20:32:59.829    4588201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:00.027    4588402.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:00.225    4588604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:00.423    4588803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:00.621    4589003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:00.819    4589203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:01.017    4589403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:01.248    4589604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:01.446    4589805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:01.644    4590005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:01.842    4590206.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:02.040    4590407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:02.238    4590609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:02.436    4590809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:02.634    4591009.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:02.832    4591210.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:03.063    4591410.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:03.228    4591601.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:03.459    4591802.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:03.657    4592005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:03.855    4592205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:04.053    4592405.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:04.251    4592605.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:04.449    4592807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:04.647    4593007.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:04.845    4593208.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:05.076    4593409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:05.274    4593609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:05.472    4593809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:05.670    4594010.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:05.868    4594210.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:06.066    4594401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:06.264    4594602.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:06.462    4594802.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:06.660    4595004.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:06.858    4595204.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:07.056    4595405.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:07.254    4595606.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:07.485    4595807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:07.683    4596008.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:07.881    4596209.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:08.079    4596409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:08.277    4596610.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:08.475    4596801.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:08.673    4597001.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:08.871    4597203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:09.069    4597403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:09.267    4597604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:09.465    4597804.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:09.696    4598004.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:09.894    4598205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:10.092    4598406.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:10.290    4598607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:10.488    4598807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:10.686    4599007.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:10.884    4599207.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:11.082    4599407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:11.280    4599608.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:11.511    4599808.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:11.709    4600008.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:11.907    4600210.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:12.105    4600409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:12.303    4600609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:12.501    4600809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:12.699    4601010.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:12.897    4601201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:13.095    4601401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:13.293    4601602.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:13.491    4601802.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:13.722    4602003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:13.920    4602203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:14.118    4602404.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:14.316    4602605.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:14.514    4602805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:14.712    4603006.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:14.910    4603207.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:15.108    4603407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:15.306    4603607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:15.537    4603808.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:15.702    4604003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:15.933    4604203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:16.131    4604403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:16.329    4604604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:16.527    4604804.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:16.725    4605007.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:16.923    4605207.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:17.121    4605407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:17.319    4605608.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:17.550    4605809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:17.748    4606009.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:17.946    4606210.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:18.144    4606401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:18.342    4606601.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:18.540    4606801.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:18.738    4607002.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:18.936    4607203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:19.134    4607403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:19.332    4607604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:19.530    4607804.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:19.728    4608005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:19.959    4608205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:20.157    4608406.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:20.355    4608607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:20.553    4608807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:20.751    4609007.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:20.949    4609208.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:21.147    4609409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:21.345    4609609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:21.543    4609809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:21.741    4610002.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:21.939    4610202.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:22.170    4610403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:22.368    4610603.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:22.566    4610803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:22.764    4611006.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:22.962    4611208.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:23.160    4611409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:23.358    4611601.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:23.556    4611802.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:23.754    4612003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:23.952    4612203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:24.183    4612404.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:24.381    4612605.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:24.579    4612805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:24.777    4613005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:24.975    4613205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:25.173    4613405.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:25.371    4613607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:25.569    4613806.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:25.767    4614007.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:25.998    4614207.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:26.196    4614407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:26.394    4614607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:26.592    4614807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:26.790    4615008.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:26.988    4615208.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:27.186    4615409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:27.384    4615609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:27.582    4615810.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:27.780    4616002.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:27.978    4616202.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:28.209    4616403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:28.407    4616603.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:28.605    4616803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:28.803    4617005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:29.001    4617205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:29.199    4617406.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:29.397    4617607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:29.595    4617807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:29.793    4618007.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:30.024    4618208.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:30.222    4618409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:30.420    4618609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:30.618    4618809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:30.816    4619016.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:31.014    4619201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:31.212    4619401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:31.410    4619602.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:31.608    4619802.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:31.806    4620003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:32.004    4620203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:32.202    4620403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:32.433    4620604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:32.631    4620803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:32.829    4621004.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:33.027    4621204.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:33.225    4621405.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:33.423    4621606.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:33.621    4621806.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:33.819    4622002.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:34.017    4622202.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:34.215    4622402.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:34.446    4622605.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:34.644    4622806.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:34.842    4623006.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:35.040    4623207.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:35.238    4623407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:35.436    4623607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:35.634    4623807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:35.832    4624008.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:36.030    4624209.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:36.261    4624409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:36.459    4624609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:36.657    4624810.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:36.855    4625002.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:37.053    4625201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:37.251    4625401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:37.449    4625601.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:37.647    4625801.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:37.845    4626002.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:38.043    4626202.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:38.241    4626403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:38.439    4626603.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:38.670    4626803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:38.868    4627004.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:39.066    4627203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:39.264    4627404.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:39.462    4627604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:39.660    4627805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:39.858    4628003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:40.056    4628203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:40.254    4628404.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:40.485    4628605.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:40.683    4628805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:40.881    4629005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:41.079    4629206.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:41.277    4629407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:41.475    4629608.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:41.673    4629809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:41.871    4630009.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:42.069    4630210.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:42.267    4630401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:42.465    4630601.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:42.663    4630801.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:42.894    4631001.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:43.092    4631201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:43.290    4631402.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:43.488    4631603.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:43.686    4631804.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:43.884    4632003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:44.082    4632203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:44.280    4632403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:44.478    4632604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:44.709    4632804.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:44.907    4633005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:45.105    4633205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:45.303    4633406.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:45.501    4633607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:45.699    4633809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:45.897    4634012.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:46.095    4634202.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:46.293    4634403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:46.491    4634603.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:46.722    4634804.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:46.920    4635005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:47.118    4635206.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:47.316    4635407.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:47.514    4635607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:47.712    4635808.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:47.910    4636009.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:48.108    4636209.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:48.306    4636409.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:48.537    4636609.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:48.735    4636809.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:48.933    4637010.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:49.131    4637210.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:49.329    4637401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:49.527    4637601.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:49.725    4637801.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:49.923    4638001.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:50.121    4638201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:50.319    4638402.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:50.517    4638602.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:50.715    4638803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:50.946    4639003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:51.144    4639203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:51.342    4639403.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:51.540    4639604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:51.738    4639805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:51.936    4640006.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:52.134    4640201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:52.332    4640402.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:52.530    4640602.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:52.728    4640803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:52.926    4641003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:53.157    4641204.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:53.355    4641405.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:53.553    4641605.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:53.751    4641805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:53.949    4642005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:54.147    4642205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:54.345    4642408.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:54.543    4642610.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:54.741    4642801.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:54.939    4643002.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:55.170    4643201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:55.368    4643401.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:55.566    4643601.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:55.764    4643802.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:55.962    4644003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:56.160    4644203.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:56.358    4644404.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:56.556    4644604.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:56.754    4644805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:56.985    4645005.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:57.183    4645205.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:57.381    4645405.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:57.579    4645607.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:57.777    4645807.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:57.975    4646007.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:58.173    4646201.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:58.371    4646402.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:58.569    4646602.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:58.767    4646803.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:58.965    4647003.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:59.196    4647204.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:59.394    4647405.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:59.592    4647605.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:59.790    4647805.5
         2018-11-09 20:33:59.988    4648005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:00.186    4648205.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:00.384    4648406.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:00.582    4648606.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:00.780    4648807.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:01.011    4649007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:01.209    4649207.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:01.407    4649407.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:01.605    4649608.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:01.803    4649809.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:02.001    4650009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:02.199    4650209.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:02.397    4650410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:02.595    4650601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:02.793    4650802.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:02.991    4651002.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:03.189    4651202.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:03.420    4651403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:03.618    4651603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:03.816    4651803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:04.014    4652003.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:04.212    4652210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:04.410    4652410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:04.608    4652610.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:04.806    4652801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:05.004    4653001.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:05.202    4653202.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:05.433    4653402.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:05.631    4653603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:05.829    4653803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:06.027    4654004.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:06.225    4654205.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:06.423    4654405.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:06.621    4654605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:06.819    4654806.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:07.017    4655006.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:07.248    4655207.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:07.446    4655407.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:07.644    4655608.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:07.842    4655804.0
         2018-11-09 20:34:08.040    4656009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:08.238    4656209.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:08.436    4656410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:08.634    4656601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:08.832    4656801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:09.030    4657002.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:09.228    4657203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:09.459    4657404.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:09.657    4657605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:09.855    4657805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:10.053    4658005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:10.251    4658209.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:10.449    4658410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:10.647    4658610.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:10.845    4658801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:11.043    4659002.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:11.241    4659203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:11.439    4659403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:11.670    4659603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:11.868    4659805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:12.066    4660007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:12.264    4660207.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:12.462    4660407.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:12.660    4660607.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:12.858    4660803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:13.056    4661009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:13.287    4661210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:13.485    4661410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:13.683    4661610.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:13.881    4661801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:14.079    4662001.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:14.277    4662201.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:14.475    4662402.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:14.673    4662603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:14.871    4662803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:15.069    4663005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:15.267    4663206.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:15.465    4663405.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:15.696    4663605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:15.894    4663806.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:16.092    4664007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:16.290    4664210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:16.488    4664410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:16.686    4664601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:16.884    4664801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:17.082    4665001.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:17.280    4665203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:17.478    4665404.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:17.709    4665605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:17.907    4665805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:18.105    4666006.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:18.303    4666207.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:18.501    4666408.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:18.699    4666609.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:18.897    4666810.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:19.095    4667009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:19.293    4667209.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:19.524    4667409.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:19.722    4667610.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:19.887    4667801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:20.118    4668001.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:20.316    4668201.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:20.514    4668401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:20.712    4668601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:20.910    4668802.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:21.108    4669002.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:21.306    4669203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:21.504    4669403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:21.702    4669603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:21.933    4669803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:22.131    4670003.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:22.329    4670210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:22.527    4670401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:22.725    4670601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:22.923    4670802.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:23.121    4671002.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:23.319    4671203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:23.517    4671403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:23.715    4671604.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:23.946    4671805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:24.144    4672005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:24.342    4672205.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:24.540    4672405.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:24.738    4672605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:24.936    4672807.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:25.134    4673007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:25.332    4673208.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:25.530    4673408.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:25.761    4673608.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:25.959    4673809.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:26.157    4674010.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:26.355    4674202.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:26.553    4674401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:26.751    4674601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:26.949    4674802.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:27.147    4675004.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:27.345    4675203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:27.543    4675404.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:27.741    4675605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:27.939    4675805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:28.170    4676007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:28.368    4676210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:28.566    4676401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:28.764    4676601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:28.962    4676801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:29.160    4677001.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:29.358    4677203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:29.556    4677403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:29.754    4677604.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:29.952    4677805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:30.183    4678005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:30.381    4678206.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:30.579    4678406.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:30.777    4678607.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:30.975    4678807.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:31.173    4679007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:31.371    4679207.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:31.569    4679407.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:31.767    4679608.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:31.998    4679808.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:32.196    4680009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:32.394    4680211.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:32.592    4680401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:32.790    4680602.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:32.988    4680802.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:33.186    4681002.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:33.384    4681203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:33.582    4681404.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:33.780    4681603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:33.978    4681804.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:34.209    4682005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:34.374    4682201.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:34.605    4682401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:34.803    4682602.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:35.001    4682803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:35.199    4683004.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:35.397    4683204.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:35.595    4683405.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:35.793    4683606.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:35.991    4683806.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:36.222    4684007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:36.420    4684207.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:36.618    4684407.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:36.816    4684607.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:37.014    4684809.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:37.212    4685011.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:37.410    4685202.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:37.608    4685401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:37.806    4685601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:38.004    4685801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:38.202    4686002.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:38.433    4686204.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:38.631    4686405.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:38.829    4686605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:39.027    4686806.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:39.225    4687007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:39.423    4687208.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:39.621    4687409.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:39.819    4687609.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:40.017    4687809.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:40.248    4688009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:40.413    4688201.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:40.644    4688401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:40.842    4688602.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:41.040    4688803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:41.238    4689003.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:41.436    4689204.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:41.634    4689404.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:41.832    4689605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:42.030    4689805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:42.228    4690005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:42.459    4690205.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:42.657    4690407.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:42.855    4690607.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:43.053    4690807.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:43.251    4691007.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:43.449    4691208.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:43.647    4691409.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:43.845    4691609.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:44.043    4691809.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:44.274    4692009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:44.472    4692209.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:44.670    4692409.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:44.868    4692610.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:45.066    4692801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:45.264    4693001.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:45.462    4693202.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:45.660    4693402.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:45.858    4693603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:46.056    4693803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:46.254    4694004.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:46.485    4694211.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:46.650    4694402.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:46.881    4694603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:47.079    4694803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:47.277    4695003.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:47.475    4695203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:47.673    4695404.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:47.871    4695604.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:48.069    4695804.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:48.267    4696005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:48.465    4696205.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:48.696    4696406.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:48.894    4696607.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:49.092    4696808.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:49.290    4697009.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:49.488    4697209.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:49.686    4697410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:49.884    4697601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:50.082    4697801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:50.280    4698003.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:50.478    4698203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:50.676    4698403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:50.907    4698603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:51.105    4698804.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:51.303    4699005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:51.501    4699206.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:51.699    4699407.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:51.897    4699607.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:52.095    4699807.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:52.293    4700008.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:52.491    4700209.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:52.689    4700401.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:52.887    4700602.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:53.118    4700801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:53.316    4701001.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:53.514    4701203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:53.712    4701403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:53.910    4701603.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:54.108    4701803.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:54.306    4702004.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:54.504    4702205.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:54.702    4702405.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:54.933    4702605.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:55.131    4702805.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:55.329    4703005.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:55.527    4703207.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:55.725    4703406.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:55.923    4703607.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:56.121    4703807.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:56.319    4704008.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:56.517    4704210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:56.748    4704409.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:56.946    4704609.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:57.144    4704809.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:57.342    4705010.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:57.540    4705210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:57.738    4705410.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:57.936    4705601.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:58.134    4705801.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:58.332    4706003.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:58.530    4706203.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:58.761    4706409.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:58.959    4706609.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:59.157    4706809.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:59.355    4707010.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:59.553    4707210.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:59.751    4707403.5
         2018-11-09 20:34:59.949    4707603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:00.147    4707805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:00.345    4708009.0
         2018-11-09 20:35:00.543    4708206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:00.741    4708407.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:00.972    4708607.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:01.170    4708808.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:01.368    4709009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:01.566    4709209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:01.764    4709409.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:01.962    4709601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:02.160    4709802.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:02.358    4710003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:02.556    4710204.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:02.754    4710403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:02.952    4710603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:03.150    4710803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:03.381    4711005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:03.579    4711206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:03.777    4711406.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:03.975    4711606.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:04.173    4711806.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:04.371    4712007.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:04.569    4712209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:04.767    4712408.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:04.998    4712608.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:05.196    4712808.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:05.394    4713013.0
         2018-11-09 20:35:05.592    4713210.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:05.790    4713401.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:05.988    4713601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:06.186    4713801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:06.384    4714002.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:06.582    4714202.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:06.780    4714403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:06.978    4714603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:07.176    4714803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:07.407    4715005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:07.605    4715206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:07.803    4715407.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:08.001    4715607.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:08.199    4715808.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:08.397    4716009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:08.595    4716210.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:08.793    4716401.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:08.991    4716601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:09.189    4716802.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:09.387    4717003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:09.618    4717203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:09.816    4717403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:10.014    4717603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:10.212    4717803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:10.410    4718004.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:10.608    4718205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:10.806    4718408.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:11.004    4718609.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:11.235    4718810.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:11.400    4719003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:11.631    4719203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:11.829    4719402.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:12.027    4719602.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:12.225    4719804.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:12.423    4720003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:12.621    4720203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:12.819    4720403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:13.017    4720605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:13.215    4720806.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:13.446    4721006.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:13.644    4721207.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:13.842    4721407.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:14.040    4721609.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:14.238    4721811.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:14.436    4722002.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:14.634    4722201.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:14.832    4722401.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:15.030    4722603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:15.228    4722804.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:15.426    4723005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:15.657    4723205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:15.855    4723405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:16.053    4723606.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:16.251    4723807.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:16.449    4724007.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:16.647    4724207.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:16.845    4724409.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:17.043    4724610.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:17.241    4724801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:17.439    4725001.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:17.637    4725203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:17.868    4725403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:18.066    4725603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:18.264    4725803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:18.462    4726004.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:18.660    4726204.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:18.858    4726405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:19.056    4726605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:19.254    4726805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:19.452    4727005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:19.683    4727206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:19.881    4727406.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:20.079    4727607.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:20.277    4727807.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:20.475    4728008.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:20.673    4728209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:20.871    4728410.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:21.069    4728601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:21.267    4728801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:21.465    4729002.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:21.663    4729202.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:21.894    4729404.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:22.092    4729603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:22.290    4729803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:22.488    4730003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:22.686    4730205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:22.884    4730409.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:23.082    4730609.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:23.280    4730809.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:23.478    4731001.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:23.676    4731202.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:23.874    4731402.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:24.105    4731603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:24.303    4731803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:24.501    4732003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:24.699    4732203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:24.897    4732404.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:25.095    4732604.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:25.293    4732805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:25.491    4733005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:25.689    4733205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:25.920    4733405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:26.118    4733606.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:26.316    4733806.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:26.514    4734008.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:26.712    4734209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:26.910    4734409.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:27.108    4734611.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:27.306    4734801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:27.504    4735002.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:27.702    4735203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:27.900    4735403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:28.131    4735603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:28.329    4735804.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:28.527    4736004.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:28.725    4736204.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:28.923    4736409.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:29.121    4736609.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:29.319    4736809.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:29.517    4737009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:29.748    4737209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:29.913    4737405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:30.144    4737606.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:30.342    4737807.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:30.540    4738007.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:30.738    4738208.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:30.936    4738409.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:31.134    4738610.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:31.332    4738801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:31.530    4739001.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:31.728    4739202.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:31.926    4739403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:32.124    4739603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:32.355    4739803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:32.553    4740003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:32.751    4740203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:32.949    4740404.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:33.147    4740604.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:33.345    4740805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:33.543    4741005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:33.741    4741205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:33.939    4741405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:34.170    4741606.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:34.368    4741806.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:34.566    4742006.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:34.764    4742206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:34.962    4742402.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:35.160    4742603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:35.358    4742803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:35.556    4743005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:35.754    4743206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:35.952    4743405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:36.183    4743605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:36.381    4743806.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:36.579    4744007.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:36.777    4744209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:36.975    4744408.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:37.173    4744609.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:37.371    4744810.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:37.569    4745010.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:37.767    4745201.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:37.965    4745402.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:38.163    4745601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:38.361    4745801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:38.592    4746003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:38.790    4746205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:38.988    4746405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:39.186    4746605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:39.384    4746805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:39.582    4747006.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:39.780    4747207.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:39.978    4747407.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:40.209    4747607.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:40.407    4747808.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:40.605    4748009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:40.803    4748210.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:41.001    4748402.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:41.199    4748604.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:41.397    4748803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:41.595    4749004.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:41.793    4749205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:41.991    4749406.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:42.222    4749608.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:42.420    4749809.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:42.618    4750009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:42.816    4750210.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:43.014    4750410.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:43.212    4750601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:43.410    4750803.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:43.608    4751003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:43.806    4751204.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:44.004    4751404.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:44.202    4751604.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:44.400    4751805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:44.631    4752005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:44.829    4752205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:45.027    4752405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:45.225    4752605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:45.423    4752808.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:45.621    4753009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:45.819    4753209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:46.017    4753410.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:46.215    4753601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:46.413    4753801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:46.644    4754003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:46.842    4754203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:47.040    4754404.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:47.238    4754605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:47.436    4754805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:47.634    4755005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:47.832    4755206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:48.030    4755407.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:48.228    4755607.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:48.459    4755808.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:48.657    4756008.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:48.855    4756209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:49.053    4756410.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:49.251    4756609.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:49.449    4756809.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:49.647    4757009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:49.845    4757210.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:50.043    4757410.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:50.241    4757610.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:50.439    4757801.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:50.637    4758001.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:50.835    4758201.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:51.066    4758401.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:51.264    4758601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:51.462    4758802.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:51.660    4759002.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:51.858    4759203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:52.056    4759403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:52.254    4759603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:52.452    4759804.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:52.650    4760003.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:52.881    4760214.0
         2018-11-09 20:35:53.079    4760405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:53.277    4760605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:53.475    4760805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:53.673    4761005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:53.871    4761205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:54.069    4761406.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:54.267    4761607.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:54.465    4761809.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:54.696    4762009.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:54.894    4762209.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:55.092    4762410.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:55.290    4762601.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:55.488    4762802.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:55.686    4763004.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:55.884    4763203.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:56.082    4763403.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:56.280    4763603.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:56.478    4763804.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:56.676    4764004.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:56.907    4764205.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:57.105    4764405.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:57.303    4764605.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:57.501    4764805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:57.699    4765005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:57.897    4765206.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:58.095    4765406.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:58.293    4765607.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:58.491    4765807.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:58.689    4766007.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:58.920    4766207.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:59.118    4766407.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:59.316    4766604.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:59.514    4766805.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:59.712    4767005.5
         2018-11-09 20:35:59.910    4767207.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:00.108    4767406.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:00.306    4767607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:00.504    4767807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:00.702    4768008.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:00.933    4768209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:01.131    4768410.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:01.329    4768601.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:01.527    4768801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:01.725    4769002.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:01.923    4769203.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:02.121    4769404.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:02.319    4769605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:02.517    4769805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:02.715    4770005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:02.913    4770205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:03.144    4770406.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:03.342    4770606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:03.540    4770807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:03.738    4771007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:03.936    4771208.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:04.134    4771409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:04.332    4771610.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:04.530    4771801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:04.728    4772001.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:04.926    4772202.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:05.124    4772402.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:05.355    4772604.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:05.553    4772804.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:05.751    4773004.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:05.949    4773205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:06.147    4773405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:06.345    4773607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:06.543    4773807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:06.741    4774007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:06.939    4774207.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:07.170    4774408.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:07.368    4774609.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:07.566    4774810.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:07.764    4775001.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:07.962    4775201.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:08.160    4775402.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:08.358    4775603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:08.556    4775804.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:08.754    4776003.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:08.952    4776204.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:09.150    4776405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:09.381    4776605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:09.579    4776807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:09.777    4777007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:09.975    4777210.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:10.173    4777409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:10.371    4777609.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:10.569    4777810.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:10.767    4778009.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:10.965    4778209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:11.196    4778410.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:11.394    4778605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:11.592    4778805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:11.790    4779005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:11.988    4779206.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:12.186    4779407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:12.384    4779607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:12.582    4779807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:12.780    4780008.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:12.978    4780208.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:13.209    4780408.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:13.407    4780609.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:13.605    4780809.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:13.803    4781011.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:14.001    4781201.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:14.199    4781402.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:14.397    4781603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:14.595    4781803.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:14.793    4782004.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:14.991    4782205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:15.189    4782406.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:15.420    4782608.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:15.618    4782807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:15.816    4783007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:16.014    4783207.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:16.212    4783407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:16.410    4783608.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:16.608    4783809.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:16.806    4784009.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:17.004    4784210.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:17.235    4784410.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:17.400    4784605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:17.631    4784808.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:17.829    4785009.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:18.027    4785210.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:18.225    4785409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:18.423    4785607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:18.621    4785807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:18.819    4786007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:19.017    4786209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:19.215    4786410.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:19.413    4786601.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:19.611    4786802.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:19.842    4787004.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:20.040    4787203.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:20.238    4787404.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:20.436    4787605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:20.634    4787805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:20.832    4788007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:21.030    4788207.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:21.228    4788408.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:21.459    4788609.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:21.657    4788809.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:21.855    4789009.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:22.053    4789209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:22.251    4789409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:22.449    4789610.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:22.647    4789801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:22.845    4790002.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:23.043    4790202.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:23.241    4790402.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:23.439    4790603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:23.637    4790803.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:23.868    4791005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:24.066    4791205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:24.264    4791405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:24.462    4791606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:24.660    4791806.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:24.858    4792007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:25.056    4792207.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:25.254    4792407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:25.452    4792608.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:25.683    4792809.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:25.881    4793010.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:26.079    4793210.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:26.277    4793410.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:26.475    4793601.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:26.673    4793801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:26.871    4794003.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:27.069    4794203.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:27.267    4794404.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:27.465    4794605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:27.663    4794805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:27.894    4795005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:28.092    4795206.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:28.290    4795407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:28.488    4795607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:28.686    4795807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:28.884    4796008.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:29.082    4796210.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:29.280    4796401.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:29.478    4796604.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:29.676    4796805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:29.874    4797005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:30.105    4797205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:30.303    4797405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:30.501    4797607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:30.699    4797807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:30.897    4798008.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:31.095    4798209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:31.293    4798409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:31.491    4798610.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:31.722    4798810.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:31.887    4799001.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:32.085    4799201.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:32.316    4799401.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:32.514    4799601.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:32.712    4799801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:32.910    4800002.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:33.108    4800203.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:33.306    4800403.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:33.504    4800604.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:33.702    4800804.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:33.900    4801005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:34.131    4801205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:34.329    4801405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:34.527    4801606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:34.725    4801807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:34.923    4801999.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:35.121    4802207.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:35.319    4802408.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:35.517    4802603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:35.715    4802804.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:35.913    4803005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:36.144    4803206.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:36.342    4803407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:36.540    4803606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:36.738    4803806.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:36.936    4804008.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:37.134    4804209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:37.332    4804409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:37.530    4804610.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:37.728    4804801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:37.926    4805001.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:38.124    4805201.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:38.322    4805402.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:38.553    4805603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:38.751    4805803.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:38.949    4806005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:39.147    4806204.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:39.345    4806405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:39.543    4806605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:39.741    4806805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:39.939    4806998.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:40.137    4807206.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:40.368    4807406.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:40.566    4807606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:40.764    4807806.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:40.962    4808007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:41.160    4808209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:41.358    4808409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:41.556    4808603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:41.754    4808804.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:41.952    4809005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:42.150    4809205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:42.381    4809406.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:42.579    4809606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:42.777    4809807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:42.975    4810007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:43.173    4810208.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:43.371    4810409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:43.569    4810609.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:43.767    4810809.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:43.965    4811010.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:44.163    4811201.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:44.361    4811401.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:44.592    4811603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:44.790    4811803.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:44.988    4812005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:45.186    4812204.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:45.384    4812404.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:45.582    4812607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:45.780    4812808.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:45.978    4813010.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:46.209    4813209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:46.407    4813409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:46.605    4813610.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:46.803    4813801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:47.001    4814001.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:47.199    4814201.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:47.397    4814402.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:47.595    4814602.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:47.793    4814803.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:47.991    4815005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:48.189    4815206.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:48.387    4815406.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:48.618    4815606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:48.816    4815806.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:49.014    4816007.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:49.212    4816209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:49.410    4816409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:49.608    4816609.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:49.806    4816810.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:50.004    4817001.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:50.202    4817202.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:50.400    4817404.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:50.598    4817603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:50.829    4817804.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:51.027    4818005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:51.225    4818205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:51.423    4818407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:51.621    4818607.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:51.819    4818808.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:52.017    4819001.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:52.215    4819202.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:52.413    4819403.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:52.611    4819603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:52.842    4819803.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:53.040    4820004.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:53.238    4820205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:53.436    4820405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:53.634    4820605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:53.832    4820805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:54.030    4821005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:54.228    4821206.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:54.426    4821407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:54.657    4821608.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:54.855    4821807.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:55.053    4822008.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:55.251    4822209.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:55.449    4822409.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:55.647    4822609.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:55.845    4822810.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:56.043    4823010.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:56.241    4823210.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:56.439    4823401.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:56.637    4823601.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:56.835    4823801.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:57.066    4824002.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:57.264    4824203.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:57.462    4824403.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:57.660    4824603.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:57.858    4824804.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:58.056    4825004.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:58.254    4825204.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:58.452    4825405.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:58.650    4825605.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:58.881    4825805.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:59.079    4826005.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:59.277    4826205.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:59.475    4826407.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:59.673    4826606.5
         2018-11-09 20:36:59.871    4826806.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:00.069    4827006.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:00.267    4827207.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:00.465    4827409.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:00.696    4827609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:00.894    4827809.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:01.092    4828009.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:01.290    4828210.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:01.488    4828410.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:01.686    4828610.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:01.884    4828801.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:02.082    4829001.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:02.280    4829201.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:02.478    4829401.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:02.676    4829601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:02.874    4829801.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:03.072    4830002.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:03.303    4830204.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:03.501    4830403.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:03.699    4830604.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:03.897    4830805.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:04.095    4831005.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:04.293    4831206.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:04.491    4831405.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:04.689    4831605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:04.887    4831806.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:05.118    4832006.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:05.316    4832207.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:05.514    4832407.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:05.712    4832607.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:05.976    4832857.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:06.207    4833107.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:06.471    4833359.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:06.702    4833609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:06.966    4833852.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:07.197    4834101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:07.461    4834352.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:07.725    4834603.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:07.956    4834856.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:08.220    4835107.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:08.484    4835357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:08.715    4835609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:08.979    4835859.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:09.210    4836101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:09.474    4836351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:09.738    4836601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:09.969    4836852.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:10.233    4837102.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:10.497    4837353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:10.728    4837604.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:10.992    4837855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:11.256    4838106.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:11.487    4838357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:11.751    4838609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:11.982    4838858.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:12.246    4839110.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:12.477    4839351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:12.741    4839601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:13.005    4839851.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:13.236    4840102.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:13.500    4840352.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:13.764    4840603.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:13.995    4840854.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:14.259    4841105.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:14.523    4841356.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:14.754    4841606.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:15.018    4841859.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:15.282    4842110.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:15.513    4842351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:15.777    4842601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:16.008    4842852.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:16.272    4843103.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:16.536    4843354.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:16.767    4843605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:17.031    4843855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:17.262    4844105.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:17.526    4844357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:17.790    4844607.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:18.021    4844860.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:18.285    4845109.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:18.516    4845351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:18.780    4845601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:19.044    4845851.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:19.275    4846101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:19.539    4846353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:19.803    4846603.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:20.034    4846854.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:20.298    4847105.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:20.562    4847356.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:20.793    4847607.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:21.057    4847857.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:21.288    4848107.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:21.552    4848359.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:21.816    4848609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:22.047    4848860.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:22.311    4849110.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:22.542    4849351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:22.806    4849602.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:23.070    4849853.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:23.301    4850103.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:23.565    4850353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:23.763    4850553.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:23.961    4850759.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:24.159    4850961.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:24.357    4851151.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:24.555    4851351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:24.819    4851603.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:25.083    4851853.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:25.314    4852104.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:25.578    4852355.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:25.842    4852605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:26.073    4852856.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:26.337    4853107.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:26.601    4853358.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:26.832    4853609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:27.096    4853860.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:27.327    4854101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:27.591    4854353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:27.822    4854603.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:28.086    4854854.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:28.350    4855105.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:28.581    4855356.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:28.845    4855607.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:29.109    4855857.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:29.340    4856107.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:29.604    4856359.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:29.868    4856609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:30.099    4856851.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:30.363    4857101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:30.594    4857351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:30.858    4857602.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:31.122    4857852.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:31.353    4858103.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:31.617    4858354.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:31.848    4858605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:32.112    4858856.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:32.376    4859107.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:32.607    4859357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:32.871    4859609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:33.135    4859859.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:33.366    4860109.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:33.630    4860360.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:33.861    4860601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:34.125    4860851.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:34.389    4861102.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:34.620    4861353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:34.884    4861604.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:35.148    4861855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:35.379    4862106.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:35.643    4862356.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:35.874    4862607.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:36.138    4862858.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:36.402    4863109.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:36.633    4863359.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:36.897    4863609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:37.128    4863852.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:37.392    4864103.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:37.656    4864353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:37.887    4864605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:38.151    4864855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:38.415    4865105.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:38.646    4865355.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:38.910    4865606.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:39.174    4865856.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:39.405    4866108.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:39.669    4866357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:39.900    4866607.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:40.164    4866857.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:40.428    4867108.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:40.659    4867359.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:40.923    4867610.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:41.187    4867860.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:41.418    4868101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:41.682    4868351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:41.913    4868601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:42.177    4868851.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:42.408    4869101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:42.672    4869352.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:42.936    4869603.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:43.167    4869853.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:43.431    4870105.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:43.695    4870355.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:43.926    4870605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:44.190    4870855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:44.454    4871106.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:44.685    4871357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:44.949    4871608.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:45.213    4871859.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:45.444    4872109.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:45.708    4872360.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:45.939    4872601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:46.203    4872851.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:46.434    4873103.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:46.698    4873353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:46.962    4873605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:47.193    4873855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:47.457    4874108.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:47.721    4874357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:47.952    4874609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:48.216    4874859.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:48.480    4875110.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:48.711    4875360.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:48.975    4875610.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:49.206    4875852.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:49.470    4876103.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:49.734    4876353.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:49.965    4876605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:50.229    4876855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:50.460    4877105.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:50.724    4877355.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:50.988    4877605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:51.219    4877855.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:51.483    4878106.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:51.747    4878357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:51.978    4878609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:52.242    4878859.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:52.506    4879109.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:52.737    4879359.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:53.001    4879609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:53.232    4879860.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:53.496    4880097.0
         2018-11-09 20:37:53.727    4880352.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:53.991    4880603.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:54.255    4880858.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:54.519    4881109.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:54.750    4881361.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:55.014    4881601.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:55.245    4881851.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:55.509    4882101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:55.740    4882351.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:56.004    4882602.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:56.268    4882852.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:56.499    4883103.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:56.763    4883354.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:57.027    4883605.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:57.258    4883857.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:57.522    4884107.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:57.786    4884357.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:58.017    4884607.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:58.281    4884857.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:58.512    4885108.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:58.776    4885358.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:59.040    4885609.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:59.271    4885860.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:59.535    4886101.5
         2018-11-09 20:37:59.766    4886351.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:00.030    4886601.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:00.294    4886857.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:00.525    4887109.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:00.789    4887359.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:01.020    4887601.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:01.284    4887851.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:01.548    4888103.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:01.779    4888353.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:02.043    4888605.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:02.307    4888855.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:02.505    4889056.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:02.703    4889257.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:02.901    4889458.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:03.099    4889660.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:03.297    4889859.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:03.495    4890060.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:03.759    4890310.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:03.990    4890539.0
         2018-11-09 20:38:04.254    4890802.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:04.518    4891054.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:04.749    4891304.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:05.013    4891555.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:05.277    4891805.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:05.508    4892055.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:05.772    4892305.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:06.036    4892555.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:06.267    4892806.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:06.531    4893058.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:06.795    4893309.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:07.026    4893560.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:07.290    4893810.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:07.521    4894051.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:07.785    4894301.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:08.016    4894551.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:08.280    4894803.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:08.544    4895053.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:08.775    4895303.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:09.039    4895555.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:09.303    4895805.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:09.534    4896056.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:09.798    4896307.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:10.062    4896557.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:10.293    4896807.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:10.557    4897057.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:10.788    4897307.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:11.052    4897558.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:11.316    4897809.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:11.547    4898059.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:11.811    4898310.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:12.042    4898551.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:12.306    4898802.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:12.570    4899058.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:12.801    4899309.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:13.065    4899560.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:13.296    4899801.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:13.560    4900051.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:13.824    4900301.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:14.055    4900552.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:14.319    4900803.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:14.583    4901054.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:14.814    4901305.5
         2018-11-09 20:38:15.078    4901557.5
Name: TimeDelta, Length: 21645, dtype: float64

Now we can try analyzing a "floating" time-slice in the middle of this data:

#Look at IMU A2 time-slice from 1,050,000 to 1,300,000:

keys = df_converted["TimeDelta"].values
values = df_converted["IMU A2"].values
imu_a2_time_dict = dict(zip(keys, values))


#Now need to slice the dictionary into 2 new lists: 
time_slice = []
imu_a2_slice = []
for time in imu_a2_time_dict:
    if time > 1050000.0 and time < 1300000.0:
        #print(imu_a2_time_dict[time] - 9.80665)
        #Need to also subtract gravity from IMU A2 value:
        imu_a2_slice.append(float(imu_a2_time_dict[time]) - 9.80665)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import pylab
#%matplotlib inline

print("Plot not showing up for some reason - axis tick issue?")

plt.plot(time_slice, imu_a2_slice)
#plt.xticks=(np.arange(1050000, 1300000, step=50000))
plt.xlabel('Time Elapsed [ms]')
plt.ylabel('IMU A2')
Plot not showing up for some reason - axis tick issue?


Perform Wave Train Analysis on Floating Data

Steps 1 & 2: Detrend and filter the data

#Step 1. Detrend data
from scipy import signal
dacc_array = signal.detrend(imu_a2_slice)
time_array = time_slice
f_s = 4.0 #sampling frequency
#First integral of acc to get velocity:
from scipy import integrate

def calculate_new_range(time_array, array_of_values, low_time, high_time):
    new_time_array = []
    new_value_array = []
    for t,v in zip(time_array, array_of_values):
        if (t > low_time and t < high_time):
    return new_time_array, new_value_array

## Butter Filters for Bandpass:
def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = signal.butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
    return b, a

def butter_bandpass_lfilter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
    y = signal.lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

def butter_bandpass_filtfilt(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
    y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data)
    return y

##Butter Filters for Highpass:
def butter_highpass(highcut, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = signal.butter(order, high, btype='high')
    return b, a

def butter_highpass_lfilter(data, highcut, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_lowpass(highcut, fs, order=order)
    y = signal.lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

##Butter Filters for Lowpass:
def butter_lowpass(lowcut, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    b, a = signal.butter(order, low, btype='low')
    return b, a

def butter_lowpass_lfilter(data, lowcut, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_lowpass(lowcut, fs, order=order)
    y = signal.lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

Step 3. Remove outliers larger than 3x the standard deviation:

#Removes outliers from the array (outliers = values larger than 3x the standard deviation) and replaces them with the mean value.

def func_remove_outliers(acc_array):
    updated_acc_array = []
    std = np.std(acc_array)
    #print("Std: ", std)
    mean = np.median(acc_array)
    #print("Mean: ", mean)
    for value in acc_array:
        if value > mean + 3*std:
            #print("Value is:", value)
            value = mean
        elif value < -mean - 3*std:
            value = -mean
    return updated_acc_array
# Define the sample rate and the Low and High Cutoff frequencies

fs = 4.0 #redefine the sampling frequency

order= 6
lowcut = 0.09
highcut = 1.0

def double_integral_bandpass(time_array, acc_array, dacc_array, lowcut, highcut, fs, order):
    butter_lfilter = butter_bandpass_lfilter(dacc_array, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5)

    #First integral is the velocity:
    v_integral = integrate.cumtrapz(x=time_array, y=butter_lfilter, initial=0)
    detrend_v_integral = signal.detrend(v_integral)
    v_butter_filter_integral = butter_bandpass_lfilter(detrend_v_integral, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5)
    detrend_v_integral = signal.detrend(v_butter_filter_integral)

    #Second integral is the displacment:
    disp_integral = integrate.cumtrapz(x=time_array, y=v_butter_filter_integral, initial=0)
    detrend_disp_integral = signal.detrend(disp_integral)
    disp_butter_filter_integral = butter_bandpass_lfilter(detrend_disp_integral, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5)
    detrend_disp_butter_integral = signal.detrend(disp_butter_filter_integral)

    f1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
    ax1 = f1.add_subplot(121)
    ax2 = f1.add_subplot(122)

    f2 = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
    ax3 = f2.add_subplot(121)
    ax4 = f2.add_subplot(122)
    f3 = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
    ax5 = f3.add_subplot(121)
    ax6 = f3.add_subplot(122)

    #Acceleration graphs:
    ax1.plot(time_array, dacc_array)
    ax1.set_title('Detrended Acceleration vs. Time')
    ax1.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    ax1.set_ylabel('Acceleration [m/s^2]')
    ax1.axhline(0, color="orange", ls='--')
    ax2.plot(time_array, butter_lfilter)
    ax2.set_title('Butter Filtered Detrended Acceleration vs. Time')
    ax2.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    ax2.set_ylabel('Acceleration [m/s^2]')
    ax2.axhline(0, color="orange", ls='--')
    #Velocity graphs:
    ax3.plot(time_array, v_butter_filter_integral)
    ax3.set_title('Butter Filtered Velocity vs. Time')
    ax3.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    ax3.set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]')
    ax3.axhline(0, color="orange", ls='--')

    ax4.plot(time_array, detrend_v_integral)
    ax4.set_title('Butter Filtered Detrended Velocity vs. Time')
    ax4.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    ax4.set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]')
    ax4.axhline(0, color="orange",ls='--')

    #Displacement graphs:
    ax5.plot(time_array, disp_butter_filter_integral)
    ax5.set_title('Butter Filtered Displacement vs. Time')
    ax5.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    ax5.set_ylabel('Displacement [m]')               
    ax6.plot(time_array, detrend_disp_butter_integral)
    ax6.set_title('Detrended Butter Filtered Displacement vs. Time')
    ax6.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    ax6.set_ylabel('Displacement [m]')
    return detrend_disp_butter_integral

##For subexperiment1:
print("Starting subexperiment 1 analysis:")
#Get as close to just the signal (don't want noise)    
new_t1, new_acc1 = calculate_new_range(df_converted["TimeDelta"].values, df_converted["IMU A2"].values, 1050000.0, 1300000.0)    
#new_t1, new_dacc1 = calculate_new_range(time_slice, dacc_array1, 0, 800)
new_acc1 = func_remove_outliers(new_acc1)
new_dacc1 = signal.detrend(new_acc1)

for i in range(0, len(new_t1)):
    t = new_t1[i] - 1050000.0
    new_t1[i] = t*.001

disp_butter_integral1 = double_integral_bandpass(new_t1, new_acc1, new_dacc1, lowcut, highcut, fs, order)


## Using butterworth filter bc it is designed to have a flat frequency response, i.e. most accurately reproducing input through output.
print("Using butterworth filter bc it is designed to have a flat frequency response, i.e. most accurately reproducing input through output.")
[-0.00220229 -0.01093901 -0.0252306  ...  0.0647823   0.09156903
Starting subexperiment 1 analysis:




[8.919706, 9.015410999999999, 9.417371999999999, 9.819332999999999, 9.800192, 9.187679999999999, 9.398231, 9.723628, 9.685346, 9.647063999999999]
[-0.58069961 -0.48498812 -0.08302062  0.31894687  0.29981236 -0.31269314
 -0.10213565  0.22326785  0.18499234  0.14671683]
[0.1525, 0.3535, 0.5535, 0.7545000000000001, 0.9555, 1.1555, 1.3555, 1.5565, 1.7575, 1.9575]
Using butterworth filter bc it is designed to have a flat frequency response, i.e. most accurately reproducing input through output.
new_dacc1 = disp_butter_integral1

Peak Picking Algorithm:

#First, find peaks and valleys of the waveforms:
#(Found that this works better when the data has been detrended.)

#Need to convert to numpy array types: 
new_dacc1 = np.array(new_dacc1)
new_t1 = np.array(new_t1)

indexes0 = peakutils.indexes(new_dacc1, thres=0.02/max(new_dacc1), min_dist=100)

col_0t = new_t1 # First column data
col_0a = new_dacc1 # Second column data

#Index1 gets the peaks, while index2 gets the valleys
index_max0 = peakutils.indexes(col_0a, thres=0.66, min_dist=25)
index_min0 = peakutils.indexes(-col_0a, thres=0.66, min_dist=25)

f1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
ax1 = f1.add_subplot(111)

ax1.plot(col_0t,col_0a, lw=0.4, alpha=1.0, color='black' )
#ax1.plot(col_0t[index_max0],col_0a[index_max0], marker="o", ls="", ms=3, color="red" )
#ax1.plot(col_0t[index_min0],col_0a[index_min0], color ="orange", marker="o", ls="", ms=3 )
ax1.set_title("Vertical Displacement vs. Time")
ax1.set_xlabel("Time [s]")
ax1.set_ylabel('Displacement [m]')
#ax1.axhline(0, color="orange", ls='--')
#ax1.axhline(0.3, color="green", ls='-')
#ax1.axhline(-0.3, color="green", ls='-')
#ax1.axhline(0.6, color="red", ls='-')
#ax1.axhline(-0.6, color="red", ls='-')


#According to historic CDIP data: 
print("Expecting significant wave height between 0.5 and 0.7m")
print("Expecting wave period between 7s and 12s")
Expecting significant wave height between 0.5 and 0.7m
Expecting wave period between 7s and 12s
### Choose the tallest 1/3 of waves to observe, then take the mean of that subset: 
#Calculating significant wave height by doing analysis over entire wave (not just max peaks picked):
print("Number of datapoints: ", len(new_dacc1))

n = int(len(new_dacc1)/3)

print("Number of datapoints divided by 3: ", n)

x0 = new_dacc1
#print (x0[np.argsort(x0)[-n:]])
largest_third = (x0[np.argsort(x0)[-n:]])


print("Mean of largest third of waves: ", np.mean(largest_third))
wave_height = 2*np.mean(largest_third)

expected_SWH = 0.6
print("Expecting Significant wave height between 0.5 and 0.7m.")
print("Significant wave height calculated as: ", wave_height)
print("SWH Percentage Error: ", abs(expected_SWH-wave_height)/expected_SWH)
Number of datapoints:  1193
Number of datapoints divided by 3:  397

Mean of largest third of waves:  0.111178257707184
Expecting Significant wave height between 0.5 and 0.7m.
Significant wave height calculated as:  0.222356515414368
SWH Percentage Error:  0.62940580764272

Starting Spectral Analysis

Using Displacement Data:

from scipy import signal
f_s = 4.0

##PSD Step 2: Detrend the data 
#dacc_array = signal.detrend(new_dacc1)
dacc_array = new_dacc1

#Taking the FFT of acceleration:
fft_acc = np.fft.fft(dacc_array)
len_fft_acc = len(fft_acc)
freq_acc = np.fft.fftfreq(len_fft_acc, 1/f_s)

#Shifting the FFT of acceleration:
fft_acc_shifted = np.fft.fftshift(fft_acc)
freq_acc_shifted = np.fft.fftshift(freq_acc)

fft_acc_normal = np.abs(fft_acc_shifted/len_fft_acc)*2

#Now, multiply the accelerations by 1/w^2 to get the displacement in the frequency domain:

f = abs(freq_acc_shifted[np.argmax(fft_acc_normal)])

w = 2*np.pi*f
omega = 1/w**2

disp_normal = []

for a in fft_acc_normal:
    new_a = a*omega

#So now disp_normal should have the new values, 
#representing displacement in the frequency domain.


#Calculating wave statistics
peak_freq = np.abs(freq_acc_shifted[np.argmax(fft_acc_normal)])
print("Smartfin Peak Frequnecy: ", peak_freq)

CDIP_peak_freq = 1.0/9.5
print("CDIP Peak Frequnecy: ", CDIP_peak_freq)

print("Frequency Standard Error: ", abs(CDIP_peak_freq-peak_freq)/CDIP_peak_freq)

peak_period = float(1/peak_freq)
CDIP_peak_period = 9.5


print("Smartfin Peak Period: ", peak_period)
print("CDIP Peak Period: ", CDIP_peak_period)
print("Period Standard Error: ", abs(CDIP_peak_period-peak_period)/CDIP_peak_period)

#representing displacement in the frequency domain.
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(6,3), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

# Returns the Axes instance
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) 

ax.plot(freq_acc_shifted, fft_acc_normal)
ax.set_title("Displacement in the Frequency Domain")
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,1, step=.1))
Smartfin Peak Frequnecy:  0.10058675607711651
CDIP Peak Frequnecy:  0.10526315789473684
Frequency Standard Error:  0.04442581726739313

Smartfin Peak Period:  9.941666666666666
CDIP Peak Period:  9.5
Period Standard Error:  0.04649122807017542
