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Tom Snee edited this page Feb 23, 2019 · 31 revisions

This page lists post-publication errata for the first published version of the book. If errata require code changes in this repo, please submit a GitHub issue. Otherwise, feel free to update this page directly. We will periodically process any issues submitted and keep this page up to date with all known errata.

Pg xviii in About this Book: URL is incorrectly listed as (note missing 'a'), should be

Pg 7: In throw new Exception, Exception should not be bolded, in the code listing at the top of the page.

Pg 10: URL in footnote is incorrectly listed as, should be

Pg 19: Parenthetical phrase in footnote is missing a closing parenthesis.

Pg 55: There is no field manager in the Employee class. The correct definition should be:

case class Employee(name: String, department: String, manager: Option[Employee])

Pg 82: Int.MaxValue is incorrectly capitalized as Int.maxValue in the exercise prompt for 6.1

Pg 86: Definition of nonNegativeLessThan at bottom of page incorrectly reuses rng variable for recursive call. Definition should be:

def nonNegativeLessThan(n: Int): Rand[Int] = { rng => 
  val (i, rng2) = nonNegativeInt(rng)
  val mod = i % n
  if (i + (n-1) - mod >= 0)
    (mod, rng2)
  else nonNegativeLessThan(n)(rng2)

Pg 74: Figure contains a typo, "strean elements" instead of "stream elements"

Pg 150: Listing 9.1 has a gratuitous nonstrict function argument in the definition of | in ParserOps. The definition should be:

case class ParserOps[A](p: Parser[A]) {
  def |[B>:A](p2: Parser[B]): Parser[B] = self.or(p,p2) 
  def or[B>:A](p2: Parser[B]): Parser[B] = self.or(p,p2)

Pg 150: Examples given for listOfN are incorrect. Should be:

run(listOfN(3, "ab" | "cad"))("ababcad") == Right(List("ab","ab","cad"))
run(listOfN(3, "ab" | "cad"))("cadabab") == Right(List("cad","ab","ab"))
run(listOfN(3, "ab" | "cad"))("ababab") == Right(List("ab","ab","ab"))

Pg 184: Exercise 10.13 incorrectly defines Leaf as a case object. It should be case class:

case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]

Pg 187: Definition of signature for map on Option has incorrect return type, should be:

def map[A,B](oa: Option[A])(f: A => B): Option[B]

Pg 214: catch block is missing a case. Was:

} catch {
  Failure("Birthdate must be in the form yyyy-MM-dd")

Should be:

} catch {
  case (e: Exception) => Failure("Birthdate must be in the form yyyy-MM-dd")

Pg 235: The lazy val t declaration in the definition of forever shadows itself on recursive invocation. It should be:

def forever[A,B](a: F[A]): F[B] = {
  lazy val t: F[B] = a flatMap (_ => t)

Pg 238: Definition of printLine has a typo, an extra Return constructor, should be:

def printLine(s: String): IO[Unit] = Suspend(() => println(s))

Pg 240: REPL session has a typo, should be:

val g = List.fill(100000)(f).foldLeft(f) {
  (a, b) => x => Suspend(() => ()).flatMap { _ => a(x).flatMap(b)}

Note: we could write a little helper function to make this nicer:

def suspend[A](a: => IO[A]) = Suspend(() => ()).flatMap { _ => a }

val g = List.fill(100000)(f).foldLeft(f) {
  (a, b) => x => suspend { a(x).flatMap(b) }

Pg 241: TrailRec should be TailRec at the top of the page.

Pg 262: List 14.3 STArray.apply has a typo, should be:

object STArray {
  def apply[S,A:Manifest](sz: Int, v: A): ST[S, STArray[S,A]] =
    ST(new STArray[S,A] {
      lazy val value = Array.fill(sz)(v)

Pg 275: Await in the definition of loop is incorrect. Should be await.

Pg 285: Code snippet has an incorrectly named type parameter, currently reads:

case class Await[A,O](
req: Is[I]#f[A], recv: Either[Throwable,A] => Process[Is[I]#f,O]
) extends Process[Is[I]#f,R] // `R` should be `O`

Should read:

case class Await[A,O](
req: Is[I]#f[A], recv: Either[Throwable,A] => Process[Is[I]#f,O]
) extends Process[Is[I]#f,O]