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Wave Direction 2

Howard (Luhao) Wang edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 5 revisions

Import all necessary python packages

# Howard Wang 05/14/19
# CSE 145: Embedded systems and design

# Main Database:

# Analyzing data from Buoy Calibration experiment to get wave direction.
# First, parse the data from the .CSV file containing ocean and wave motion data.
# This data comes from a controlled experiment (CE3), so we are assuming that 
# all of the vertical accelerations are contained in IMUA2.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.animation as animation

#from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from scipy import stats
from scipy import constants
from scipy import signal #added
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
import pylab as pylab

import math
import abc
import sys
import csv
import io
import os
import datetime
import pytz
import re

import peakutils
import statsmodels.api as sm

import requests

import mpld3
import folium
# import cmocean
import skinematics as skin
from skinematics import quat, vector, misc, rotmat, imus, view
import pygame

from plotly import tools 
import plotly.offline
import plotly.graph_objs as go

%matplotlib notebook
%matplotlib inline


Use recent buoy-float ride (16083)

ride_ids = ['16083'] 
# This is the recent (May 15th buoy float session ID)
# A smartfin was placed next to a real buoy and data was collected
# Now data must be scrutinized against buoy float data

Scrape motion and ocean csv data from smartfin database

#%% Fin ID scraper
# Input fin ID, get all ride IDs
# base URL to which we'll append given fin IDs
fin_url_base = ''

# Look for the following text in the HTML contents in fcn below
str_id_ride = 'rideId = \'' # backslash allows us to look for single quote
str_id_date = 'var date = \'' # backslash allows us to look for single quote

#%% Ride ID scraper
# Input ride ID, get ocean and motion CSVs
# Base URL to which we'll append given ride IDs
ride_url_base = ''

# Look for the following text in the HTML contents in fcn below
str_id_csv = 'img id="temperatureChart" class="chart" src="' 

def get_csv_from_ride_id(rid):
    # Build URL for each individual ride
    ride_url = ride_url_base+str(rid)
    # Get contents of ride_url
    html_contents = requests.get(ride_url).text
    # Find CSV identifier 
    loc_csv_id = html_contents.find(str_id_csv)
    # Different based on whether user logged in with FB or Google
    offset_googleOAuth = [46, 114]
    offset_facebkOAuth = [46, 112]
    if html_contents[loc_csv_id+59] == 'f': # Facebook login
        off0 = offset_facebkOAuth[0]
        off1 = offset_facebkOAuth[1]
    else: # Google login
        off0 = offset_googleOAuth[0]
        off1 = offset_googleOAuth[1]
    csv_id_longstr = html_contents[loc_csv_id+off0:loc_csv_id+off1]
    # Stitch together full URL for CSV
    if ("media" in csv_id_longstr) & ("Calibration" not in html_contents): # other junk URLs can exist and break everything
        ocean_csv_url = ''+csv_id_longstr+'Ocean.CSV'
        motion_csv_url = ''+csv_id_longstr+'Motion.CSV'
        # Go to ocean_csv_url and grab contents (theoretically, a CSV)
        oceanCSV = requests.get(ocean_csv_url).content
        ocean_df_small = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(oceanCSV.decode('utf-8')))

        # Grab CSV from motion url
        motionCSV = requests.get(motion_csv_url).content
        motion_df_small = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(motionCSV.decode('utf-8')))
        return ocean_df_small, motion_df_small

        ocean_df_small_resample = pd.DataFrame() # empty DF just so something is returned
        motion_df_small_resample = pd.DataFrame() 
        return ocean_df_small_resample, motion_df_small_resample


Print out both dataframes

appended_ocean_list = [] # list of DataFrames from original CSVs
appended_motion_list = []
appended_multiIndex = [] # fin_id & ride_id used to identify each DataFrame

## Nested loops (for each fin ID, find all ride IDs, then build a DataFrame from all ride CSVs)
## (Here, ride IDS are either ocean or motion dataframes)
count_good_fins = 0
# Loop over ride_ids and find CSVs
for rid in ride_ids:
        new_ocean_df, new_motion_df = get_csv_from_ride_id(rid) # get given ride's CSV from its ride ID using function above
        if not new_ocean_df.empty: # Calibration rides, for example
            # Append only if DF isn't empty. There may be a better way to control empty DFs which are created above
            appended_multiIndex.append(str(rid)) # build list to be multiIndex of future DataFrame
            print("Ride data has been uploaded.")
            #print("Ride: ", rid, "data has been uploaded.")
            count_good_fins += 1
        print("Ride threw an exception!")
        #print("Ride ", rid, "threw an exception!")    

#%% Build the "Master" DataFrame

# appended_ocean_df.summary()
df_keys = tuple(appended_multiIndex) # keys gotta be a tuple, a list which data in it cannot be changed
ocean_df = pd.concat(appended_ocean_list, keys = df_keys, names=['ride_id'])
motion_df = pd.concat(appended_motion_list, keys = df_keys, names = ['ride_id'])

# Print motion and Ocean dataframes
Ride data has been uploaded.
                                         UTC       Time  IMU A1  IMU A2  \
16083   0     2019-05-15T16:11:51.2410+00:00  762168371   -59.0   505.0   
        1     2019-05-15T16:11:51.4940+00:00  762168623   -56.0   493.0   
        2     2019-05-15T16:11:51.7460+00:00  762168873   -60.0   524.0   
        3     2019-05-15T16:11:51.9990+00:00  762169125   -58.0   551.0   
        4     2019-05-15T16:11:52.2510+00:00  762169375   -57.0   519.0   
        5     2019-05-15T16:11:52.5030+00:00  762169625   -56.0   450.0   
        6     2019-05-15T16:11:52.7540+00:00  762169875   -57.0   439.0   
        7     2019-05-15T16:11:53.0070+00:00  762170126   -56.0   497.0   
        8     2019-05-15T16:11:53.2580+00:00  762170376   -59.0   506.0   
        9     2019-05-15T16:11:53.5110+00:00  762170627   -57.0   501.0   
        10    2019-05-15T16:11:53.7630+00:00  762170877   -59.0   499.0   
        11    2019-05-15T16:11:54.0140+00:00  762171127   -60.0   502.0   
        12    2019-05-15T16:11:54.2680+00:00  762171379   -59.0   446.0   
        13    2019-05-15T16:11:54.5190+00:00  762171629   -56.0   478.0   
        14    2019-05-15T16:11:54.7710+00:00  762171879   -59.0   535.0   
        15    2019-05-15T16:11:55.0240+00:00  762172130   -59.0   553.0   
        16    2019-05-15T16:11:55.2670+00:00  762172372   -60.0   520.0   
        17    2019-05-15T16:11:55.5200+00:00  762172623   -61.0   567.0   
        18    2019-05-15T16:11:55.7710+00:00  762172873   -63.0   589.0   
        19    2019-05-15T16:11:56.0250+00:00  762173125   -64.0   601.0   
        20    2019-05-15T16:11:56.2770+00:00  762173375   -62.0   510.0   
        21    2019-05-15T16:11:56.5290+00:00  762173626   -59.0   470.0   
        22    2019-05-15T16:11:56.7810+00:00  762173876   -60.0   537.0   
        23    2019-05-15T16:11:57.0330+00:00  762174127   -56.0   457.0   
        24    2019-05-15T16:11:57.2850+00:00  762174377   -56.0   421.0   
        25    2019-05-15T16:11:57.5370+00:00  762174627   -58.0   456.0   
        26    2019-05-15T16:11:57.7880+00:00  762174877   -63.0   527.0   
        27    2019-05-15T16:11:58.0410+00:00  762175128   -59.0   492.0   
        28    2019-05-15T16:11:58.2940+00:00  762175379   -57.0   480.0   
        29    2019-05-15T16:11:58.5460+00:00  762175630   -56.0   440.0   
...                                      ...        ...     ...     ...   
        6440  2019-05-15T16:35:41.0010+00:00  763589006   465.0    42.0   
        6441  2019-05-15T16:35:41.2040+00:00  763589207   495.0    48.0   
        6442  2019-05-15T16:35:41.4050+00:00  763589407   482.0    72.0   
        6443  2019-05-15T16:35:41.6070+00:00  763589608   511.0    47.0   
        6444  2019-05-15T16:35:41.8090+00:00  763589808   540.0    22.0   
        6445  2019-05-15T16:35:42.0110+00:00  763590009   546.0   -31.0   
        6446  2019-05-15T16:35:42.2120+00:00  763590209   547.0   -69.0   
        6447  2019-05-15T16:35:42.4130+00:00  763590409   486.0   -21.0   
        6448  2019-05-15T16:35:42.6160+00:00  763590610   453.0   -31.0   
        6449  2019-05-15T16:35:42.8160+00:00  763590809   445.0   -22.0   
        6450  2019-05-15T16:35:43.0170+00:00  763591009   431.0   -12.0   
        6451  2019-05-15T16:35:43.2190+00:00  763591209   440.0   -29.0   
        6452  2019-05-15T16:35:43.4200+00:00  763591409   477.0     5.0   
        6453  2019-05-15T16:35:43.6220+00:00  763591610   465.0   -35.0   
        6454  2019-05-15T16:35:43.8240+00:00  763591811   465.0   -38.0   
        6455  2019-05-15T16:35:44.0260+00:00  763592011   474.0   -77.0   
        6456  2019-05-15T16:35:44.2270+00:00  763592211   475.0   -15.0   
        6457  2019-05-15T16:35:44.4290+00:00  763592412   509.0   -13.0   
        6458  2019-05-15T16:35:44.6310+00:00  763592612   520.0    -3.0   
        6459  2019-05-15T16:35:44.8320+00:00  763592812   500.0  -308.0   
        6460  2019-05-15T16:35:45.0000+00:00  763592979     NaN     NaN   
        6461  2019-05-15T16:35:45.0340+00:00  763593013   533.0    -5.0   
        6462  2019-05-15T16:35:45.2370+00:00  763593214   544.0   -18.0   
        6463  2019-05-15T16:35:45.4290+00:00  763593405   529.0   -21.0   
        6464  2019-05-15T16:35:45.6300+00:00  763593605   542.0   -20.0   
        6465  2019-05-15T16:35:45.8310+00:00  763593805   549.0   -93.0   
        6466  2019-05-15T16:35:46.0330+00:00  763594005   521.0   -29.0   
        6467  2019-05-15T16:35:46.2350+00:00  763594206   522.0   -22.0   
        6468  2019-05-15T16:35:46.4370+00:00  763594407   499.0   -17.0   
        6469  2019-05-15T16:35:46.6390+00:00  763594608   421.0   371.0   

              IMU A3  IMU G1  IMU G2  IMU G3  IMU M1  IMU M2  IMU M3  \
16083   0       63.0     3.0    15.0    56.0    29.0  -145.0   197.0   
        1       62.0   -68.0   -14.0    65.0    12.0  -148.0   194.0   
        2       87.0   -27.0   -12.0    23.0    16.0  -150.0   188.0   
        3       97.0    66.0    22.0   -84.0    15.0  -161.0   177.0   
        4       91.0     6.0    30.0  -103.0    29.0  -139.0   187.0   
        5       82.0   -36.0    34.0   -31.0    37.0  -141.0   185.0   
        6       78.0    28.0    36.0    74.0    36.0  -148.0   192.0   
        7       63.0    27.0    25.0   107.0    28.0  -138.0   200.0   
        8       76.0  -103.0     3.0     0.0    23.0  -155.0   195.0   
        9       89.0    -1.0    26.0   -36.0    26.0  -154.0   184.0   
        10      88.0    77.0    48.0   -38.0    28.0  -144.0   184.0   
        11      77.0    -4.0    36.0   -31.0    26.0  -142.0   194.0   
        12      63.0   -59.0    11.0    32.0    37.0  -145.0   187.0   
        13      75.0   -42.0    -5.0   104.0    23.0  -155.0   181.0   
        14      87.0    29.0     2.0    90.0    18.0  -158.0   178.0   
        15      99.0    14.0    22.0   -77.0    18.0  -156.0   180.0   
        16      87.0     3.0    22.0   -32.0    17.0  -153.0   191.0   
        17      93.0     2.0    28.0   -30.0    29.0  -151.0   179.0   
        18      97.0     9.0    30.0    16.0    26.0  -150.0   186.0   
        19      81.0    52.0    35.0    13.0    26.0  -148.0   188.0   
        20      71.0    -3.0    12.0    22.0    26.0  -146.0   190.0   
        21      81.0    -6.0     0.0    46.0    19.0  -145.0   195.0   
        22      91.0    36.0    18.0    28.0    26.0  -152.0   190.0   
        23      70.0   -18.0    22.0   -22.0    18.0  -144.0   200.0   
        24      67.0   -55.0    13.0   -25.0    24.0  -150.0   194.0   
        25      72.0    -8.0     3.0    27.0    25.0  -145.0   187.0   
        26      90.0   -12.0     6.0    24.0    23.0  -147.0   175.0   
        27      81.0   -19.0    19.0   -23.0    23.0  -147.0   181.0   
        28      77.0   -33.0    22.0   -63.0    33.0  -153.0   181.0   
        29      73.0   -24.0    21.0   -57.0    33.0  -141.0   177.0   
...              ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...   
        6440   230.0    38.0    24.0   -28.0  -219.0    43.0  -133.0   
        6441   213.0    -3.0    18.0     0.0  -221.0    39.0  -123.0   
        6442   209.0   -12.0    10.0    75.0  -220.0    44.0  -120.0   
        6443   194.0   -56.0   -12.0   151.0  -225.0    49.0  -123.0   
        6444   167.0   -55.0   -26.0   163.0  -230.0    70.0  -126.0   
        6445   147.0   -34.0   -23.0    88.0  -234.0    80.0  -124.0   
        6446   137.0    49.0    25.0     3.0  -238.0    94.0  -112.0   
        6447   127.0  -106.0    -8.0   -62.0  -241.0    89.0  -123.0   
        6448   118.0  -117.0    -4.0   -61.0  -250.0    88.0  -118.0   
        6449   127.0    30.0   -15.0   -10.0  -245.0    93.0  -111.0   
        6450   127.0   -78.0   -20.0     7.0  -246.0    92.0  -110.0   
        6451   125.0    21.0   -27.0    65.0  -255.0    91.0  -105.0   
        6452   139.0   -59.0     3.0    49.0  -256.0   100.0   -96.0   
        6453   142.0  -157.0     5.0    -2.0  -250.0   112.0  -100.0   
        6454   123.0  -291.0    26.0   -31.0  -250.0   130.0  -100.0   
        6455   130.0   -31.0    10.0   -61.0  -255.0   131.0  -103.0   
        6456   142.0    11.0    23.0   -57.0  -255.0   125.0  -105.0   
        6457   136.0    25.0    17.0   -16.0  -259.0   125.0   -97.0   
        6458   137.0   -32.0     0.0    24.0  -249.0   113.0   -93.0   
        6459   156.0    39.0     4.0    26.0  -259.0   121.0   -89.0   
        6460     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        6461   122.0   -19.0    -8.0    57.0  -262.0   120.0   -92.0   
        6462   101.0   -26.0     4.0    36.0  -261.0   129.0   -93.0   
        6463   124.0     2.0    21.0    -3.0  -261.0   129.0   -93.0   
        6464   107.0    -3.0    26.0   -24.0  -267.0   125.0   -99.0   
        6465    82.0   -29.0    30.0   -44.0  -257.0   119.0   -93.0   
        6466    97.0    21.0    29.0   -38.0  -269.0   119.0   -99.0   
        6467   108.0     0.0    12.0   -22.0  -266.0   120.0  -100.0   
        6468    97.0   -17.0     0.0     5.0  -255.0   121.0   -93.0   
        6469    45.0    88.0     4.0    46.0  -272.0   112.0   -90.0   

               Latitude   Longitude  
16083   0           NaN         NaN  
        1           NaN         NaN  
        2           NaN         NaN  
        3           NaN         NaN  
        4           NaN         NaN  
        5           NaN         NaN  
        6           NaN         NaN  
        7           NaN         NaN  
        8           NaN         NaN  
        9           NaN         NaN  
        10          NaN         NaN  
        11          NaN         NaN  
        12          NaN         NaN  
        13          NaN         NaN  
        14          NaN         NaN  
        15          NaN         NaN  
        16          NaN         NaN  
        17          NaN         NaN  
        18          NaN         NaN  
        19          NaN         NaN  
        20          NaN         NaN  
        21          NaN         NaN  
        22          NaN         NaN  
        23          NaN         NaN  
        24          NaN         NaN  
        25          NaN         NaN  
        26          NaN         NaN  
        27          NaN         NaN  
        28          NaN         NaN  
        29          NaN         NaN  
...                 ...         ...  
        6440        NaN         NaN  
        6441        NaN         NaN  
        6442        NaN         NaN  
        6443        NaN         NaN  
        6444        NaN         NaN  
        6445        NaN         NaN  
        6446        NaN         NaN  
        6447        NaN         NaN  
        6448        NaN         NaN  
        6449        NaN         NaN  
        6450        NaN         NaN  
        6451        NaN         NaN  
        6452        NaN         NaN  
        6453        NaN         NaN  
        6454        NaN         NaN  
        6455        NaN         NaN  
        6456        NaN         NaN  
        6457        NaN         NaN  
        6458        NaN         NaN  
        6459        NaN         NaN  
        6460  3286983.0 -11726667.0  
        6461        NaN         NaN  
        6462        NaN         NaN  
        6463        NaN         NaN  
        6464        NaN         NaN  
        6465        NaN         NaN  
        6466        NaN         NaN  
        6467        NaN         NaN  
        6468        NaN         NaN  
        6469        NaN         NaN  

[6470 rows x 13 columns]
                                        UTC       Time  Temperature 1  \
16083   0    2019-05-15T16:11:50.7700+00:00  762167903            303   
        1    2019-05-15T16:11:56.8280+00:00  762173923            303   
        2    2019-05-15T16:12:02.8860+00:00  762179942            303   
        3    2019-05-15T16:12:08.9450+00:00  762185962            303   
        4    2019-05-15T16:12:15.0030+00:00  762191982            303   
        5    2019-05-15T16:12:21.0620+00:00  762198002            303   
        6    2019-05-15T16:12:27.1200+00:00  762204021            303   
        7    2019-05-15T16:12:33.1780+00:00  762210041            303   
        8    2019-05-15T16:12:39.2360+00:00  762216060            303   
        9    2019-05-15T16:12:45.2950+00:00  762222080            303   
        10   2019-05-15T16:12:51.3540+00:00  762228101            303   
        11   2019-05-15T16:12:57.4130+00:00  762234121            303   
        12   2019-05-15T16:13:03.4720+00:00  762240141            303   
        13   2019-05-15T16:13:09.5310+00:00  762246162            303   
        14   2019-05-15T16:13:15.5910+00:00  762252183            303   
        15   2019-05-15T16:13:21.6500+00:00  762258203            303   
        16   2019-05-15T16:13:27.7080+00:00  762264223            303   
        17   2019-05-15T16:13:33.7660+00:00  762270242            303   
        18   2019-05-15T16:13:39.8260+00:00  762276263            303   
        19   2019-05-15T16:13:45.8830+00:00  762282282            303   
        20   2019-05-15T16:13:51.9420+00:00  762288302            303   
        21   2019-05-15T16:13:58.0010+00:00  762294322            302   
        22   2019-05-15T16:14:04.0590+00:00  762300342            302   
        23   2019-05-15T16:14:10.1170+00:00  762306361            303   
        24   2019-05-15T16:14:16.1770+00:00  762312382            303   
        25   2019-05-15T16:14:22.2350+00:00  762318402            303   
        26   2019-05-15T16:14:28.2940+00:00  762324422            303   
        27   2019-05-15T16:14:34.3530+00:00  762330442            302   
        28   2019-05-15T16:14:40.4100+00:00  762336461            303   
        29   2019-05-15T16:14:46.4680+00:00  762342480            303   
...                                     ...        ...            ...   
        208  2019-05-15T16:32:50.9970+00:00  763420087            303   
        209  2019-05-15T16:32:57.0570+00:00  763426108            303   
        210  2019-05-15T16:33:03.1170+00:00  763432129            304   
        211  2019-05-15T16:33:09.1750+00:00  763438149            304   
        212  2019-05-15T16:33:15.2340+00:00  763444169            305   
        213  2019-05-15T16:33:21.2920+00:00  763450188            306   
        214  2019-05-15T16:33:27.3500+00:00  763456208            306   
        215  2019-05-15T16:33:33.4080+00:00  763462227            306   
        216  2019-05-15T16:33:39.4680+00:00  763468248            307   
        217  2019-05-15T16:33:45.5270+00:00  763474269            307   
        218  2019-05-15T16:33:51.5860+00:00  763480289            308   
        219  2019-05-15T16:33:57.6440+00:00  763486308            308   
        220  2019-05-15T16:34:03.7020+00:00  763492328            309   
        221  2019-05-15T16:34:09.7610+00:00  763498348            309   
        222  2019-05-15T16:34:15.8210+00:00  763504369            309   
        223  2019-05-15T16:34:21.8790+00:00  763510389            310   
        224  2019-05-15T16:34:27.9380+00:00  763516409            310   
        225  2019-05-15T16:34:33.9990+00:00  763522431            310   
        226  2019-05-15T16:34:40.0570+00:00  763528451            311   
        227  2019-05-15T16:34:46.1160+00:00  763534471            311   
        228  2019-05-15T16:34:52.1740+00:00  763540490            311   
        229  2019-05-15T16:34:58.2320+00:00  763546510            311   
        230  2019-05-15T16:35:04.2910+00:00  763552530            312   
        231  2019-05-15T16:35:10.3510+00:00  763558551            312   
        232  2019-05-15T16:35:16.4100+00:00  763564571            312   
        233  2019-05-15T16:35:22.4680+00:00  763570591            312   
        234  2019-05-15T16:35:28.5270+00:00  763576611            312   
        235  2019-05-15T16:35:34.5870+00:00  763582632            312   
        236  2019-05-15T16:35:40.6450+00:00  763588652            312   
        237  2019-05-15T16:35:46.7050+00:00  763594673            313   

             Calibrated Temperature 1  Temperature 1 Stable  Temperature 2  \
16083   0                      18.938                 False           4734   
        1                      18.938                 False           4744   
        2                      18.938                 False           4743   
        3                      18.938                 False           4745   
        4                      18.938                 False           4745   
        5                      18.938                  True           4751   
        6                      18.938                  True           4747   
        7                      18.938                  True           4748   
        8                      18.938                  True           4741   
        9                      18.938                  True           4746   
        10                     18.938                  True           4748   
        11                     18.938                  True           4749   
        12                     18.938                  True           4743   
        13                     18.938                  True           4747   
        14                     18.938                  True           4750   
        15                     18.938                  True           4747   
        16                     18.938                  True           4756   
        17                     18.938                  True           4744   
        18                     18.938                  True           4744   
        19                     18.938                  True           4743   
        20                     18.938                  True           4745   
        21                     18.875                  True           4739   
        22                     18.875                  True           4743   
        23                     18.938                  True           4740   
        24                     18.938                 False           4744   
        25                     18.938                 False           4741   
        26                     18.938                  True           4746   
        27                     18.875                  True           4746   
        28                     18.938                  True           4748   
        29                     18.938                  True           4748   
...                               ...                   ...            ...   
        208                    18.938                 False           4703   
        209                    18.938                 False           4711   
        210                    19.000                 False           4714   
        211                    19.000                 False           4719   
        212                    19.062                  True           4717   
        213                    19.125                  True           4725   
        214                    19.125                  True           4731   
        215                    19.125                  True           4732   
        216                    19.188                  True           4731   
        217                    19.188                 False           4730   
        218                    19.250                 False           4736   
        219                    19.250                 False           4734   
        220                    19.312                 False           4742   
        221                    19.312                 False           4746   
        222                    19.312                 False           4746   
        223                    19.375                 False           4755   
        224                    19.375                 False           4753   
        225                    19.375                 False           4756   
        226                    19.438                 False           4773   
        227                    19.438                 False           4765   
        228                    19.438                 False           4788   
        229                    19.438                 False           4783   
        230                    19.500                 False           4780   
        231                    19.500                 False           4776   
        232                    19.500                 False           4771   
        233                    19.500                 False           4770   
        234                    19.500                 False           4766   
        235                    19.500                 False           4761   
        236                    19.500                 False           4763   
        237                    19.562                 False           4771   

             Calibrated Temperature 2  Temperature 2 Stable  salinity  \
16083   0                      18.657                 False       NaN   
        1                      18.696                 False       NaN   
        2                      18.692                 False       NaN   
        3                      18.700                 False       NaN   
        4                      18.700                 False       NaN   
        5                      18.724                 False       NaN   
        6                      18.708                  True       NaN   
        7                      18.712                  True       NaN   
        8                      18.684                  True       NaN   
        9                      18.704                  True       NaN   
        10                     18.712                  True       NaN   
        11                     18.716                  True       NaN   
        12                     18.692                  True       NaN   
        13                     18.708                  True       NaN   
        14                     18.720                  True       NaN   
        15                     18.708                  True       NaN   
        16                     18.743                  True       NaN   
        17                     18.696                  True       NaN   
        18                     18.696                  True       NaN   
        19                     18.692                  True       NaN   
        20                     18.700                  True       NaN   
        21                     18.676                  True       NaN   
        22                     18.692                  True       NaN   
        23                     18.680                  True       NaN   
        24                     18.696                 False       NaN   
        25                     18.684                 False       NaN   
        26                     18.704                  True       NaN   
        27                     18.704                  True       NaN   
        28                     18.712                  True       NaN   
        29                     18.712                  True       NaN   
...                               ...                   ...       ...   
        208                    18.535                 False       NaN   
        209                    18.567                 False       NaN   
        210                    18.578                 False       NaN   
        211                    18.598                 False       NaN   
        212                    18.590                  True       NaN   
        213                    18.622                  True       NaN   
        214                    18.645                 False       NaN   
        215                    18.649                 False       NaN   
        216                    18.645                 False       NaN   
        217                    18.641                 False       NaN   
        218                    18.665                 False       NaN   
        219                    18.657                 False       NaN   
        220                    18.688                 False       NaN   
        221                    18.704                 False       NaN   
        222                    18.704                 False       NaN   
        223                    18.739                 False       NaN   
        224                    18.731                 False       NaN   
        225                    18.743                 False       NaN   
        226                    18.810                 False       NaN   
        227                    18.778                 False       NaN   
        228                    18.869                 False       NaN   
        229                    18.849                 False       NaN   
        230                    18.837                 False       NaN   
        231                    18.822                 False       NaN   
        232                    18.802                 False       NaN   
        233                    18.798                 False       NaN   
        234                    18.782                 False       NaN   
        235                    18.763                 False       NaN   
        236                    18.771                 False       NaN   
        237                    18.802                 False       NaN   

             Calibrated Salinity  Salinity Stable  pH  Calibrated pH  \
16083   0                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        1                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        2                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        3                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        4                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        5                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        6                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        7                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        8                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        9                    NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        10                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        11                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        12                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        13                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        14                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        15                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        16                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        17                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        18                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        19                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        20                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        21                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        22                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        23                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        24                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        25                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        26                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        27                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        28                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        29                   NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
...                          ...              ...  ..            ...   
        208                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        209                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        210                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        211                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        212                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        213                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        214                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        215                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        216                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        217                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        218                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        219                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        220                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        221                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        222                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        223                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        224                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        225                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        226                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        227                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        228                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        229                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        230                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        231                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        232                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        233                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        234                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        235                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        236                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   
        237                  NaN              NaN NaN            NaN   

             pH Stable  
16083   0          NaN  
        1          NaN  
        2          NaN  
        3          NaN  
        4          NaN  
        5          NaN  
        6          NaN  
        7          NaN  
        8          NaN  
        9          NaN  
        10         NaN  
        11         NaN  
        12         NaN  
        13         NaN  
        14         NaN  
        15         NaN  
        16         NaN  
        17         NaN  
        18         NaN  
        19         NaN  
        20         NaN  
        21         NaN  
        22         NaN  
        23         NaN  
        24         NaN  
        25         NaN  
        26         NaN  
        27         NaN  
        28         NaN  
        29         NaN  
...                ...  
        208        NaN  
        209        NaN  
        210        NaN  
        211        NaN  
        212        NaN  
        213        NaN  
        214        NaN  
        215        NaN  
        216        NaN  
        217        NaN  
        218        NaN  
        219        NaN  
        220        NaN  
        221        NaN  
        222        NaN  
        223        NaN  
        224        NaN  
        225        NaN  
        226        NaN  
        227        NaN  
        228        NaN  
        229        NaN  
        230        NaN  
        231        NaN  
        232        NaN  
        233        NaN  
        234        NaN  
        235        NaN  
        236        NaN  
        237        NaN  

[238 rows x 14 columns]

Make copy of motion data


saved_copy_motion_df = motion_df.copy(deep=True) #make a copy of the dataframe with raw data


#Drop the "nan" values from the columns that we care about. 
dropped_motion_df = motion_df.dropna(subset=['Time', 'IMU A1', 'IMU A2', 'IMU A3', 'IMU G1', 'IMU G2', 'IMU G3', 'IMU M1', 
                                            'IMU M2', 'IMU M3'])
                                         UTC       Time  IMU A1  IMU A2  \
16083   0     2019-05-15T16:11:51.2410+00:00  762168371   -59.0   505.0   
        1     2019-05-15T16:11:51.4940+00:00  762168623   -56.0   493.0   
        2     2019-05-15T16:11:51.7460+00:00  762168873   -60.0   524.0   
        3     2019-05-15T16:11:51.9990+00:00  762169125   -58.0   551.0   
        4     2019-05-15T16:11:52.2510+00:00  762169375   -57.0   519.0   
        5     2019-05-15T16:11:52.5030+00:00  762169625   -56.0   450.0   
        6     2019-05-15T16:11:52.7540+00:00  762169875   -57.0   439.0   
        7     2019-05-15T16:11:53.0070+00:00  762170126   -56.0   497.0   
        8     2019-05-15T16:11:53.2580+00:00  762170376   -59.0   506.0   
        9     2019-05-15T16:11:53.5110+00:00  762170627   -57.0   501.0   
        10    2019-05-15T16:11:53.7630+00:00  762170877   -59.0   499.0   
        11    2019-05-15T16:11:54.0140+00:00  762171127   -60.0   502.0   
        12    2019-05-15T16:11:54.2680+00:00  762171379   -59.0   446.0   
        13    2019-05-15T16:11:54.5190+00:00  762171629   -56.0   478.0   
        14    2019-05-15T16:11:54.7710+00:00  762171879   -59.0   535.0   
        15    2019-05-15T16:11:55.0240+00:00  762172130   -59.0   553.0   
        16    2019-05-15T16:11:55.2670+00:00  762172372   -60.0   520.0   
        17    2019-05-15T16:11:55.5200+00:00  762172623   -61.0   567.0   
        18    2019-05-15T16:11:55.7710+00:00  762172873   -63.0   589.0   
        19    2019-05-15T16:11:56.0250+00:00  762173125   -64.0   601.0   
        20    2019-05-15T16:11:56.2770+00:00  762173375   -62.0   510.0   
        21    2019-05-15T16:11:56.5290+00:00  762173626   -59.0   470.0   
        22    2019-05-15T16:11:56.7810+00:00  762173876   -60.0   537.0   
        23    2019-05-15T16:11:57.0330+00:00  762174127   -56.0   457.0   
        24    2019-05-15T16:11:57.2850+00:00  762174377   -56.0   421.0   
        25    2019-05-15T16:11:57.5370+00:00  762174627   -58.0   456.0   
        26    2019-05-15T16:11:57.7880+00:00  762174877   -63.0   527.0   
        27    2019-05-15T16:11:58.0410+00:00  762175128   -59.0   492.0   
        28    2019-05-15T16:11:58.2940+00:00  762175379   -57.0   480.0   
        29    2019-05-15T16:11:58.5460+00:00  762175630   -56.0   440.0   
...                                      ...        ...     ...     ...   
        6440  2019-05-15T16:35:41.0010+00:00  763589006   465.0    42.0   
        6441  2019-05-15T16:35:41.2040+00:00  763589207   495.0    48.0   
        6442  2019-05-15T16:35:41.4050+00:00  763589407   482.0    72.0   
        6443  2019-05-15T16:35:41.6070+00:00  763589608   511.0    47.0   
        6444  2019-05-15T16:35:41.8090+00:00  763589808   540.0    22.0   
        6445  2019-05-15T16:35:42.0110+00:00  763590009   546.0   -31.0   
        6446  2019-05-15T16:35:42.2120+00:00  763590209   547.0   -69.0   
        6447  2019-05-15T16:35:42.4130+00:00  763590409   486.0   -21.0   
        6448  2019-05-15T16:35:42.6160+00:00  763590610   453.0   -31.0   
        6449  2019-05-15T16:35:42.8160+00:00  763590809   445.0   -22.0   
        6450  2019-05-15T16:35:43.0170+00:00  763591009   431.0   -12.0   
        6451  2019-05-15T16:35:43.2190+00:00  763591209   440.0   -29.0   
        6452  2019-05-15T16:35:43.4200+00:00  763591409   477.0     5.0   
        6453  2019-05-15T16:35:43.6220+00:00  763591610   465.0   -35.0   
        6454  2019-05-15T16:35:43.8240+00:00  763591811   465.0   -38.0   
        6455  2019-05-15T16:35:44.0260+00:00  763592011   474.0   -77.0   
        6456  2019-05-15T16:35:44.2270+00:00  763592211   475.0   -15.0   
        6457  2019-05-15T16:35:44.4290+00:00  763592412   509.0   -13.0   
        6458  2019-05-15T16:35:44.6310+00:00  763592612   520.0    -3.0   
        6459  2019-05-15T16:35:44.8320+00:00  763592812   500.0  -308.0   
        6460  2019-05-15T16:35:45.0000+00:00  763592979     NaN     NaN   
        6461  2019-05-15T16:35:45.0340+00:00  763593013   533.0    -5.0   
        6462  2019-05-15T16:35:45.2370+00:00  763593214   544.0   -18.0   
        6463  2019-05-15T16:35:45.4290+00:00  763593405   529.0   -21.0   
        6464  2019-05-15T16:35:45.6300+00:00  763593605   542.0   -20.0   
        6465  2019-05-15T16:35:45.8310+00:00  763593805   549.0   -93.0   
        6466  2019-05-15T16:35:46.0330+00:00  763594005   521.0   -29.0   
        6467  2019-05-15T16:35:46.2350+00:00  763594206   522.0   -22.0   
        6468  2019-05-15T16:35:46.4370+00:00  763594407   499.0   -17.0   
        6469  2019-05-15T16:35:46.6390+00:00  763594608   421.0   371.0   

              IMU A3  IMU G1  IMU G2  IMU G3  IMU M1  IMU M2  IMU M3  \
16083   0       63.0     3.0    15.0    56.0    29.0  -145.0   197.0   
        1       62.0   -68.0   -14.0    65.0    12.0  -148.0   194.0   
        2       87.0   -27.0   -12.0    23.0    16.0  -150.0   188.0   
        3       97.0    66.0    22.0   -84.0    15.0  -161.0   177.0   
        4       91.0     6.0    30.0  -103.0    29.0  -139.0   187.0   
        5       82.0   -36.0    34.0   -31.0    37.0  -141.0   185.0   
        6       78.0    28.0    36.0    74.0    36.0  -148.0   192.0   
        7       63.0    27.0    25.0   107.0    28.0  -138.0   200.0   
        8       76.0  -103.0     3.0     0.0    23.0  -155.0   195.0   
        9       89.0    -1.0    26.0   -36.0    26.0  -154.0   184.0   
        10      88.0    77.0    48.0   -38.0    28.0  -144.0   184.0   
        11      77.0    -4.0    36.0   -31.0    26.0  -142.0   194.0   
        12      63.0   -59.0    11.0    32.0    37.0  -145.0   187.0   
        13      75.0   -42.0    -5.0   104.0    23.0  -155.0   181.0   
        14      87.0    29.0     2.0    90.0    18.0  -158.0   178.0   
        15      99.0    14.0    22.0   -77.0    18.0  -156.0   180.0   
        16      87.0     3.0    22.0   -32.0    17.0  -153.0   191.0   
        17      93.0     2.0    28.0   -30.0    29.0  -151.0   179.0   
        18      97.0     9.0    30.0    16.0    26.0  -150.0   186.0   
        19      81.0    52.0    35.0    13.0    26.0  -148.0   188.0   
        20      71.0    -3.0    12.0    22.0    26.0  -146.0   190.0   
        21      81.0    -6.0     0.0    46.0    19.0  -145.0   195.0   
        22      91.0    36.0    18.0    28.0    26.0  -152.0   190.0   
        23      70.0   -18.0    22.0   -22.0    18.0  -144.0   200.0   
        24      67.0   -55.0    13.0   -25.0    24.0  -150.0   194.0   
        25      72.0    -8.0     3.0    27.0    25.0  -145.0   187.0   
        26      90.0   -12.0     6.0    24.0    23.0  -147.0   175.0   
        27      81.0   -19.0    19.0   -23.0    23.0  -147.0   181.0   
        28      77.0   -33.0    22.0   -63.0    33.0  -153.0   181.0   
        29      73.0   -24.0    21.0   -57.0    33.0  -141.0   177.0   
...              ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...   
        6440   230.0    38.0    24.0   -28.0  -219.0    43.0  -133.0   
        6441   213.0    -3.0    18.0     0.0  -221.0    39.0  -123.0   
        6442   209.0   -12.0    10.0    75.0  -220.0    44.0  -120.0   
        6443   194.0   -56.0   -12.0   151.0  -225.0    49.0  -123.0   
        6444   167.0   -55.0   -26.0   163.0  -230.0    70.0  -126.0   
        6445   147.0   -34.0   -23.0    88.0  -234.0    80.0  -124.0   
        6446   137.0    49.0    25.0     3.0  -238.0    94.0  -112.0   
        6447   127.0  -106.0    -8.0   -62.0  -241.0    89.0  -123.0   
        6448   118.0  -117.0    -4.0   -61.0  -250.0    88.0  -118.0   
        6449   127.0    30.0   -15.0   -10.0  -245.0    93.0  -111.0   
        6450   127.0   -78.0   -20.0     7.0  -246.0    92.0  -110.0   
        6451   125.0    21.0   -27.0    65.0  -255.0    91.0  -105.0   
        6452   139.0   -59.0     3.0    49.0  -256.0   100.0   -96.0   
        6453   142.0  -157.0     5.0    -2.0  -250.0   112.0  -100.0   
        6454   123.0  -291.0    26.0   -31.0  -250.0   130.0  -100.0   
        6455   130.0   -31.0    10.0   -61.0  -255.0   131.0  -103.0   
        6456   142.0    11.0    23.0   -57.0  -255.0   125.0  -105.0   
        6457   136.0    25.0    17.0   -16.0  -259.0   125.0   -97.0   
        6458   137.0   -32.0     0.0    24.0  -249.0   113.0   -93.0   
        6459   156.0    39.0     4.0    26.0  -259.0   121.0   -89.0   
        6460     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN   
        6461   122.0   -19.0    -8.0    57.0  -262.0   120.0   -92.0   
        6462   101.0   -26.0     4.0    36.0  -261.0   129.0   -93.0   
        6463   124.0     2.0    21.0    -3.0  -261.0   129.0   -93.0   
        6464   107.0    -3.0    26.0   -24.0  -267.0   125.0   -99.0   
        6465    82.0   -29.0    30.0   -44.0  -257.0   119.0   -93.0   
        6466    97.0    21.0    29.0   -38.0  -269.0   119.0   -99.0   
        6467   108.0     0.0    12.0   -22.0  -266.0   120.0  -100.0   
        6468    97.0   -17.0     0.0     5.0  -255.0   121.0   -93.0   
        6469    45.0    88.0     4.0    46.0  -272.0   112.0   -90.0   

               Latitude   Longitude  
16083   0           NaN         NaN  
        1           NaN         NaN  
        2           NaN         NaN  
        3           NaN         NaN  
        4           NaN         NaN  
        5           NaN         NaN  
        6           NaN         NaN  
        7           NaN         NaN  
        8           NaN         NaN  
        9           NaN         NaN  
        10          NaN         NaN  
        11          NaN         NaN  
        12          NaN         NaN  
        13          NaN         NaN  
        14          NaN         NaN  
        15          NaN         NaN  
        16          NaN         NaN  
        17          NaN         NaN  
        18          NaN         NaN  
        19          NaN         NaN  
        20          NaN         NaN  
        21          NaN         NaN  
        22          NaN         NaN  
        23          NaN         NaN  
        24          NaN         NaN  
        25          NaN         NaN  
        26          NaN         NaN  
        27          NaN         NaN  
        28          NaN         NaN  
        29          NaN         NaN  
...                 ...         ...  
        6440        NaN         NaN  
        6441        NaN         NaN  
        6442        NaN         NaN  
        6443        NaN         NaN  
        6444        NaN         NaN  
        6445        NaN         NaN  
        6446        NaN         NaN  
        6447        NaN         NaN  
        6448        NaN         NaN  
        6449        NaN         NaN  
        6450        NaN         NaN  
        6451        NaN         NaN  
        6452        NaN         NaN  
        6453        NaN         NaN  
        6454        NaN         NaN  
        6455        NaN         NaN  
        6456        NaN         NaN  
        6457        NaN         NaN  
        6458        NaN         NaN  
        6459        NaN         NaN  
        6460  3286983.0 -11726667.0  
        6461        NaN         NaN  
        6462        NaN         NaN  
        6463        NaN         NaN  
        6464        NaN         NaN  
        6465        NaN         NaN  
        6466        NaN         NaN  
        6467        NaN         NaN  
        6468        NaN         NaN  
        6469        NaN         NaN  

[6470 rows x 13 columns]
                                         UTC       Time  IMU A1  IMU A2  \
16083   0     2019-05-15T16:11:51.2410+00:00  762168371   -59.0   505.0   
        1     2019-05-15T16:11:51.4940+00:00  762168623   -56.0   493.0   
        2     2019-05-15T16:11:51.7460+00:00  762168873   -60.0   524.0   
        3     2019-05-15T16:11:51.9990+00:00  762169125   -58.0   551.0   
        4     2019-05-15T16:11:52.2510+00:00  762169375   -57.0   519.0   
        5     2019-05-15T16:11:52.5030+00:00  762169625   -56.0   450.0   
        6     2019-05-15T16:11:52.7540+00:00  762169875   -57.0   439.0   
        7     2019-05-15T16:11:53.0070+00:00  762170126   -56.0   497.0   
        8     2019-05-15T16:11:53.2580+00:00  762170376   -59.0   506.0   
        9     2019-05-15T16:11:53.5110+00:00  762170627   -57.0   501.0   
        10    2019-05-15T16:11:53.7630+00:00  762170877   -59.0   499.0   
        11    2019-05-15T16:11:54.0140+00:00  762171127   -60.0   502.0   
        12    2019-05-15T16:11:54.2680+00:00  762171379   -59.0   446.0   
        13    2019-05-15T16:11:54.5190+00:00  762171629   -56.0   478.0   
        14    2019-05-15T16:11:54.7710+00:00  762171879   -59.0   535.0   
        15    2019-05-15T16:11:55.0240+00:00  762172130   -59.0   553.0   
        16    2019-05-15T16:11:55.2670+00:00  762172372   -60.0   520.0   
        17    2019-05-15T16:11:55.5200+00:00  762172623   -61.0   567.0   
        18    2019-05-15T16:11:55.7710+00:00  762172873   -63.0   589.0   
        19    2019-05-15T16:11:56.0250+00:00  762173125   -64.0   601.0   
        20    2019-05-15T16:11:56.2770+00:00  762173375   -62.0   510.0   
        21    2019-05-15T16:11:56.5290+00:00  762173626   -59.0   470.0   
        22    2019-05-15T16:11:56.7810+00:00  762173876   -60.0   537.0   
        23    2019-05-15T16:11:57.0330+00:00  762174127   -56.0   457.0   
        24    2019-05-15T16:11:57.2850+00:00  762174377   -56.0   421.0   
        25    2019-05-15T16:11:57.5370+00:00  762174627   -58.0   456.0   
        26    2019-05-15T16:11:57.7880+00:00  762174877   -63.0   527.0   
        27    2019-05-15T16:11:58.0410+00:00  762175128   -59.0   492.0   
        28    2019-05-15T16:11:58.2940+00:00  762175379   -57.0   480.0   
        29    2019-05-15T16:11:58.5460+00:00  762175630   -56.0   440.0   
...                                      ...        ...     ...     ...   
        6439  2019-05-15T16:35:40.8000+00:00  763588806   449.0    31.0   
        6440  2019-05-15T16:35:41.0010+00:00  763589006   465.0    42.0   
        6441  2019-05-15T16:35:41.2040+00:00  763589207   495.0    48.0   
        6442  2019-05-15T16:35:41.4050+00:00  763589407   482.0    72.0   
        6443  2019-05-15T16:35:41.6070+00:00  763589608   511.0    47.0   
        6444  2019-05-15T16:35:41.8090+00:00  763589808   540.0    22.0   
        6445  2019-05-15T16:35:42.0110+00:00  763590009   546.0   -31.0   
        6446  2019-05-15T16:35:42.2120+00:00  763590209   547.0   -69.0   
        6447  2019-05-15T16:35:42.4130+00:00  763590409   486.0   -21.0   
        6448  2019-05-15T16:35:42.6160+00:00  763590610   453.0   -31.0   
        6449  2019-05-15T16:35:42.8160+00:00  763590809   445.0   -22.0   
        6450  2019-05-15T16:35:43.0170+00:00  763591009   431.0   -12.0   
        6451  2019-05-15T16:35:43.2190+00:00  763591209   440.0   -29.0   
        6452  2019-05-15T16:35:43.4200+00:00  763591409   477.0     5.0   
        6453  2019-05-15T16:35:43.6220+00:00  763591610   465.0   -35.0   
        6454  2019-05-15T16:35:43.8240+00:00  763591811   465.0   -38.0   
        6455  2019-05-15T16:35:44.0260+00:00  763592011   474.0   -77.0   
        6456  2019-05-15T16:35:44.2270+00:00  763592211   475.0   -15.0   
        6457  2019-05-15T16:35:44.4290+00:00  763592412   509.0   -13.0   
        6458  2019-05-15T16:35:44.6310+00:00  763592612   520.0    -3.0   
        6459  2019-05-15T16:35:44.8320+00:00  763592812   500.0  -308.0   
        6461  2019-05-15T16:35:45.0340+00:00  763593013   533.0    -5.0   
        6462  2019-05-15T16:35:45.2370+00:00  763593214   544.0   -18.0   
        6463  2019-05-15T16:35:45.4290+00:00  763593405   529.0   -21.0   
        6464  2019-05-15T16:35:45.6300+00:00  763593605   542.0   -20.0   
        6465  2019-05-15T16:35:45.8310+00:00  763593805   549.0   -93.0   
        6466  2019-05-15T16:35:46.0330+00:00  763594005   521.0   -29.0   
        6467  2019-05-15T16:35:46.2350+00:00  763594206   522.0   -22.0   
        6468  2019-05-15T16:35:46.4370+00:00  763594407   499.0   -17.0   
        6469  2019-05-15T16:35:46.6390+00:00  763594608   421.0   371.0   

              IMU A3  IMU G1  IMU G2  IMU G3  IMU M1  IMU M2  IMU M3  \
16083   0       63.0     3.0    15.0    56.0    29.0  -145.0   197.0   
        1       62.0   -68.0   -14.0    65.0    12.0  -148.0   194.0   
        2       87.0   -27.0   -12.0    23.0    16.0  -150.0   188.0   
        3       97.0    66.0    22.0   -84.0    15.0  -161.0   177.0   
        4       91.0     6.0    30.0  -103.0    29.0  -139.0   187.0   
        5       82.0   -36.0    34.0   -31.0    37.0  -141.0   185.0   
        6       78.0    28.0    36.0    74.0    36.0  -148.0   192.0   
        7       63.0    27.0    25.0   107.0    28.0  -138.0   200.0   
        8       76.0  -103.0     3.0     0.0    23.0  -155.0   195.0   
        9       89.0    -1.0    26.0   -36.0    26.0  -154.0   184.0   
        10      88.0    77.0    48.0   -38.0    28.0  -144.0   184.0   
        11      77.0    -4.0    36.0   -31.0    26.0  -142.0   194.0   
        12      63.0   -59.0    11.0    32.0    37.0  -145.0   187.0   
        13      75.0   -42.0    -5.0   104.0    23.0  -155.0   181.0   
        14      87.0    29.0     2.0    90.0    18.0  -158.0   178.0   
        15      99.0    14.0    22.0   -77.0    18.0  -156.0   180.0   
        16      87.0     3.0    22.0   -32.0    17.0  -153.0   191.0   
        17      93.0     2.0    28.0   -30.0    29.0  -151.0   179.0   
        18      97.0     9.0    30.0    16.0    26.0  -150.0   186.0   
        19      81.0    52.0    35.0    13.0    26.0  -148.0   188.0   
        20      71.0    -3.0    12.0    22.0    26.0  -146.0   190.0   
        21      81.0    -6.0     0.0    46.0    19.0  -145.0   195.0   
        22      91.0    36.0    18.0    28.0    26.0  -152.0   190.0   
        23      70.0   -18.0    22.0   -22.0    18.0  -144.0   200.0   
        24      67.0   -55.0    13.0   -25.0    24.0  -150.0   194.0   
        25      72.0    -8.0     3.0    27.0    25.0  -145.0   187.0   
        26      90.0   -12.0     6.0    24.0    23.0  -147.0   175.0   
        27      81.0   -19.0    19.0   -23.0    23.0  -147.0   181.0   
        28      77.0   -33.0    22.0   -63.0    33.0  -153.0   181.0   
        29      73.0   -24.0    21.0   -57.0    33.0  -141.0   177.0   
...              ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...   
        6439   226.0    52.0    24.0   -26.0  -225.0    51.0  -131.0   
        6440   230.0    38.0    24.0   -28.0  -219.0    43.0  -133.0   
        6441   213.0    -3.0    18.0     0.0  -221.0    39.0  -123.0   
        6442   209.0   -12.0    10.0    75.0  -220.0    44.0  -120.0   
        6443   194.0   -56.0   -12.0   151.0  -225.0    49.0  -123.0   
        6444   167.0   -55.0   -26.0   163.0  -230.0    70.0  -126.0   
        6445   147.0   -34.0   -23.0    88.0  -234.0    80.0  -124.0   
        6446   137.0    49.0    25.0     3.0  -238.0    94.0  -112.0   
        6447   127.0  -106.0    -8.0   -62.0  -241.0    89.0  -123.0   
        6448   118.0  -117.0    -4.0   -61.0  -250.0    88.0  -118.0   
        6449   127.0    30.0   -15.0   -10.0  -245.0    93.0  -111.0   
        6450   127.0   -78.0   -20.0     7.0  -246.0    92.0  -110.0   
        6451   125.0    21.0   -27.0    65.0  -255.0    91.0  -105.0   
        6452   139.0   -59.0     3.0    49.0  -256.0   100.0   -96.0   
        6453   142.0  -157.0     5.0    -2.0  -250.0   112.0  -100.0   
        6454   123.0  -291.0    26.0   -31.0  -250.0   130.0  -100.0   
        6455   130.0   -31.0    10.0   -61.0  -255.0   131.0  -103.0   
        6456   142.0    11.0    23.0   -57.0  -255.0   125.0  -105.0   
        6457   136.0    25.0    17.0   -16.0  -259.0   125.0   -97.0   
        6458   137.0   -32.0     0.0    24.0  -249.0   113.0   -93.0   
        6459   156.0    39.0     4.0    26.0  -259.0   121.0   -89.0   
        6461   122.0   -19.0    -8.0    57.0  -262.0   120.0   -92.0   
        6462   101.0   -26.0     4.0    36.0  -261.0   129.0   -93.0   
        6463   124.0     2.0    21.0    -3.0  -261.0   129.0   -93.0   
        6464   107.0    -3.0    26.0   -24.0  -267.0   125.0   -99.0   
        6465    82.0   -29.0    30.0   -44.0  -257.0   119.0   -93.0   
        6466    97.0    21.0    29.0   -38.0  -269.0   119.0   -99.0   
        6467   108.0     0.0    12.0   -22.0  -266.0   120.0  -100.0   
        6468    97.0   -17.0     0.0     5.0  -255.0   121.0   -93.0   
        6469    45.0    88.0     4.0    46.0  -272.0   112.0   -90.0   

              Latitude  Longitude  
16083   0          NaN        NaN  
        1          NaN        NaN  
        2          NaN        NaN  
        3          NaN        NaN  
        4          NaN        NaN  
        5          NaN        NaN  
        6          NaN        NaN  
        7          NaN        NaN  
        8          NaN        NaN  
        9          NaN        NaN  
        10         NaN        NaN  
        11         NaN        NaN  
        12         NaN        NaN  
        13         NaN        NaN  
        14         NaN        NaN  
        15         NaN        NaN  
        16         NaN        NaN  
        17         NaN        NaN  
        18         NaN        NaN  
        19         NaN        NaN  
        20         NaN        NaN  
        21         NaN        NaN  
        22         NaN        NaN  
        23         NaN        NaN  
        24         NaN        NaN  
        25         NaN        NaN  
        26         NaN        NaN  
        27         NaN        NaN  
        28         NaN        NaN  
        29         NaN        NaN  
...                ...        ...  
        6439       NaN        NaN  
        6440       NaN        NaN  
        6441       NaN        NaN  
        6442       NaN        NaN  
        6443       NaN        NaN  
        6444       NaN        NaN  
        6445       NaN        NaN  
        6446       NaN        NaN  
        6447       NaN        NaN  
        6448       NaN        NaN  
        6449       NaN        NaN  
        6450       NaN        NaN  
        6451       NaN        NaN  
        6452       NaN        NaN  
        6453       NaN        NaN  
        6454       NaN        NaN  
        6455       NaN        NaN  
        6456       NaN        NaN  
        6457       NaN        NaN  
        6458       NaN        NaN  
        6459       NaN        NaN  
        6461       NaN        NaN  
        6462       NaN        NaN  
        6463       NaN        NaN  
        6464       NaN        NaN  
        6465       NaN        NaN  
        6466       NaN        NaN  
        6467       NaN        NaN  
        6468       NaN        NaN  
        6469       NaN        NaN  

[6203 rows x 13 columns]

Calculate time offsets, and normalize columns

# To store time elapsed between each measurement, and time offset from 0s
time_e_list = []
time_o_list = []

#Remove all nan instances in time:
time_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"Time"], dtype=float)
time_array = []
imuA1_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU A1"], dtype=float)
imu_array_A1 = []
imuA2_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU A2"], dtype=float)
imu_array_A2 = []
imuA3_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU A3"], dtype=float)
imu_array_A3 = []
imuG1_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU G1"], dtype=float)
imu_array_G1 = []
imuG2_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU G2"], dtype=float)
imu_array_G2 = []
imuG3_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU G3"], dtype=float)
imu_array_G3 = []
imuM1_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU M1"], dtype=float)
imu_array_M1 = []
imuM2_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU M2"], dtype=float)
imu_array_M2 = []
imuM3_array_nans = np.array(dropped_motion_df.loc[:,"IMU M3"], dtype=float)
imu_array_M3 = []

#Get all the times and imus where time, imu a1, imu a2, and imu a3 are NOT nan values:
for t,x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f in zip(time_array_nans, imuA1_array_nans, imuA2_array_nans, imuA3_array_nans, imuG1_array_nans, 
                              imuG2_array_nans, imuG3_array_nans, imuM1_array_nans, imuM2_array_nans, imuM3_array_nans):
    if (np.isnan(t)==0 and np.isnan(x)==0 and np.isnan(y)==0 and np.isnan(z)==0):

#for x in time_array:
#    print(x)
start_time = time_array[0]
time_len = len(time_array)
i = 0
while (i < time_len - 1):
    prev = time_array[i]
    after = time_array[i+1]
    offset = after - prev
    #if (np.isnan(offset)==0):
    elapsed = time_array[i] - start_time
    #if (np.isnan(elapsed)==0):
    i = i + 1

##Check to make sure there are no "nan" values:
i = 0
while (i < len(time_o_list)):
    if (np.isnan(time_o_list[i])):
        print("Error! Value at index: ", i, " is nan")
    i = i + 1

#Drop the last value from each of the imu lists to make it match the time list.
CheckLength = len(time_e_list) + len(time_o_list) + len(imu_array_A1) + len(imu_array_A2) + len(imu_array_A3) + len(imu_array_G1) + len(imu_array_G2) + len(imu_array_G3) + len(imu_array_M1)+ len(imu_array_M2) + len(imu_array_M3)

if CheckLength//11 == len(time_e_list):
    print("All columns are matching!")
All columns are matching!

Convert raw units to actual units (acc to [m/s^2]) and (time to [s])

#Raw acceleration constant 512 = 1g (accelerometer's measured force due to gravity)
g_const = 512

#Approximate measurement for gravity:
gravity = 9.80665

# Correct the IMU Acceleration columns into units of meters
def convert_acc_units(acc_array):
    ret_array = []
    for a in acc_array:
        #Acceleration is now in m/s^2, need to subtract gravity from vertical axis. (??)
        new_a = a / g_const * gravity
    return ret_array

imu1_array = convert_acc_units(imu_array_A1) #new units in m/s^2
imu2_array = convert_acc_units(imu_array_A2) #new units in m/s^2
imu3_array = convert_acc_units(imu_array_A3) #new units in m/s^2

# To check:
#for x,y in zip(imu2_array, imu_array_A2):
#   print(x,y)
def convert_time_units(time_array):
    ret_array = []
    for t in time_array:
        new_t = t * (10**(-3)) #converting units in milliseconds to seconds
    return ret_array

time_o_array = convert_time_units(time_o_list) #new units in seconds
time_e_array = convert_time_units(time_e_list) #new units in seconds

# To check:
# for t in time_e_array:
#    print(t)

Calculate and plot magnitude of acceleration on X plane

print("Graph of X Acceleration vs. Time")

plt.plot(time_e_array, imu1_array)
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Acceleration-X (m/s^2)")
Graph of X Acceleration vs. Time


Center and Calibrate Magnetometer Data

# Offset variables help in recentering the magnetic data in order to define direction and use trig functions
M1_offset_var = 219.786
M2_offset_var = 180
M3_offset_var = 280

def calibrate_magn_data(magn_array, offset_value):
    ret_array = []
    for m in magn_array:
        new_m = m - offset_value
    return ret_array

imuM1_array = calibrate_magn_data(imu_array_M1, M1_offset_var)
imuM2_array = calibrate_magn_data(imu_array_M2, M2_offset_var)
imuM3_array = calibrate_magn_data(imu_array_M3, M3_offset_var)

# Check 
# print(imuM1_array)

Set up 3xN arrays for Magnetometer and Accel values

# Create N x 3 arrays for functions that need them later on, such as Scikit Kinematics
magn_height = len(imuM1_array)
acc_height = len(imu1_array)

acc_array = np.zeros(shape=(acc_height,3))
magn_array = np.zeros(shape=(magn_height,3))

print("For Accelerometer: ")
for x in range(len(acc_array)):
    acc_array[x,0] = imu1_array[x]
    acc_array[x,1] = imu2_array[x]
    acc_array[x,2] = imu3_array[x]

print("\nFor Magnetometer: ")
for x in range(len(magn_array)):
    magn_array[x,0] = imuM1_array[x]
    magn_array[x,1] = imuM2_array[x]
    magn_array[x,2] = imuM3_array[x]

For Accelerometer: 
[[-1.13006318  9.67257471  1.20667764]
 [-1.07260234  9.44273135  1.18752402]
 [-1.1492168  10.03649336  1.66636436]
 [ 9.97903252 -0.55545479  1.85790049]
 [ 9.99818613 -0.42137949  2.06859023]
 [ 9.55765303 -0.32561143  1.85790049]]

For Magnetometer: 
[[-190.786 -325.     -83.   ]
 [-207.786 -328.     -86.   ]
 [-203.786 -330.     -92.   ]
 [-488.786  -61.    -379.   ]
 [-485.786  -60.    -380.   ]
 [-474.786  -59.    -373.   ]]

Conversion from fin-frame to board-frame

Orientation from here onwards will be from the board/surfers reference frame (yaw left = turning left)

x = -IMU1, y = -IMU3, z = -IMU2

# The new array for board reference frame will have the IMUs in columns according to X,Y,Z directions
print("For Accelerometer:")
board_acc = acc_array.copy()       # Reassign to the correct axes as stated above
temp_x_acc = board_acc[:,0] * (-1)
temp_y_acc = board_acc[:,1] * (-1)
temp_z_acc = board_acc[:,2] * (-1)
board_acc[:,0] = temp_x_acc     # X acceleration
board_acc[:,1] = temp_y_acc     # Y acceleration
board_acc[:,2] = temp_z_acc     # Z acceleration

print("\nFor Magnetometer:")
board_magn = magn_array.copy()
temp_x_magn = board_magn[:,0] * (-1)
temp_y_magn = board_magn[:,1] * (-1)
temp_z_magn = board_magn[:,2] * (-1)
board_magn[:,0] = temp_x_magn
board_magn[:,1] = temp_y_magn
board_magn[:,2] = temp_z_magn
For Accelerometer:
[[  1.13006318  -9.67257471  -1.20667764]
 [  1.07260234  -9.44273135  -1.18752402]
 [  1.1492168  -10.03649336  -1.66636436]
 [ -9.97903252   0.55545479  -1.85790049]
 [ -9.99818613   0.42137949  -2.06859023]
 [ -9.55765303   0.32561143  -1.85790049]]

For Magnetometer:
[[190.786 325.     83.   ]
 [207.786 328.     86.   ]
 [203.786 330.     92.   ]
 [488.786  61.    379.   ]
 [485.786  60.    380.   ]
 [474.786  59.    373.   ]]

Azimuth and altitude calculations

# Azimuth and Altitude LEGEND:
# Altitude is the angle between the ground and the vector 
# Azimuth is the angle going clockwise from 0 deg North:
# N - 0/360deg, E - 90deg, S - 180deg, W - 270deg

# This will get complicated (ie make cases or lots of if statements) when rotations about the heading become more prevalent
def azimuth(x,y,z):
    real_y = y * (-1) # This is to account for y 
    return (180/math.pi * math.atan2(real_y,x)) % 360

def altitude(x,y,z):
    h = math.hypot(y, x)
    return 180/math.pi * math.atan2(z,h)

def printAltAzi(alt, azi):
    print ("Alt:", alt, "\n", "Azi:",azi,"\n")
# These values are uncorrected values: still need to add or subtract 'declination'
#     (for AziMuth) and 'inclination' (for Altitude) correction values for geographical location

heading_altitude = board_magn[:,0].copy()
heading_azimuth = board_magn[:,0].copy()

i = 0     #iterator
#for i in range(len(M1_no_out)):
while i < len(heading_altitude):
    factor = 0;
    # Use acceleration values to calibrate magnetometer
    if (board_acc[i, 0] >= 0):
        factor = 1
        factor = -1
    heading_altitude[i] = altitude(board_magn[i,0], board_magn[i,1], board_magn[i,2])
    heading_azimuth[i] = azimuth(board_magn[i,0], board_magn[i,1], board_magn[i,2])
    heading_azimuth[i] = heading_azimuth[i] * factor
    i += 1

#for t in range(len(time_e_array)):
    #printAltAzi(heading_altitude[t], heading_azimuth[t])

Plot polar azimuth and altitude

# Fixing random state for reproducibility
heading_alt_plot = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
alt_plot = heading_alt_plot.add_subplot(111)
alt_plot.plot(time_e_array, heading_altitude)
alt_plot.set_title("Altitude vs. Time")
alt_plot.set_xlabel("Time Elapsed [sec]")
alt_plot.set_ylabel("Altitude [deg]")


# Compute areas and colors
r = [i for i in range(0, len(board_magn))]
theta = heading_azimuth/360 * 2 * np.pi
area = 1

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
c = ax.scatter(theta, r, c='red', s=area, cmap='hsv', alpha=1)

# Compute areas and colors
alt_r = [i for i in range(0, len(board_magn))]
alt_theta = heading_altitude/360 * 2 * np.pi
alt_area = 1
alt_colors = theta

fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
c2 = ax2.scatter(alt_theta, alt_r, c='blue', s=alt_area, cmap='hsv', alpha=1)




# Plot first 10 directional changes 
magnfig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))
magnaxi = magnfig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
magnaxi.scatter(board_magn[0,0], board_magn[0,1], board_magn[0,2], c='black', s=300, marker = "<")
magnaxi.scatter(board_magn[1:,0], board_magn[1:,1], board_magn[1:,2], c='black', s=10, marker = "o")
magnaxi.plot(board_magn[:,0], board_magn[:,1], board_magn[:,2], color='green')
magnaxi.set_xlabel("X Axis ->", fontsize=30)
magnaxi.set_ylabel("Y Axis ->", fontsize=30)
magnaxi.set_zlabel("Z Axis ->", fontsize=30)


Compare Smartfin data to buoy data from station 201

# Plot Smartfin data
heading_azi_plot = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
azi_plot = heading_azi_plot.add_subplot(111)
azi_plot.plot(time_e_array, heading_azimuth)
azi_plot.set_title("Azimuth vs. Time")
azi_plot.set_xlabel("Time Elapsed[sec]")
azi_plot.set_ylabel("Azimuth [deg]")

# Get buoy data from CDIP website
# Link:




# Calculate average heading using my own graph
total_sum = 0
for i in heading_azimuth:
    total_sum += i

my_average = total_sum/len(heading_azimuth)
expected_average = 282.41

print("My calculated average heading (deg) is:")

print("\nThe expected heading (deg) is:")

# Calculate error in findings
error_percent = (my_average - expected_average) / expected_average
print("\nThe percentage error in my model is:")
My calculated average heading (deg) is:

The expected heading (deg) is:

The percentage error in my model is:

With error of just 1.61%, model is highly accurate!