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Chapter 12: Applicative and traversable functors

Ruben Bartelink edited this page Aug 14, 2016 · 14 revisions


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The cost of power

There is a tradeoff between applicative APIs and monadic ones. Monadic APIs are strictly more powerful and flexible, but the cost is a certain loss of algebraic reasoning.

The difference is easy to demonstrate in theory, but takes some experience to fully appreciate in practice.

Consider composition in a monad, via compose (Kleisli composition):

val foo: A => F[B] = ???
val bar: B => F[C] = ???
val baz: A => F[C] = bar compose foo

There is no way that the implementation of the compose function in the Monad[F] instance can inspect the values foo and bar. They are functions, so the only way to "see inside" them is to give them arguments. The values of type F[B] and F[C] respectively are not determined until the composite function runs.

Contrast this with combining values with map2:

val quux: F[A] = ???
val corge: F[B] = ???
val grault: F[C] = map2(quux, corge)(f)

Here the implementation of grault can actually look at the values quux and corge, and take different paths depending on what they are. For instance, it might rewrite them to a normal form for improved efficiency. If F is something like Future, it might decide to start immediately evaluating them on different threads. If the data type F is applicative but not a monad, then the implementation has this flexibility universally. There is then never any chance that an expression in F is going to involve functions of the form A => F[B] that it can't see inside of.

The lesson here is that power and flexibility in the interface often restricts power and flexibility in the implementation. And a more restricted interface often gives the implementation more options.

See this StackOverflow question for a discussion of the issue with regard to parsers.

See also the end of the note below on "Applicative laws", for an example of the loss of algebraic reasoning that comes with making an API monadic rather than applicative.

Applicative laws

In the chapter, we decided to present the Applicative laws in terms of map2. We find that this works pretty well pedagogically. We used the following laws:

  • Left identity: map2(unit(()), fa)((_,a) => a) == fa
  • Right identity: map2(fa, unit(()))((a,_) => a) == fa
  • Associativity: product(product(fa, fb),fc) == map(product(fa, product(fb, fc)))(assoc)
  • Naturality: map2(a,b)(productF(f,g)) == product(map(a)(f), map(b)(g))

But there are other ways to state the laws for Applicative. Commonly the laws for applicative are stated in terms of apply, which is sometimes called idiomatic function application (where the "idiom" is F):

def apply[A,B](ff: F[A => B], fa: F[A]): F[B] =
  map2(ff, fa)(_(_))

The laws for apply are identity, homomorphism, interchange, and composition.

Identity law

The identity law for apply is stated as:

apply(unit(id), v) == v

That is, unit of the identity function is an identity for apply.

Homomorphism law

The homomorphism law for apply is stated as:

apply(unit(f), unit(x)) == unit(f(x))

In other words, idiomatic function application on units is the same as the unit of regular function application. In more precise words, unit is a homomorphism from A to F[A] with regard to function application.

Interchange law

The interchange law for apply is stated as:

apply(u, unit(y)) == apply(unit(_(y)), u)

This law is essentially saying that unit is not allowed to carry an effect with regard to any implementation of our applicative functor. If one argument to apply is a unit, then the other can appear in either position. In other words, it should not matter when we evaluate a unit.


The composition law for apply is stated as:

apply(u, apply(v, w)) == apply(apply(apply(unit(f => g => f compose g), u), v), w)

This is saying that applying v to w and then applying u to that is the same as applying composition to u, then v, and then applying the composite function to w. Intuitively it's saying the same as:

u(v(w)) == (u compose v)(w)

We might state this law simply as: "function composition in an applicative functor works in the obvious way."

Applicative normal form

The applicative laws taken together can be seen as saying that we can rewrite any expression involving unit or apply (and therefore by extension map2), into a normal form having one of the following shapes:

pure(x)          // for some x
map(x)(f)        // for some x and f
map2(x, y)(f)    // for some x, y, and f
map3(x, y, z)(f) // for some x, y, z, and f
// etc.

Where f, x, y, and z do not involve the Applicative primitives at all. That is, every expression in an applicative functor A can be seen as lifting some pure function f over a number of arguments in A.

Note that this reasoning is lost when the applicative happens to be a monad and the expressions involve flatMap. The applicative laws amount to saying that the arguments to map, map2, map3, etc can be reasoned about independently, and an expression like flatMap(x)(f) explicitly introduces a dependency (so that the result of f depends on x). See the note above on "The cost of power".

Applicatives in Scalaz

The Scalaz library provides an Applicative trait. In this trait, map2 et al are called lift2, lift3, and so on.

The scalaz.syntax.applicative object supplies implicit syntax for applicatives to lift a function of arbitrary arity:

(x |@| y |@| z)(f)

This is equivalent to lift3(x, y, z)(f).

Traversable functors

For further reading on traversable functors, see:

The Essence of the Iterator Pattern, by Jeremy Gibbons and Bruno Oliveira. Published in Mathematically-Structured Functional Programming, 2006.

Applicative Programming with Effects, by Conor McBride and Ross Paterson. Published in Journal of Functional Programming, 2008.

An Investigation of the Laws of Traversals, by Mauro Jaskelioff and Ondrej Rypacek, published in Mathematically-Structured Functional Programming, 2012.

Laws of traversable functors

Traverse[T[_]] has two laws. There are many ways to state them, but here is one:

  • Identity law: sequence[Id,A](xs) = xs. That is, traversing in the identity applicative (type Id[X] = X) has no effect.
  • Fusion law: sequence[({type f[x] = F[G[x]]})#f, A](xs) = map(sequence[F,G[A]](xs))(sequence[G,A]). That is, traversal in F[_] followed by traversal in G[_] can be fused into one traversal in the composite applicative F[G[_]].
Composing traversable monads

The book contains an exercise to combine two monads into a composite one when one of them has a Traverse instance. While the types always allow this, the result fails to meet the monad laws unless the traversable monad is also a commutative monad. Two examples of commutative monads are Reader and Option. Two examples of monads that are not commutative are List and State.

See the Wikipedia article on the "distributive law between monads" and a more in-depth article on n-lab.

Monad transformers

A monad transformer is a data type that composes a particular monad with any other monad, giving us a composite monad that shares the behavior of both.

There is no general way of composing monads. Therefore we have to have a specific transformer for each monad.

For example, OptionT is a monad transformer that adds the behavior of Option to any other monad. The type OptionT[M, A] behaves like the composite monad M[Option[_]]. Its flatMap method binds over both the M and the Option inside, saving us from having to do the gymanstics of binding over both.

Scalaz provides many more monad transformers, including StateT, WriterT, EitherT, and ReaderT (also known as Kleisli).
