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Repository with the analysis of two kidney fibrosis models in mouse

This repository contains scripts to analyze the data, produce the final figures, and helpers for submission.


  • create_data_citation.R: Write final files for data citation reference in the paper.
  • create_geo_files.R: Write final files to upload to GEO database.
  • create_multiassay_obj.R: create MultiExperiment R object to access all the data from a single point. Used as well in the Rshiny app.
  • figures.R: create final figures for the paper.
  • metrics.R: summarize sequencing metrics for the paper.
  • prepare2app.R: create all the objects needed for the Rshiny app.


  • bcbio: contains the config file used with bcbio-nectgen to analyze the data.
  • browser_app: contains the Rshiny app itself.
  • data_citation: contains the final table cited in the paper.
  • figures: contains all the figures used in the paper.
  • reports: contains the individual reports for each type of data and mouse model.
  • tables: contains the data generated by the reports.
