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Antonio Vivace edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 15 revisions

Document status: DRAFT

1. Conventions documentation

A short paragraph introducing and clarifying the conventions used in the document must be placed (and kept updated) in the top of the document.

2. Monospaced text, code snippets, code boxes

  • No ligatures

3. Pseudocode

  • Assignment: :=
  • Comparison: =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥
  • Arithmetic: +, −, ×, /, mod
  • Floor/ceiling: ⌊, ⌋, ⌈, ⌉. a := ⌊b⌋ + ⌈c⌉
  • Logical: and, or, not
  • Sums, products: Σ Π



4. Units and prefixes:

Use Binary Prefixes (Ki, Mi) for Bytes. E.g.:

1 MiB = 2^20 bytes = 1,048,576 bytes
1 KiB = 2^10 bytes = 1,024 bytes
  • Abbreviate bytes as B when used with a prefix. Spell out bits as bits, even when used with a prefix to avoid ambiguity. When used as a unit suffix, unit names are always singular, so it should be "20 kbit", not "20 kbits". (Also, "bytes" as a word is fine, just like "30 meters" is a valid way of talking about that length. But "Mbyte" and the like should go away.)
  • Hexadecimal values are uppercase and prefixed with $. E.g. $ABCD. To prevent clutter, don't use a prefix for hex numbers when it's clear from the context that a number is hexadecimal. For example addresses and lists of opcodes. In those cases, zero pad, even for smaller number. (Eg: 0000-3FFF instead of 0-3FFF.
  • Put a space between numbers and their unit (ISO).
  • Decimal numbers must be written with a decimal point instead of a comma.
  • Binary numbers must be accompanied by the "binary" word.
  • Other units (such as Hertz) may use the decimal prefixes (K = 1000, M = 1000000)



5. 8 bits / 8-bit

  • "8 bits" and "8-bit" have different usages in the English language. The former is used when talking about the quantity ("a byte has 8 bits"), while the latter is used as an adjective ("8-bit bytes are nowadays standard"). "8bit" is obviously wrong, and "8 bit" is likewise incorrect.


6. Horizontal Blanking Interval, Vertical Blanking Interval

  • VBlank, HBlank


7. Mentioning models

We use the console codenames, so:

  • DMG
  • SGB
  • MGB
  • SGB2
  • CGB
  • AGB

8. Spacing and hyphenation of some terms

  • "tile map", not "tilemap"
  • "wavelength", not "wave length" (#350 (comment))

9. Numerical ranges

Those should either be written out (1 to 42), or use an "n-dash" (can also be written as the HTML entity &ndash;).


10. Spellings

Use American English spellings and variants.