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Framework for simple develop Wifi ESP8266 application with Arduino IDE.

API in WikiPage

This FramewWork is composed by varius Classes (C++) and can help programmer to develope complex application in tiny time. Try to semplify the creation of complex Project with a lot peripherals. Help to use scheduling Routine, event manager.

The Framework contains structural classes for:

Base Wifi Settings when u start first time the device.You find Ap with name like this ESP8266<mac_device> the password for device is <mac_device>: es. AP-SSID -> ESP82665ccf7f10b141 AP-PASSWORD -> 5ccf7f10b141

Naturally you can change AP-SSID and Password on manager page.

Base Home page OutOfBox give information of Device http://x.x.x.x

Setting page can find at http://x.x.x.x/manager

In the manager page you can:

  • Change Ap to connect like client
  • Enable NTP ad decide the server
  • Change Local Time
  • Update Firmware OTA
  • Reboot device

Basic use of WiFiTool Framework.

#include <WifiTool.h>

WiFiTool *tool;

void setup(void)
  //This Enable all funtionality of Wifi Manager, Memory Store ( Wifi,NTP,Time Zone), Remote Update.
    tool = new WiFiTool(); 

void loop(void)
  tool->HandlServerEvent(); //This is only routine you need call on loop.

How you can see on simple program, you have immediatlly, a full Wifi Manger, Event Manager and other.

Use of WiFiTool Framework, with integrated event.

#include <WifiTool.h>

WiFiTool *tool;

Routine for Show Time Clock
void Orologio(){
	This data are syncronized on Time Server with internal NTP Client ( you
	can Manage on Web Manager Page )
	int tSec_ = tool->GetLTZSeconds();
	int tMin_ = tool->GetLTZMinutes();
	int tHou_ = tool->GetLTZHours();
	char Time[32];

void setup(void) {
	char deviceIp[32];
	tool = new WiFiTool(); 
	sprintf(deviceIp,"Ip - %s",(char*)((String)(tool->GetIp())).c_str());
		All routine external are added to internal Framework Scheduler
		This routine (Orologio) are called every 1000ms (1sec) 

void loop() {

Use of WiFiTool Framework, with DTH11 driver.

  with this declaration you enable  condictional compilation to use 
  the driver DTH11 Humidity/Tempearture sensor	  
  Note: for the referiment of the other drivers avalible see source code.
  Everyone are free to add other.
#include <WifiTool.h>

WiFiTool *tool;

 Routie for Read data from Sensor DHTxx family 
void GetLocalTemp(){
  char temp[32];	  
  int data[2];
  //This routine fill pointer 'data' with temperature and humidity read from DTH11 sensor
  sprintf(temp,"Temp %dC Humid %d%",data[1],data[0]);

void setup(void) {
  char deviceIp[32];   
  tool = new WiFiTool();
   All routine external are added to internal Framework Scheduler 

void loop() {