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Eldred Habert edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 2 revisions


  • Commit messages must be meaningful, not Update Please describe what you changed, how, and why.
  • Maintainers: rebase or squash PRs, please do not create merge commits. Avoid leaving formatting/typos/etc. commits in master's history. If it is desirable to squash a PR, but not into a single commit, keep in mind that most of the time, maintainers have push access to branches being PR'd ("Allow edits and access to secrets by maintainers" checkbox in the right sidebar).

Triage: the issues here are still in the RFC phase. The discussion is on-going or not enough information is available to progress. You're welcome to join the discussion, provide references and propose solutions.

To Do: stuff here is ready to be worked on. You should have all the information you have to work on a PR to implement the solution required by the issues.

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